Pokemon GO Player Evolves Shiny Geodude and Instantly Regrets It


  • Shiny Pokemon can disappoint when evolving due to color changes.
  • Some Shiny evolutions lose distinct coloring, like Gastly to Gengar.
  • Researching Shiny evolutions beforehand can prevent disappointment.

As a seasoned Pokemon GO player with years of experience under my belt, I must admit that I’ve fallen victim to the allure of Shiny Pokemon more times than I care to remember. The thrill of catching one is unparalleled, but the subsequent disappointment when evolving them can be quite disheartening.

A Pokemon GO player was lucky enough to catch a Shiny Geodude, but ended up regretting evolving it. The shift in Shiny presentations across evolutions has drummed up some conversation among Pokemon GO fans, with many sharing their own Shiny disappointments.

Ever since their debut in the Pokémon series, Shiny Pokémons have been the dream catch for many fans. These unique versions of our favorite creatures come with a slick makeover that sets them apart from the rest. Although they don’t offer any statistical advantages in battle, that doesn’t stop us from pursuing them tirelessly across all games where they appear, even in Pokémon GO. Some players are content with just having a Shiny, while others, like me, seek out specific ones in Pokémon GO due to their exceptional visual appeal.

It appears that a Pokemon GO enthusiast named Orcalotl expressed their dissatisfaction over their evolved Pokemon. They were disappointed to find that their shiny golden Geodude transformed into a more muted Graveler and then Golem during evolution, as they weren’t aware that the color scheme would change so significantly. Given that the Geodude had an appealing golden-yellow appearance, it’s understandable that they were let down by the similar yet browner look of their Shiny Golem. Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse the evolution process, leaving them with a less visually striking version of their prized Pokemon.

Pokemon Players Commiserate Over Shiny Similarities (or Lack Thereof)

Various fans have recounted their own unfortunate experiences with alterations to Shiny Pokemon appearances, particularly comparing transformations like Shiny Gastly to Gengar. For instance, Shiny Gastly has a unique greenish gas cloud contrasting its typical pale purple hue, yet this feature diminishes significantly as it evolves into Gengar. Similarly, some players have voiced dissatisfaction over Shiny Swanna, which lacks the pink coloring present in Shiny Ducklett, and Shiny Blissey barely showing any change from a regular Blissey when compared to Shiny Chansey’s distinct green color scheme.

For some, the distinct coloring differences between Shiny and regular Pokemon, particularly during evolutions, adds an intriguing aspect. However, others express a preference for more consistency in how Shiny recolors are applied. To bypass such uncertainty, it’s advisable to research what a Shiny Pokemon will transform into before the evolution takes place. This step can help those aiming to complete a Shiny Pokedex avoid undesirable evolutions and potential disappointments in battle.

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2024-12-26 03:43