As a passionate fan, I can’t help but be captivated by the mysteries that lie within Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. There are treasures to uncover, hidden items to discover, and elusive Pokémon waiting to join my team. However, to truly stand out among the best trainers, I know I must master one of the game’s most enduring and crucial aspects: learning and utilizing Technical Machines, or TMs, effectively.
Locating all Training Machines in the game can be quite a hassle at times, but luckily, S&V has incorporated a crafting feature enabling players to create almost every Training Machine in the game. With this knowledge, let’s delve into the locations, materials, and additional details for each Training Machine found within the game.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Paldea TMs
In the vast Map of Paldea, Trainer Moves (TMs) are dispersed and finding them can be challenging due to their hidden locations. This guide provides the precise positions, prerequisites for unlocking, and materials necessary for crafting additional copies once they’ve been unlocked for your convenience. Here’s a comprehensive rundown on every TM available in the Paldea Region:
(Note: The terms “Trainer Moves” can be replaced with “Technical Machines” or simply “TMs.”)
TM Nº | Location | Craft Materials |
TM 001 – Take Down | Northeast of Zapapico, behind a rock formation. | Lechonk Hair x3, Yungoos Fur x3, LP x 400 |
TM 002 – Charm | (A3) Southeast of Artazon Pokemon Center, under a tree. | Azurril Fur x3, Teddiursa Claw x3, LP x 400 |
TM 003 – Fake Tears | (A2) South of Cortondo, check the big rock near the river. | Bonsly Tears x3, Teddiursa Claw x3, LP x400 |
TM004 – Agility | West of Mezagosa, look for the cliff near the flight spot. | Fletchling Feather x3, Oricorio Feather x3, LPx800 |
TM005 – Mud-Slap | Northeast of Cortondo, east of the Smoliv spawn spot in a tall grass area. | Wooper Slime x3, LPx200 |
TM006 – Scary Face | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Giacomo. | Stantler Hair x3, Sandile Claw x3, LP x400 |
TM007 – Protect | (A6) North or Alfornada, in the plateau with three slopes. | Lechonk Hair x3, Scatterbug Powder x3, LP x400 |
TM008 – Fire Fang | (A1) South-east of the river fork, near the tall grass. | Houndour Fang x3, LPx800 |
TM009 – Thunder Fang | (A3) Northeast of Medali, south of the riverside, near a slope with tall grass. | Shinx Fang x3, LPx800 |
TM010 – Ice Fang | (A3) On top of a cliff in the South Province, east of the road branching from the Pokemon Center. | Cubchoo Fur x3, LPx800 |
TM011 – Water Pulse | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Mela. | Buizel Fur x3, Magikarp Scales x3, LPx1500 |
TM012 – Low Kick | Take the East road from Cascarrafa, then turn a little bit south, the TM is next to a tree. | Mankey Fur x3, LP x400 |
TM013 – Acid Spray | (A2) Cliffside north of the Pokemon Center, turn to the river west of the Academy. | Toxel Sparks x3, Wooper Slime x3, LPx800 |
TM014 – Acrobatics | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Mela. | Wattrel Feather x3, Bombirdier Feather x3, LPx3000 |
TM015 – Struggle Bug | Southeast of the Los Platos Pokemon Center, over a hill. | Tarountula Thread x3, LPx400 |
TM016 – Psybeam | Southwest border of the Great Crater, near a ‘U Shape’ rock formation | Psyduck Down x3, LPx800 |
TM017 – Confuse Ray | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Giacomo. | Gastly Gas x3, Mareep Wool x3, LPx400 |
TM018 – Thief | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Mela. | Houndour Fang x3, Shroodle Ink x3, LPx3000 |
TM019 – Disarming Voice | (A2) Southeast from Cortondo’s Gym (Bug-type), near the rock wall that divides the fields from the grass zone. | Ralts Dust x3, LPx200 |
TM020 – Trailblaze | Acquired by beating Brassius (Plant Gym-Leader) in Artazon. | Petilil Leaf x12, Hoppip Leaf x3, LPx800 |
TM021 – Pounce | Acquired by beating Caty (Bug Gym-Leader) in Cortondo. | Nymble Claw x3, Tarountula Thread x3, LPx800 |
TM022 – Chilling Water | Acquired by beating Kofu (Water Gym-Leader) in Cascarrafa. | Psyduck Down x3, Surskit Syrup x3, LPx3000 |
TM023 – Charge Beam | West of A1 (West Province) Watchtower over a hill. | Mareep Wool x3, Dedenne Fur x3, LPx800 |
TM024 – Fire Spin | Northeast from the entrance to Dalizapa Passage, Southeast of Glasseado Mountains. | Growlithe Fur x3, Torkoal Coal x3, LPx800 |
TM025 – Facade | Acquired by beating Larry (Normal Gym-Leader) in Cascarrafa. | Komala Claw x3, Tinkatink Hair x3, Stantler Hair x3, LPx5000 |
TM026 – Poison Tail | Going further inside Dalizapa Passage, next to a wall in the central area. | Seviper Fang x3, Shroodle Ink x3, LPx800 |
TM027 – Aerial Ace | The reward for defeating 5 trainers in South Province (A2) talk to the Battle League Rep south of Cortondo. | Starly Feather x3, Fletchling Feather x3, LPx400 |
TM028 – Bulldoze | Southeast of Groundblight Shrine, in Socarrat Trail (Located North of Casseroya Lake) | Mudbray Mud x3, Sandygast Sand x3, LPx1500 |
