The Best New Additions To The Arkhamverse Lore In Batman: Arkham Shadow

The Best New Additions To The Arkhamverse Lore In Batman: Arkham Shadow

Key Takeaways

  • Batman: Arkham Shadow
    introduces new characters like Leslie Thompkins and delves into Batman’s darker psychology.
  • The game reveals insights into Batman’s disguises like Matches Malone, Oracle’s origins, and Two-Face’s tragic backstory.
  • Arkham Shadow
    features a compelling narrative with the introduction of the Rat King as the main villain, leading to surprising twists.

As a seasoned Batman fan with decades of comics, movies, and games under my belt, I must say that the latest addition to the Arkham series, “Batman: Arkham Shadow,” has truly outdone itself in terms of storytelling and character development. The way it weaves together familiar faces and unexpected twists is nothing short of masterful.

The new addition to the Arkhamverse, titled “Batman: Arkham Shadow“, is now available on Meta Quest 3, delivering fans an engrossing Batman adventure filled with thrilling superhero action and stealth, similar to other popular Arkham games. This game also offers a gripping narrative with unexpected turns, along with fresh lore that continues to expand the ever-growing universe.

A significant aspect of what sets the Arkhamverse apart is its unique portrayal of the Batman universe. The games consistently introduce fresh concepts, figures, and occurrences, expanding the world to create one of the most detailed DC universes in gaming to date, and Batman: Arkham Knight maintains this trend.

Major story spoilers ahead for Batman: Arkham Shadow

9 Leslie Thompkins Joins The Arkhamverse

Leslie Is Bruce’s Surrogate Mother

  • Leslie Thompkins first appeared in Detective Comics #457
  • A good friend of the Waynes.

Among a select few who are privy to Batman’s secret identity, Leslie Thompkins, a close friend of the Wayne family, is one such individual. Following the tragic murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, Leslie played a significant role in Bruce’s upbringing, much like Alfred Pennyworth did. The game Batman: Arkham Shadow offers a glimpse into their history by disclosing that she was the first person to find a grief-stricken Bruce kneeling over his slain parents.

In Arkham Shadow, Leslie Thompkins is frequently seen, appearing in both the current storyline and flashbacks. Leslie is working alongside Batman to discover the Rat King’s true identity. However, every night when Batman rests, he experiences memories of his childhood with Leslie Thompkins and his best friend Harvey Dent. These recollections depict a familial bond that makes later events all the more poignant and emotional.

8 Matches Malone

Batman Is A Master Of Disguise

  • Batman has always been heavily inspired by Sherlock Holmes.
  • Batman’s Matches Malone disguise originated in Batman #242

The enigma surrounding the Rat King’s true identity has compelled Batman to go beyond the role of a vigilante, who merely beats confessions out of crooks. To advance his investigation, he finds himself needing to penetrate Blackgate Prison, which leads him to assume the role of Gotham’s own Sherlock Holmes by adopting a convincing disguise as the notorious criminal, Irving ‘Matches’ Malone, from Gotham City.

In the Batman: Arkham series of games, the Matches Malone identity is introduced for the first time, a persona that’s been present in comics and other adaptations. This marks Bruce Wayne’s initial use of disguises in these games, showcasing his resourcefulness. This development provides a detailed exploration of Blackgate, while Roger Craig Smith demonstrates his versatile vocal skills by giving unique voices to all three characters.

7 Oracle Begins

Barbara Gordon Was Oracle Before She Was Batgirl

  • Barbara Gordon first appeared in Detective Comics #359 in 1967.
  • Barbara was revealed as Oracle in Suicide Squad #23 in 1989.

In the game “Batman: Arkham Shadow,” the story unfolds somewhere between “Arkham Origins” and “Arkham Asylum.” During this time, Barbara Gordon, who is yet to become Oracle, remains a young whiz kid eager to aid Gotham City. Much like in “Arkham Origins,” her extraordinary skills in computer technology enable her to breach any digital security or database, making her an essential ally for Batman and Alfred as they search for the elusive Rat King.

For the very first time, Barbara assumes the alias “Oracle.” Initially hesitant, Batman eventually speaks of her with pride. In many DC universe adaptations, Barbara Gordon is introduced as Batgirl and subsequently becomes Oracle; however, in Arkham Shadow, it’s suggested that Oracle was her destiny from the outset, preceding her foray into vigilante work.

6 Two-Face’s Darker Origins

Harvey Dent’s Struggles Are Made Even More Tragic

  • Harvey Dent and The Joker are both played by Troy Baker.

In the Arkham game series, Two-Face has frequently appeared as Batman’s nemesis. However, it is in Batman: Arkham Shadow where he takes center stage. The game delves into their past, depicting Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne as close as brothers during their childhood years. This bond is instrumental in Bruce uncovering the truth about Harvey’s father being abusive.

