Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Player Discovers Wild Falling Bodies Easter Egg on Liberty Falls

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies Player Discovers Wild Falling Bodies Easter Egg on Liberty Falls

Key Takeaways

  • A strange Easter egg in Liberty Falls involves zombies falling from the sky, offering loot and even damaging the player.
  • Besides the falling bodies, players can find hidden secrets like a pair of bowling shoes that lead to a bowling alley Easter egg.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that the latest Easter egg discovery in “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” has certainly piqued my interest. The idea of zombies raining from the sky is something straight out of a B-movie horror flick!

A player of “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” online has come across a peculiar detail regarding bodies falling from the sky in the latest Zombies map, Liberty Falls. Gaming enthusiasts are still unearthing all the secret elements in “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6”, but this undoubtedly ranks as one of the most unusual discoveries so far.

Initially, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6” Zombies comes with two maps: Terminus and Liberty Falls. Each map harbors hidden mysteries for players to discover, and it might take some time before all secrets are unveiled by the gaming community. Although gamers have managed to solve the main quest of Liberty Falls in “Black Ops 6” Zombies, this doesn’t mean there aren’t more secrets tucked away by Treyarch. The falling bodies Easter egg isn’t connected to the main quest at all, but it’s an intriguing discovery nonetheless.

Reddit user MidnightMarauder427 found an unusual sight in the latest church setting of Black Ops 6 Zombies map from Liberty Falls. Up at the church’s spire, they spotted a tiny zombie head that seemed oddly out of place. Given its peculiarity, it was reasonable to suspect something wasn’t quite right. Aiming and firing at the head had no effect, so they opted instead to detonate a grenade close by. The ensuing explosion triggered a downpour of zombies from above, with valuable loot also raining down for collection. However, an intriguing twist was that the player would sustain damage whenever the falling zombies landed on them.

Here’s How to Find Liberty Falls’ Falling Bodies Easter Egg in Black Ops 6

In the brief video, MidnightMarauder427 mentioned something they thought was a tree branch with a limb hanging from it outside the map. However, gamers in the discussion thread noted that this was actually five scattered bowling shoes around the map. If you shoot all these shoes, players will be transported to the Mister Peeks bowling alley Easter egg in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

Currently, details about additional maps for Black Ops 6 Zombies mode are scarce. For now, Terminus and Liberty Falls offer ample content to keep players engaged. On the other hand, there’s much anticipation for upcoming updates in the multiplayer aspect of Black Ops 6. The iconic map Nuketown will make its comeback on November 1, harkening back to its original appearance in the first Black Oops game. Furthermore, whispers suggest that the game’s Season 1 may begin around mid-November, though an official start date has yet to be confirmed.

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2024-10-27 15:03