TM029 – Hex | Go north from West Province (A1) Watchtower and check the rock formation before hitting the road. | Mimikyu Scrap x3, Greavard Wax x3, LPx3000 |
TM030 – Snarl | Follow the coastline in northeast direction starting from Artazon, and the TM lies next to a tree close to the cliff. | Maschiff Fang x3, Squawkabilly Feather x3, LPx800 |
TM031 – Metal Claw | From Mezagosa south entrance, follow a straight diagonal line going southeast, then climb the wall and continue a little bit east, until finding the TM near a tree. | Teddiursa Claw x3, LPx400 |
TM032 – Swift | From Mezagosa south entrance, follow a straight diagonal line going southeast, until hitting the wall that leads to the Metal Claw TM, look near the wall. The TM will be there. | Fletchling Feather x3, LPx200 |
TM033 – Magical Leaf | (A6) In the South Province, go north in the direction of the lake with the two isles, then aim towards the Watchtower and search for a nearby cliff. The TM is on the cliff overlooking the tower. | Smoliv Oil x3,Petilil Leaf x3, LPx1500 |
TM034 – Icy Wind | (A6) In the South Province, follow the lake with the waterfall on the eastern side of the area, then climb the cliffs until reaching a platform beside the waterfall, the TM is lying next to the water stream. | Snom Thread x3, Snover Berries x3, LPx800 |
TM035 – Mud Shot | On the cliff overlooking Levincia’s Gym, next to a rock. | Sandile Claw x3, Wooper Slime x3, LPx800 |
TM036 – Rock Tomb | Go to the cave near Alfornada, and follow the path until finding a trainer named “Alexis, the Student.” The TM can be found next to the NPC. | Rockruff Rock x3, Klawf Claw x3, LPx1500 |
TM037 – Draining Kiss | Behind Cortondo Gym, look around the building near the wall on the southernmost side. | Igglybuff Fluff x3, Flabébé Pollen x3, LPx1500 |
TM038 – Flame Charge | Obtained as a reward for defeating Team Star’s Fire leader Mela. | Fletchling Feather x3, Torkoal Coal x3, LPx800 |
TM039 – Low Sweep | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Mela. | Croagunk Poison x3, Mankey Fur x3, LPx800 |
TM040 – Air Cutter | From Artazon, follow the coastline in northeast direction, the TM close to the cliff that leads to the tree where the TM030 is. | Combee Honey x3, LPx400 |
TM041 – Stored Power | In West Province (A2) fly to Colonnade Hollow and go south following the rock wall until finding the TM. | Gothita Eyelash x3, Ralts Dust x3, LPx800 |
TM042 – Night Shade | From Cascarrafa, go West into Asado Desert and search for the first mountain in the zone, round it going south and look for an NPC called Ismael, then aim to the rock wall and head north east until finding the TM. | Gastly Gas x3, Murkrow Bauble x3, LPx400 |
TM043 – Fling | Head north from Artazon Gym past the hedge labyrinth, there’s a flower sculpture with an NPC wearing a hoodie admiring it. The TM is at the feet of the sculpture. | Sneasel Claw x3, Happiny Dust x3, LPx3000 |
TM044 – Dragon Tail | Follow the River from Glasseado Mountain to the east sea, right before the river touches the sea, turn North and search for a cliff. The TM lies next to the ledge. | Dratini Scales x3, Sandile Claw x3, LPx1500 |
TM045 – Venoshock | Unlocked after defeating Team Star’s Fire Crew Leader Mela. Found on a Grassy Hill in the limits between South Province (A3) and East Province (A2), take the road that leads to Artazon and go north, and search for the hill that overlooks the road. | Toxel Sparks x3, Salandit Gas x3, LPx3000 |
TM046 – Avalanche | From Tagtree Thicket, keep going north and cross the river, then look for the Team Star Dropout NPC, and keep heading north past the trees until hitting the rock wall. There lies the TM. | Bergmite Ice x3, Snorunt Fur x3, LPx1500 |
TM047 – Endure | Before crossing the Los Platos bridge, turn west and follow the river stream to a hill. The TM lies on top of it. | Scatterbug Powder x3, LPx200 |
TM048 – Volt Switch | Acquired by beating Iono (Electric Gym-Leader) in Levincia. | Dedenne Fur x3, Shinx Fang x3, LPx3000 |
TM049 – Sunny Day | Can be found on the rooftop of the player’s house, at the starting point of the adventure. | Sunkern Leaf x3, Torkoal Coal x3, Litleo Tuft x3, LPx3000 |
TM050 – Rain Dance | Look for the broken buried Watchtower in the Asado Desert, the TM is near the ruins. | Shellos Mucus x3, Azurill Fur x3, Wattrel Feather x3, LPx3000 |
TM051 -Sandstorm | (A3) East Province Watchtower, on the first floor. | Hippopotas Sand x3,Silicobra Sand x3, Sandygast Sand x3, LPx3000 |
TM052 – Snowscape | Travel to Glasseado Mountain Pokemon Center, and look for a snowman, and the TM will be right next to it. | Snover Berries x3, Delibird Parcel x3, Snom Thread x3, LPx3000 |
TM053 – Smart Strike | From (A3) East Province Watchtower, travel in a diagonal in northeast directions, until spotting a circular rock formation with a cave entrance. Climb on top of the rock formation and check the metal crates with the L shape, and the TM will be there. | Chewtle Claw x3, Heracross Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM054 – Psyshock | Travel to A3 (North) Pokemon Center in Glasseado Mountain, then turn east and aim for the small lake. Go there and look for the TM near a tree. | Meditite Sweat x3, Spoink Pearl x3, Drowzee Fur x3, LPx5000 |
