How to Get Amenities in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete

As a seasoned camper and long-time Animal Crossing aficionado, I’ve seen my fair share of tents, trees, and amenities over the years. These little additions to our campsites not only make them look more inviting but also serve as a unique way to interact with our animal friends.

In the game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete, you have an opportunity to construct unique structures, known as amenities, on your campsite. Similar to standard furniture and clothing, these amenities are made using materials and Bells. As you level up amenities, they unlock more advanced amenities for further progression. Contrary to popular belief, amenities do not directly influence the maximum friendship level with animals in this game. However, they can be crafted to enhance the appearance of your campsite and earn experience from multiple visitors at once.

How to Unlock Amenities

Where to Craft Amenities

To set up amenities, choose the “Craft” option followed by the camping tent icon. Similar to furniture and clothing, these items are grouped according to a theme such as Natural, Cute, or Sporty. Keep in mind that you’ll require Essence, along with necessary crafting materials, for each upgrade of the amenities.

In this game, all facilities begin at level 1, but certain ones can’t be accessed until you create an amenity that is listed below it. For instance, you can’t unlock the tree house facility unless you already have a Level 5 picnic set, and that requires a Level 3 natural tent.

Here’s every amenity in Pocket Camp Complete and how you can obtain them:

Name Type Max Tier/Level Pre-Requisite
Basic Tent Generic 1
  • N/A, obtained at the start of Pocket Camp Complete.
Natural Tent Natural 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Picnic Set Natural 5
  • Obtain Natural Tent Lv. 3.
Tree House Natural 5
  • Obtain Picnic Set Lv. 5.
Cute Tent Cute 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Tree House Cute 5
  • Obtain Cute Tent Lv. 3.
Merry-Go-Round Cute 5
  • Obtain Tree House Lv. 5.
Sporty Tent Sporty 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Half-Pipe Sporty 5
  • Obtain Sporty Tent Lv. 3.
Pool Set Sporty 5
  • Obtain Half-Pipe Lv. 5.
Cool Tent Cool 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Street Set Cool 5
  • Obtain Cool Tent Lv. 3.
Rock Stage Set Cool 5
  • Obtain Street Set Lv. 5.
Rustic Tent Rustic 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Canvas Hammock Rustic 5
  • Obtain Rustic Tent Lv. 3.
Hot-Air Balloon Rustic 5
  • Obtain Canvas Hammock Lv. 5.
Mush Tent Hip 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Patchwork Ghost Sofa Hip 5
  • Obtain Mush Tent Lv. 3.
Bouncy Cake Hip 5
  • Obtain Patchwork Ghost Sofa Lv. 5.
Harmonious Tent Harmonious 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Exotic Fountain Harmonious 5
  • Obtain Harmonious Tent Lv. 3.
Redd’s Shrine Harmonious 5
  • Obtain Exotic Fountain Lv. 5.
Elegant Fountain Elegant 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Noble Carriage Elegant 5
  • Obtain Modern Tent Lv. 3.
Regal Castle Elegant 5
  • Obtain Noble Carriage Lv. 5.
Modern Tent Modern 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Honeycomb Library Modern 5
  • Obtain Modern Tent Lv. 3.
Modernist House Modern 5
  • Obtain Honeycomb Library Lv. 5.
Ancient Temple Historical 3
  • Reach Level 5.
Locomotive Station Historical 5
  • Obtain Ancient Temple Lv. 3.
Clockwork Tower Historical 5
  • Obtain Locomotive Station Lv. 5.
Pipe Park Civic 3
  • Reach Level 5.
High-Rise Office Building Civic 5
  • Obtain Pipe Park Lv. 3.
Bronze Twins Fountain Civic 5
  • Obtain High-Rise Office Building Lv. 5.

What’s the Purpose of Amenities?

Understanding Friendship Levels

Amenities can be placed in two spots north of your campsite. To add an amenity:

  1. Select Design while you’re on your campsite.
  2. Choose the chair icon to add/put away furniture.
  3. Move the the northern half of your campsite and select one of the camping tent icons to remove or place an amenity.

At your campsite, you’re allowed to set up only two facilities simultaneously; however, none of these should be installed in your cabin or your trailer.

Whenever a new facility becomes available, five camp animals will be chosen at random and receive some friendship boosts. If the chosen animal’s preferred type aligns with the facility, they’ll earn 10 points instead of the usual 5, so it’s wise to review which creatures are currently at your campsite before retrieving the amenity from the Craft menu.

In Pocket Camp Complete, amenities are not necessary for the same reasons as they were in the original game, because there are no limits on animal friendships. However, they can still be used to add charm to your campsite or to earn a large amount of friendship experience with your animals if desired.

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2024-12-17 03:07