In Batman: Arkham Shadow, it becomes apparent that Harvey endured persistent abuse, but additionally uncovers the fact that the Dissociative Identity Disorder he grapples with as Two-Face is genetically inherited. Harvey’s father would alternately switch between a bright character who was caring and encouraging to a malevolent one who used a coin to determine his cruel actions, thereby making the origin story of Two-Face all the more heartbreaking.

5 Lock-Up Is A Zealous Batman Fan

An Example Of How Toxic Fans Can Be Dangerous

  • Lock-Up is one of several characters who debuted in Batman: The Animated Series.

In the thrilling world of Batman: Arkham Shadow, I find myself drawn to one of the formidable antagonists – Warden Lyle Bolton of Blackgate Prison. At first glance, his unwavering commitment to justice for Gotham City seems admirable. However, upon closer inspection, his idea of justice is far from ideal. He believes in meting out extreme punishment, such as torture, maiming, or even execution, for any individual who breaches any law, regardless of the gravity of the offense. This harsh approach to justice raises serious concerns and questions about the true nature of his intentions.

Lyle Bolton goes by the nickname “Lock-Up” – a character introduced on “Batman: The Animated Series”. In the storyline of Arkham Shadow, it’s uncovered that Lock-Up is an obsessive admirer of Batman, bordering on fanaticism. He attempts to persuade Batman to embrace violent tactics, but when Batman refuses, Lock-Up transforms into his adversary.

4 The Shadow

Batman Struggles With His Dark Side

  • The Shadow represents Batman’s darkest impulses and desires.
  • The Joker sees a similar monster in Batman: Arkham Origin.

In the style reminiscent of the “Batman: Ego” comic, the narrative of “Batman: Arkham Shadow” introduces a deeper, darker side of Batman, called simply the Shadow. Throughout the tale, Batman wrestles with his moral compass and the temptation to give in to his anger, teetering on the brink of abandoning his ‘no-kill’ policy while pursuing justice.

In the initial formulation of Scarecrow’s fear toxin, Batman encounters a malevolent doppelganger – a dark, menacing reflection of himself. This sinister twin aims to seize control over their collective consciousness and wreak vengeance upon Gotham. However, Bruce Wayne manages to subdue this inner demon, keeping it confined until it reemerges as a foe in the game Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

3 Batman Accidentally Created Two-Face

There Is A Clever Twist To How Harvey Was Scarred

  • Two-Face first appeared in Detective Comics #66

In an astonishing undercover role, Bruce Wayne disguises himself as Matches Malone to such an extent that he defends Harvey Dent during a trial. Yet, for anyone familiar with the backstory of Two-Face, it’s clear that ominous events are about to unfold once the sequence begins. In one of the series’ most chilling scenes, Harvey meets a tragic fate as he is the target of a vicious chemical assault, leaving the left half of his face and body horribly disfigured.

Nonetheless, the game Batman: Arkham Shadow maintains an element of surprise by revealing that Jonathan Crane initially intended to drench Matches Malone with the chemical. In the ensuing chaos, Bruce unintentionally sprays the compound onto Harvey, leading to the creation of Two-Face and explaining why Bruce harbors such guilt about Two-Face in other games.

2 Batman Meets His Parents’ Killer

He Was Under The Player’s Nose The Whole Game

  • First appeared in Detective Comics #33
  • Joe Chill murdered Thomas and Martha Wayne

Over the course of Batman’s numerous undercover missions at Blackgate, there consistently appears a character named Joe who develops a friendship with Matches Malone and generally conducts himself as an exemplary inmate. This raises suspicions about him being the Rat King, but it turns out that his true identity is much more intriguing than that. In the dramatic confrontation against Two-Face, it transpires that Joe is actually none other than Joe Chill.

In many Batman stories, Joe Chill is the individual responsible for robbing and killing the Waynes. The game Batman: Arkham Shadow skillfully kept this secret by providing hints towards the truth, yet maintaining enough ambiguity until the climactic revelation. What makes it striking is that Batman elects not to pursue Joe, but instead focuses on confronting Two-Face.

1 The Rat King

Arkham Games Love Using The Secret Villain Trope

  • The Rat King is a new villain, not to be confused with the Ratcatcher.

In the video game Batman: Arkham Shadow, the primary antagonist is none other than the Rat King, an original character who has brought Gotham City to the brink of destruction, creating a world that seems close to apocalyptic. Throughout the game, Batman, Alfred, Harvey Dent, Jim Gordon, and others work tirelessly to uncover the identity of this enigmatic cult leader. A revelation that is often found in the Arkham series lies at the heart of this mystery.

Ultimately, it’s unmasked that the Rat King isn’t anyone ordinary; he’s Harvey Dent, a complex character struggling with Dissociative Identity Disorder. His leadership over the rats wasn’t out of choice, but rather a reflection of his darker persona who saw vengeance as the true form of justice. This twisted belief was fueled by his difficult upbringing that pushed him to the brink. Interestingly, this is reminiscent of Black Mask and Arkham Knight, both of whom turned out to be disguises for well-known villains.

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2024-10-26 19:25