TM055 – Dig | From Cascarrafa travel south, then east in the direction of the ‘U’ shaped rock formation where the Gogoat and Skiddo spawn. Search for the TM near a tree. | Diglett Dirt x3, Greavard Wax x3, Orthworm Tarnish x3, LPx5000 |
TM056 – Bullet Seed | Travel to Casseroya Lake, and look for the island separating the lake from the sea in the west. The one with a spiral-like pattern. On top of the island, players will find the TM. | Sunkern Leaf x3, Hoppip Leaf x3, LPx3000 |
TM057 – False Swipe | Obtained as a reward from Jacq for catching 30 Pokemon. Travel to the Academy after picking 30 different species and talk to him in the Biology Lab. | Kricketot Shell x3, Chewtle Claw x3, LPx400 |
TM058 – Brick Break | Travel to Casseroya Lake, and look for the island separating the lake from the sea on the west side. The one with a small lake and a small circular mount. On top of this formation lies the TM. | Makuhita Sweat x3, Hawlucha Down x3, Crabrawler Shell x3, LPx5000 |
TM059 – Zen Headbutt | On a ledge southwest of Dalizapa Passage. Keep walking towards the end of the ‘tail-shaped’ rock formation to spot it. | Veluza Fillet x3, Girafarig Fur x3, Dunsparce Scales x3, LPx5000 |
TM060 – U-Turn | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot and look for the circular mount with the grassland on top that is sitting near the river fork. On the northwestern side of the ledge, the TM can be found next to a patch of grass. | Nymble Claw x3, Scyther Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM061 – Shadow Claw | Travel to Fury Falls, and continue northeast towards the high ground area, where a small grass patch area north of an oval-shaped lake is. Climb on top of it and look for the TM there. | Mimikyu Scrap x3, Komala Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM062 – Foul Play | Granted as a reward for defeating Team Star’s Dark Crew Leader Giacomo. | Murkrow Bauble x3, Sandile Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM063 – Psychic Fangs | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Caph Squad Leader Eri. | Bruxish Tooth x5, Basculin Fang x3, Veluza Fillet x3, LPx10000 |
TM064 – Bulk Up | Go to Alfornada and circle around the Gym. The TM can be found behind the building. | Makuhita Sweat x3, Axew Scales x3, LPx3000 |
TM065 – Air Slash | On top of a roof in the shopping district of Mesagoza (east side). | Noibat Fur x3, Wingull Feather x3, Flamigo Down x3, LPx5000 |
TM066 – Body Slam | Travel to Asado Desert and look for the biggest mountain range on the northeastern side. Travel across the ledge facing north and search for the TM on the ledge that looks like a knife edge. | Skwovet Fur x3, Alomomola Mucus x3, Chewtle Claw x3, LPx5000 |
TM067 – Fire Punch | Unlocked in the TM Crafting Machine after defeating Team Star’s Navi Squad (Poison) Leader Atticus. | Meditite Sweat x3, Charcadet Soot x3, LPx5000 |
TM068 – Thunder Punch | Unlocked in the TM Crafting Machine after defeating Team Star’s Navi Squad (Poison) Leader Atticus. | Toxel Sparks x3, Meditite Sweat x3, LPx5000 |
TM069 – Ice Punch | Unlocked in the TM Crafting Machine after defeating Team Star’s Navi Squad (Poison) Leader Atticus. | Cubchoo Fur x3, Meditite Sweat x3, LPx5000 |
TM070 – Sleep Talk | Travel to Cascarrafa Pokemon Center (West side) and look for the TM below a tree next to it. | Hippopotas Sand x3, Slowpoke Claw x3, LPx400 |
TM071 – Seed Bomb | Unlocked in the TM Crafting Machine after defeating Team Star’s Ruchbah Squad (Fairy) Leader Ortega. | Shroomish Spores x5, Bramblin Twig x3, Smoliv Oil x3, LPx8000 |
TM072 – Electro Ball | Unlocked in the TM Crafting Machine after defeating Team Star’s Ruchbah Squad (Fairy) Leader Ortega. | Pachirisu Fur x3, Voltorb Sparks x3, Tadbulb Mucus x3, LPx5000 |
TM073 – Drain Punch | Travel to the Watchtower near Artazon and climb to the second level, circle around to find the TM. | Croagunk Poison x5, Mankey Fur x3, Crabrawler Shell x3, LPx8000 |
TM074 – Reflect | Near to the food shelves in the corner of Medali’s restaurant (the one next to the Gym). | Drowzee Fur x3, Flittle Down x3, LPx800 |
TM075 – Light Screen | Found at Levincia’s round bridge, near the southern edge of the platform. | Magnemite Screw x3, Voltorb Sparks x3, LPx800 |
TM076 – Rock Blast | Travel to Casseroya Lake’s southern point (Gracia Stones), descend southwards and then seek the TM on the shoreline of the lake near a small mount. | Nacli Salt x3, Chewtle Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM077 – Waterfall | Follow the shoreline from where the TM076 is found, and traverse to the eastern side of Casseroya Lake. The TM is on a small hill sitting against one of the ledges overlooking the lake. | Magikarp Scales x5, Basculin Fang x3,Arrokuda Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM078 – Dragon Claw | From the exact same spot where the TM077 is found, look to the lake and spot an isle in the middle (the biggest one with the Fly Spot). Players will find the TM on the top of a hill in the higher zone of the island (near Tropius Spawn). | Axew Scales x5, Noibat Fur x3, Gible Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM079 – Dazzling Gleam | Obtained as a reward for defeating Team Star’s Ruchbah Squad (Fairy) Leader Ortega. | Hatenna Dust x3, Swablu Fluff x3, Fidough Fur x3, LPx8000 |
