In a fresh twist, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate” represents the initial foray into rogue-lite gaming territory for our beloved turtle quartet. It artfully merges the swift-moving combat of “Hades” with the endearing traits and individualities of the four Turtles we’ve grown attached to over time.
In contrast to traditional 2D brawling games, Splintered Fate invites players to venture as far as they can before attempting again, this time with improved upgrades. But, how long does it take to complete Splintered Fate, and what pitfalls should you watch out for during your journey? Here’s an estimate of the gameplay hours required for TMNT: Splintered Fate.
How Long It Takes to Beat TMNT: Splintered Fate
On your initial playthrough of ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate’, you can expect to spend roughly 7 to 8 hours completing it. This time estimate covers navigating through four primary zones (the Sewers, the Docks, the City, and the Rooftops), finishing all their battle arenas, encountering and defeating each of the four mini-bosses in these areas, and ultimately confronting Shredder, the final boss, in a single continuous session.
In a rogue-lite style game like Splintered Fate, it’s not feasible to conquer the game during your initial playthrough. Instead, you should persist in attempting and falling short, which is intentionally designed into the gameplay. Each attempt offers a chance to uncover additional upgrades that strengthen your Turtles for future runs.
As a dedicated fan, I’d say that when you first start out, it might take you close to an hour for each run. However, as you get the hang of things, you can expect to complete subsequent runs in about half that time, roughly 30 minutes. It’s tough to pinpoint exactly how many runs are required to conquer Shredder, but the 7-8 hours of gameplay should give you ample opportunity to boost your stats and ultimately triumph over TMNT: Splintered Fate.
The Shuriken Build created by Leonardo packs a substantial punch, enabling swift and accurate clearing of rooms in a flash. This build stands out as one of the simplest to construct, making it highly effective for overcoming challenges like Splintered Fate.
To truly conquer the main storyline in Splintered Fate, you need to accomplish eight distinct missions. Only then will you unlock the genuine ending and help Splinter return home. This can be achieved by using any character of your choice. You’re not bound to finish all eight runs with just one Turtle.
To fully complete the game, you’ll need an additional 3-4 hours of investment to reach the true ending. This brings the total time needed up to approximately 10 hours per playthrough, considering there are eight playthroughs in total.
The game “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate” includes various levels reminiscent of Portal and Gauntlet, which you can conquer during your playthrough. These bonus stages become accessible after defeating Shredder and are entirely optional. Yet, they offer extra resources and currency to enhance your Turtles more swiftly. Notably, these additional challenges come with their unique achievements/trophies as well. If you’re a completionist, it usually takes around 15–17 hours on average to fully complete “Splintered Fate.
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2025-01-21 07:03