10 Sci-Fi RPGs to Keep You Busy Until The Outer Worlds 2 Releases

Fortunately, there are other sci-fi RPGs out there that can help gamers pass the time before The Outer Worlds 2 is released. They range from other space-faring adventures set on alien planets to Earth-based stories set in the distant future, either post-apocalyptic or dystopian. Each one takes on RPG aspects in their own memorable ways.

How to Make Strawberry Fresh in Good Coffee, Great Coffee

To unlock the recipe for Strawberry Fresh, you need ice cubes, strawberry puree, and strawberry syrup. You can buy ingredients from the Xpresso app on the main menu, which is accessible before starting your day. Here’s how to unlock each ingredient for Strawberry Fresh:

Monopoly GO: How Does Rent Frenzy Work

Rent Frenzy is a great Monopoly GO flash event if you’re looking to make some quick cash. It is simple to play, but if you want to get the most out of it, you need to know how it works. This guide will tell you everything you need to know.

You Won’t Believe the Best 32-Bit JRPGs of All Time

With the overlap occurring in a single console generation and many developers overselling their products, the boundaries were a lot less clearly delineated. In truth, although a lot of nostalgia persists for the period that cemented the market for home console gaming, most early 3D titles hold up much worse than those rose-tinted specs would have fans believe. Many of these games were still very influential on the genres they contributed to, however, like these excellent JRPGs of the 32-bit era.

How To Answer Mettaton’s Quiz In Undertale

In your interaction with Mettaton, you’ll face several instances, some of which may require fighting and others involve intricate traps. There’s even a trivia quiz! Given his complex nature as a boss, this guide aims to help navigate through Mettaton and his flamboyant antics.

Carnage Comes to Destiny 2

Marvel characters have been recreated multiple times, such as the Destiny 2 player who turned their Guardian into Magneto. The player’s efforts led to an impressive result, due in part to the shaders used. Another Destiny 2 player turned their character into Star-Lord, creating a very similar version of the costume worn by Peter Quill.

Why the Straw Hats Will Beat the Yonko and Become the Pirate King’s Crew

It is known that Luffy is spurred on by his dream of becoming the Pirate King and has been like this since from an early age. As central as this dream is to his character arc, he is just one of a million people from the One Piece world who have desired this, so let’s take a look at why Luffy is so different from others and why the Straw Hats will succeed over the other Yonko crews in becoming the crew of the Pirate King.