TM080 – Metronome | Travel to Porto Marinada and descend to the beach in the northwest. Travel across the rock wall until finding the TM. | Igglybuff Fluff x3, Happiny Dust x3, LPx400 |
TM081 – Grass Knot | From Tagtree Thicket, keep going north and cross the river, then look for the Team Star Dropout NPC, and search around his tent to find the TM. | Cacnea Needle x3, Shroomish Spores x3, LPx3000 |
TM082 – Thunder Wave | Obtained from the League Rep outside Mesagoza for defeating 5 trainers in the area. | Mareep Wool x3, Pawmi Fur x3, LPx400 |
TM083 – Poison Jab | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Navi Squad (Poison) Leader Atticus. | Shroodle Ink x3, Seviper Fang x3, Mareanie Spike x3, LPx5000 |
TM084 – Stomping Tantrum | Obtained from the League Rep outside Levincia (South A2) for defeating 5 trainers in the area. | Mudbray Mud x3, Phanpy Nail x3, LPx5000 |
TM085 – Rest | Go to Los Platos, look for the bench near the pond and the TM will be behind it. | Drowzee Fur x3, LPx400 |
TM086 – Rock Slide | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Caph Squad Leader Eri. | Nacli Salt x3, Rockruff Rock x3, Bonsly Tears x3, LPx5000 |
TM087 – Taunt | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Caph Squad Leader Eri. | Meowth Fur x3, Sableye Gem x3, Sneasel Claw x3, LPx3000 |
TM088 – Swords Dance | Unlocked for crafting after defeating Team Star’s Caph Squad Leader Eri. | Zangoose Claw x3, Gible Scales x3, Scyther Claw x3, LPx5000 |
TM089 – Body Press | Travel to Dalizapa Passage, then southwest from there until finding a few ruins. The TM lies on top of one of the ruined structures. | Pawniard Blade x3, Hawlucha Down x3, Cetoddle Grease x5, LPx8000 |
TM090 – Spikes | Travel to the ruins on the northernmost side of the Asado Desert, and search around for the TM. | Pincurchin Spines x3, Qwilfish Spines x3, LPx3000 |
TM091 – Toxic Spikes | Travel to Tagtree Thicket, and search north of the Team Star’s Navi Squad base. The TM is near a bush more or less in the middle of the area. | Mareanie Spike x3, Pineco Husk x3, LPx3000 |
TM092 – Imprison | Located near the entrance of Team Star’s Caph Squad base. | Bronzor Fragment x3, Zorua Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM093 – Flash Cannon | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot (Pokemon Center) and look for the circular mount that rises above the river. The TM is on the northern side of that mount, next to a gray rock. | Varoom Fume x3, Klefki Key x3, Tinkatink Hair x3, LPx8000 |
TM094 – Dark Pulse | Travel to East Province (A1) and travel to the southwest limit of the area. Near the zone where the river turns west, there’s a cave with the TM inside. | Zorua Fur x3, Impidimp Hair x3, Spiritomb Fragment x3, LPx8000 |
TM095 – Leech Life | Go to Montenevera and search the area around the Gym for a fence. The TM is beside a tree near the northern exit. | Surskit Syrup x3,Venonat Fang x3, Kricketot Shell x3, LPx8000 |
TM096 – Eerie Impulse | Travel to Poco Path Lighthouse and climb to the top to find the TM. | Voltorb Sparks x3, Shinx Fang x3, LPx800 |
TM097 – Fly | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot (Pokemon Center), look towards the bridge crossing to Area One, and go in a straight line until finding a hill. Players will find the TM on top of that hill. | Squawkabilly Feather x3, Bombirdier Feather x3, Rufflet Feather x3, LPx5000 |
TM098 – Skill Swap | Located in Alfornada (east entrance) behind the wall of the Pokemon Center. | Girafarig Fur x3, Flittle Down x3, LPx3000 |
TM099 – Iron Head | Travel to Casseroya Lake, and go to the Northern shore, then keep heading North until finding a Cave entrance. Look to the ledge on the side of the entrance to find the TM. | Cufant Tarnish x5, Pawniard Blade x3, Rookidee Feather x3, LPx8000 |
TM100 – Dragon Dance | On a hill overlooking Cascarrafa, on the southeastern side where the river takes a curve. | Tatsugiri Scales x3, Gible Scales x3, Noibat Fur x3, LPx5000 |
TM101 – Power Gem | Travel to the South Province (A3) Watchtower, climb to the top, and then look North towards a ledge. Glide with Koraidon/Miraidon to access it and take the TM. | Spoink Pearl x3, Sableye Gem x3, Mareep Wool x3, LPx8000 |
TM102 – Gunk Shot | Obtained as a reward after defeating Team Star’s Navi Squad (Poison) Leader Atticus. | Grimer Toxin x3, Croagunk Poison x3, Varoom Fume x3, LPx5000 |
TM103 – Substitute | Take the west exit from Mesagoza Central Plaza, then look around the gate before crossing the bridge to find the TM. | Mimikyu Scrap x3, Azurill Fur x3, Falinks Sweat x3, LPx5000 |
TM104 – Iron Defense | Travel to the South Province (A3) Watchtower, climb to the top, and then look South towards the road, and observe a hill formation that lies in a straight line from there. Mark it to avoid losing sight of the exact spot and glide with Koraidon/Miraidon to reach it and take the TM. | Bronzor Fragment x3, Pineco Husk x3, LPx1500 |
TM105 – X-Scissor | Travel east from Mesagoza Central Plaza towards its eastern exit, then right before arriving, observe a plaza with a Poke Doll. Now approach the ledge and check the grassy patches below, drop to pick up the TM. | Fomantis Leaf x3, Tarountula Thread x3, Kricketot Shell x3, LPx5000 |
TM106 – Drill Run | Go to Asado Desert, travel to the westernmost side of the area, and climb the rock formation to find the TM in one of its ledges. | Pineco Husk x5, Dunsparce Scales x3, Arrokuda Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM107 – Will-O-Wisp | From the previous TM Location (TM106) go to the other side of the rock formation, aim west and a little bit south, and travel to the coast. Players will find the TM at the top of a rock formation on the small island in front of the limits of the Asado Desert and the Grassy Lands of Area One. | Salandit Gas x3, Shuppet Scrap x3, LPx1500 |
TM108 – Crunch | From the previous TM106 (On top of the western rock formation) look eastward and travel across the Desert to climb the biggest rock formation in the central zone. Climb the western ledge of this formation to find the TM. | Maschiff Fang x5, Bruxish Tooth x3, Yungoos Fur x3, LPx8000 |
TM109 – Trick | Travel to Cascarrafa and on the northeast side, in the line of buildings starting from the Chansey Supply, the TM lies on top of one of the buildings. | Shuppet Scrap x3, Sableye Gem x3, Sinistea Chip x3, LPx5000 |
TM110 – Liquidation | Travel to Alfornada, and head west, towards the strange rock formation that seems like a lake in front of the coast. Then look up for one of the islands (the biggest one) swim towards it and climb to the top to find the TM. | Arrokuda Scales x5, Wiglett Sand x3, Buizel Fur x3, LPx10000 |
TM111 – Giga Drain | On a hill, overlooking Cascarrafa in the eastern side of the city outskirts. If players climb on top of the Rough & Tough clothes shop, and look west in a straight line, they will notice the place. | Capsakid Seed x5, Hoppip Leaf x3, Skiddo Leaf x3, LPx8000 |
TM112 – Aura Sphere | From the Dalizapa Passage Pokemon center, travel north until finding the TM. | Ralts Dust x5, Riolu Fur x3, Charcadet Soot x3, LPx8000 |
TM113 – Tailwind | In Levincia, go to the Veracidad Clothe’s Shop on the southeastern side of the city, then go down until finding the TM between the tables next to a restaurant. | Rufflet Feather x3, Rookidee Feather x3, Bombirdier Feather x3, LPx5000 |
TM114 – Shadow Ball | Granted as a reward for defeating Montenevera’s Gym Leader Ryme. | Gastly Gas x5, Sandygast Sand x3, Sinistea Chip x3, LPx8000 |
TM115 – Dragon Pulse | Travel to the North Province (A1) Watchtower and look for the islet on the right side of the lake (left side from the perspective of the players looking towards the lake) and find the TM tower there. | Goomy Goo x5, Swablu Fluff x3, Tatsugiri Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM116 – Stealth Rock | Travel West from Dalizapa Passage Pokemon Center, until finding the TM on a hill that lays in a straight line from there. | Rolycoly Coal x3, Rockruff Rock x3, LPx1500 |
TM117 – Hyper Voice | On the cliffs overlooking Alfornada’s north from the city, over a small hill on top of the rock formation. | Litleo Tuft x5, Tandemaus Fur x3, Skwovet Fur x3, LPx8000 |
TM118 – Heat Wave | On top of the small central rock formation in Asado Desert, the one which is oriented slightly to the west, right on top of the biggest rock formation. | Growlithe Fur x5, Torkoal Coal x3, Larvesta Fuzz x3, LPx10000 |
TM119 – Energy Ball | On the top floor of (A3) North Province Lighthouse, located in the furthest spot overlooking the Northern Sea. | Deerling Hair x5, Tandemaus Fur x3, Bramblin Twig x3, LPx10000 |
TM120 – Psychic | Granted as a reward for defeating Alfornada’s Gym Leader Tulip. | Rellor Mud x5, Indeedee Fur x3, Ralts Dust x3, LPx10000 |
TM121 – Heavy Slam | Travel to the South Province (A3) Watchtower, and aim towards a small hill located west (and slightly south) of the fly point. Go straight over there, climb or glide, and find the TM on top of the hill. | Cufant Tarnish x3, Bronzor Fragment x3, Dondozo Whisker x3, LPx5000 |
TM122 – Encore | From the top floor of (A3) North Province Lighthouse (TM119 location), aim towards the river mouth’s western shore. The TM lies on the beach facing the sea. | Hawlucha Down x3, Slakoth Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM123 – Surf | Go to Porto Marinada, and descend on the dock. Look for a small boat docked there. The TM is inside the boat. | Finneon Scales x5, Finizen Mucus x3, Wiglett Sand x3, LPx10000 |
TM124 – Ice Spinner | Granted as a reward for defeating Glasseado’s Gym Leader Grusha. | Cetoddle Grease x5, Bergmite Ice x3, Frigibax Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM125 – Flamethrower | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot and aim for the hill located in a diagonal southwest from there, crossing the river. The TM is on top of the hill. | Litleo Tuft x5, Houndour Fang x3, Numel Lava x3, LPx10000 |
TM126 – Thunderbolt | Go to Porto Marinada Pokemon Center and travel southeast, until nearly reaching Asado Desert. The TM is next to a small rock wall. | Pachirisu Fur x5, Tadbulb Mucus x3, Pichu Fur x3, LPx10000 |
TM127 – Play Rough | On a hill overlooking Los Platos Pokemon Center. Climb there with Miraidon/Koraidon to claim the TM. | Fidough Fur x5, Tandemaus Fur x3, Tinkatink Hair x3, LPx10000 |
TM128 – Amnesia | Behind the Academy building in Mesagoza, jump over the fence to get the TM. | Slowpoke Claw x3, Slakoth Fur x3, LPx1500 |
TM129 – Calm Mind | Look for the lake with the two big islets near the limit between Area 5 and Area 1. The TM is on the major islet. | Stantler Hair x3, Indeedee Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM130 – Helping Hand | Travel to Cascarrafa and go to the eastern zone Delibird Presents. The TM is on the rooftop of the building in front of the store. | Eevee Fur x1, LPx400 |
TM131 – Pollen Puff | In South Province (A1) search for a hill overlooking the road that leads to the Los Platos bridge. Climb above and look for a patch of yellow flowers with the TM amidst them. | Rellor Mud x5, Petilil Leaf x3, Kricketot Shell x3, LPx10000 |
TM132 – Baton Pass | From Mesagoza, take the northwest exit towards the road that leads to the Pokemon League building. Once there, look around the building to find the TM. | Girafarig Fur x3, Eevee Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM133 – Earth Power | Travel to Cascarrafa and head north towards the Asado Desert. Once there, keep heading straight until hitting the small circular rock formation rising from the sand. On top of a cliff in this rock formation, players will find the TM. | Silicobra Sand x5, Shellos Mucus x3, Barboach Slime x3, LPx10000 |
TM134 – Reversal | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot and aim for the hill located in a diagonal southwest from there, crossing the river. The TM is on top of the hill, on the opposite side of where players found TM125. | Falinks Sweat x3, Heracross Claw x3, Mankey Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM135 – Ice Beam | Found at the top of Glasseado Mountain, on a ledge overlooking Montenevera. Players need to climb with their mounts to reach there. | Cryogonal Ice x5, Shellder Pearl x3, Delibird Parcel x3, LPx10000 |
TM136 – Electric Terrain | Travel to Levincia and search for the pier on the central circular bridge. Go to the end of the pier to find the TM. | Pincurchin Spines x3, Tadbulb Mucus x3, Pawmi Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM137 – Grassy Terrain | Go to Artazon and take the eastern exit, now aim southeast from the Pokemon center and walk in that direction to find a big tree with the TM at its feet. | Flabébé Pollen x3, Sunkern Leaf x3, Fomantis Leaf x3, LPx3000 |
TM138 – Psychic Terrain | Travel to the East Province (A2) fly spot and look behind the Pokemon Centre building for a tree near the river to find the TM. | Slowpoke Claw x3, Indeedee Fur x3, Drowzee Fur x3, LPx3000 |
TM139 – Misty Terrain | Travel to Cascarrafa and head for the Gym where players face Kofu. Then look around the building to find the TM. | Klefki Key x3, Igglybuff Fluff x3, Flabébé Pollen x3, LPx3000 |
TM140 – Nasty Plot | Players need to complete the Treasures of Ruin Side Quest and talk to Ms. Raifort to receive this TM as a reward. | Meowth Fur x3, Spiritomb Fragment x3, Tatsugiri Scales x3, LPx5000 |
TM141 – Fire Blast | From Team Star’s Fire Team Base, head north until spotting a rock formation. The TM is on top of it. | Numel Lava x5, Larvesta Fuzz x3, Torkoal Coal x3, LPx12000 |
TM142 – Hydro Pump | Obtained as a reward for defeating 7 trainers in the Casseroya Lake region. Talk to the League Rep located next to Casseroya Watchtower’s fly point. | Finizen Mucus x3, Finneon Scales x5, LPx12000 |
TM143 – Blizzard | Obtained as a reward for defeating 10 trainers in the Glasseado Mountain region. Talk to the League Rep located next to the Glasseado Gym. | 5x Snorunt Fur, 3x Snover Berries, 3x Cryogonal Ice, LPx12,000 |
TM144 – Fire Pledge | Travel to Levincia and cross the water heading southwest to the two islands in front of Area One shore. The TM can be found on the big island, next to a palm tree. | Salandit Gas x3, Numel Lava x3, Capsakid Seed x3, LPx8000 |
TM145 – Water Pledge | On the same island as the Fire Pledge TM, on the opposite side below a palm tree. | Luvdisc Scales x3, Alomomola Mucus x3, Shellder Pearl x3, LPx8000 |
TM146 – Grass Pledge | On the same island as the Fire Pledge, and Water Pledge TMs, on the northeastern side below a palm tree. | Applin Juice x3, Toedscool Flaps x3, Deerling Hair x3, LPx8000 |
TM147 – Wild Charge | From Levincia North exit (Pokemon Center) keep going north and cross the river, to see a cliff with a ledge on the north shore. Climb it to claim the TM. | Shinx Fang x5, Pichu Fur x3, Tynamo Slime x3, LPx10000 |
TM148 – Sludge Bomb | From the previous location (TM147) keep climbing to the next ledge on the western slope and search around the west side ledge to find the TM. | Croagunk Poison x5, Grimer Toxin x3, Foongus Spores x3 |
TM149 – Earthquake | As a reward from the Cascarrafa League Rep for defeating 5 trainers in the Asado Desert area. | Phanpy Nail x5, Diglett Dirt x3, Barboach Slime x3, LPx12000 |
TM150 – Stone Edge | As a reward from the League Rep located in Area One (North Province) Pokemon Center for defeating 6 Trainers in the Area. | Rolycoly Coal x5, Rockruff Rock x3, Klawf Claw x3, LPx12000 |
TM151 – Phantom Force | Located in the northwestern wall of Tagtree Thicket, near Team Star’s Base. | Sinistea Chip x5, Shuppet Scrap x3, Greavard Wax x3, LPx14000 |
TM152 – Giga Impact | Located on the islet in front of the island where players can find TMs 144, 145, and 146, in the grass zone. | Tauros Hair x8, Zangoose Claw x5, Slakoth Fur x3, LPx14000 |
TM153 – Blast Burn | Travel to the North Province Area One Watchtower, descend to the shore, and continue following it in the northeast direction. At some point players will have to climb and move to an upper ledge where there’s a cave in the end, overlooking the sea. Enter the cave to find TM 153, alongside the other 2 TMs. | Houndour Fang x8, Charcadet Soot x5, Growlithe Fur x3, LPx14000 |
TM154 – Hydro Cannon | Found in the same cave as TM 153 and 155. | Dondozo Whisker x5, LPx14000 |
TM155 – Frenzy Plant | Found in the same cave as TM 153 and 154. | Tropius Leaf x8, Skiddo Leaf x5, LPx14000 |
TM156 – Outrage | Obtained as a reward from League Rep located near Team Star Caph Squad base, for defeating 5 trainers in North Province (Area Two) | Axew Scales x5, Dratini Scales x3, LPx12000 |
TM157 – Overheat | Located in the North Province (A3) ruins, inside a broken vase. Travel to the Pokemon Center and cross the river to find them. | Litleo Tuft x5, Numel Lava x3. Capsakid Seed x3, LPx12000 |
TM158 – Focus Blast | Travel to Alfornada and look inside the building next to the Gym, the one with a circular shape. | Flamigo Down x5, Meditite Sweat x3, Impidimp Hair x3, LPx12000 |
TM159 – Leaf Storm | As a reward from the League Rep located in the North Province (A3) Pokemon Center, for defeating 7 trainers in the area. | Bounsweet Sweat x5, Tropius Leaf x3, Toedscool Flaps x3, LPx12000 |
TM160 – Hurricane | Travel to the Casseroya Lake Watchtower (N1), and climb to the top level of the tower to find the TM. | Swablu Fluff x5, Oricorio Feather x3, Wingull Feather x3, LPx12000 |
TM161 – Trick Room | Travel to Levincia City and head to the north district, look around the Rough & Tough clothes shop, and search for a palm tree to find the TM at its base. | Hatenna Dust x3, Bronzor Fragment x3, Gothita Eyelash x3, LPx5000 |
TM162 – Bug Buzz | From Montenevera, head south and cross the river through its bridge. Keep heading south until spotting a tree with the TM below. | Kricketot Shell x5, Combee Honey x3, Venonat Fang x3, LPx10000 |
TM163 – Hyper Beam | Located on the islet in front of the island where players can find TMs 144, 145, and 146, in the rocky zone on the north side. | Dratini Scales x8, Goomy Goo x5, Tauros Hair x3, LPx14000 |
TM164 – Brave Bird | Travel to the Casseroya Lake Watchtower (N2, the one closer to the shoreline), and climb to the highest level to find the TM. | Starly Feather x5, Rufflet Feather x3, Rookidee Feather x3, LPx12000 |
TM165 – Flare Blitz | As a reward from the League Rep located in Alfornada Pokemon Center, for defeating 6 trainers in the area. | Growlithe Fur x5, Fletchling Feather x3, Charcadet Soot x3, LPx12000 |
TM166 – Thunder | Travel to Alfornada and head north to a lake in the mountains, where the Leaking Tower of Paldea is located. Climb to the upper level to find the TM. | Dedenne Fur x5, Pichu Fur x3, Tynamo Slime x3, LPx12000 |
TM167 – Close Combat | Obtained as a reward for defeating Team Star’s Caph Squad Leader Eri. | Riolu Fur x5, Crabrawler Shell x3, Makuhita Sweat x3, LPx12000 |
TM168 – Solar Beam | Located on Casseroya Lake’s biggest island, on the northwestern side next to a big boulder in a patch of grass. | Bounsweet Sweat x5, Tropius Leaf x3, Foongus Spores x3, LPx12000 |
TM169 – Draco Meteor | Rewarded to players by completing the Starfall Street Quest. | Goomy Goo x8, Frigibax Scales x5, Applin Juice x3, LPx14000 |
TM170 – Steel Beam | Found inside a cave in the North Province Area Three. The cave is located in the zone where the Glasseado Mountain’s snowy slope connects with a patch of grassland. | 8x Magnemite Screw, 5x Orthworm Tarnish, 3x Cufant Tarnish, LPx14000 |
TM171 – Tera Blast | Obtained as a reward from Geeta, after beating 5 of the 8 Gyms in Paldea. | Glimmet Crystal x8, LPx8000 |
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Kitakami TMs
For the special Technicals (TMs) in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: The Teal Mask expansion, remember that these items are exclusive to players who have purchased the DLC. Contrastingly, Kitakami TMs are easier to acquire as most of them can be found at the Crafting Machine within the Kitakami Center once you unlock this location during the DLC. However, some of the other TMs in The Teal Mask DLC can be challenging to locate. Here’s a breakdown for trainers aiming to collect all TMs from this expansion:
TM Nº | Location | Craft Materials |
TM172 – Roar | From the bus stop in Kitakami, head southeast until reaching a hill with several trees. Players will find the TM at the bottom of the big hill near the cliff. | Poochyena Fang x3, Houndour Fang x2, LPx200 |
TM173 – Charge | On the rooftop of the Community Center in Mossui Town. | Pichu Fur x3, LPx400 |
TM174 – Haze | Head to Kitakami Hall and then turn west towards the river. Cross the river to find the TM above a plateau. | Feebas Scales x2, LPx400 |
TM175 – Toxic | Next to the roots of a tree in Loyalty Plaza’s northeastern side. | Ekans Fang x3, Koffing Gas x2, LPx800 |
TM176 – Sand Tomb | Travel to the Infernal Pass fly spot, and head southwest bordering the edge, then drop below on the first ledge to find the TM. | Sandshrew Claw x3, Diglett Dirt x2, LPx400 |
TM177 – Spite | Under Mossui Town’s bridge, crossing the river in the direction of Kitakami Hall. | Duskull Fragment x2, Gastly Gas x2, LPx200 |
TM178 – Gravity | Travel to Fellhorn Gorge and head north to the plains that connect with the Timeless Woods. Turn east and look for a cave near the ledge on the border of the map to find the TM. | Cleffa Fur x2, Nosepass Fragment x4, LPx400 |
TM179 – Smack Down | In the northernmost side of Wistfull Fields, over a flat rock formation in one of the dry patches. | Geodude Fragment x3, Carbink Jewel x3, LPx800 |
TM180 – Gyro Ball | Travel to the Crystal Pool at the center of Kitakami, then travel northwest towards the river, look for the TM over a bluff, between two rocks and some bushes. | 4x Bronzor Fragment, 4x Nosepass Fragment, LPx14000 |
TM181 – Knock Off | Travel to the Infernal Pass fly spot, and head southwest bordering the edge, go past the place where TM176 is and look for a ledge on the lower level. The TM is near an NPC. | Corphish Shell x4, Seedot Stem x4, LPx14000 |
TM182 – Bug Bite | In the southwestern part of the Apple Hills orchard, near one of the trees. | Yanma Spike x2, Surskit Syrup x2, Sewaddle Leaf x2, LPx3000 |
TM183 – Super Fang | Travel to the Dreaded Den in Oni Mountain, and continue down the road to find the TM over one of the broken rock formations. | Sandshrew Claw x3, Tandemaus Fur x3, LPx5000 |
TM184 – Vacuum Wave | Travel to the Crystal Pool, then head north and turn west. Continue following the path until finding a small hill with a Tera Pokemon on it. Go to the southern side of the hill to spot the TM hidden behind a rock. | Riolu Fur x3, Croagunk Poison x2, LPx3000 |
TM185 – Lunge | Travel accross Reveler’s Road, and just after the first turn of the road, head north until finding a bamboo patch near the bottom of the hill that leads to Kitakami Hall, the TM is hidden there. | Sewaddle Leaf x3, Kricketot Shell x3, LPx5000 |
TM186 – High Horsepower | Travel to Paradise Barrens and head to the Signboard with Ogerpon’s tale, then look upwards and climb the rock formation to find the TM. | Swinub Hair x2, Mudbray Mud x4, LPx5000 |
TM187 – Icicle Spear | Travel to the Crystal Pool, then head north cross the red triangle gate. After that, head west and continue until crossing the river. Stick to the northern wall to find a cave with the TM inside. | 3x Swinub Hair, 3x Snorunt Fur, LPx10000 |
TM188 – Scald | Right after heading out of the cave where the TM187 is, head north towards a small rock formation to find TM 188 between some rocks. | Poltchageist Powder x3, Slowpoke Claw x3, LPx8000 |
TM189 – Heat Crash | South of the Timeless Woods region, head a little bit west and climb a mount to access a small patch of grass on the upper ledge where the TM is. | Slugma Lava x4, Munchlax Fang x2, LPx8000 |
TM190 – Solar Blade | On a ledge overlooking the Timeless Woods. Players can access it by flying to Crystal Pool, then heading northwest and dropping down gliding with their mounts. | Seedot Stem x4, Sewaddle Leaf x2, LPx12000 |
TM191 – Uproar | Travel to Oni’s Maw, north of Crystal Pool, and travel the mountain road that leads to the cascade area. Then right after arriving at the cascade, look below for a cave. The TM is hidden inside. | Lotad Leaf x4, Chingling Fragment x2, LPx5000 |
TM192 – Focus Punch | Found at the top of the mountain that sepparates Reveler’s Road from Kitakami Hall. | Timburr Sweat x3, Jangmo-o Scales x3, LPx8000 |
TM193 – Weather Ball | From Mossui Town, head into the river’s direction and follow the stream heading southwest. Stick to the shore and the TM will be at the end of a small hill overlooking a Tera Crystal. | Vulpix Fur x3, Petilil Leaf x3, LPx8000 |
TM194 – Grassy Glide | Sitting over the hill that sepparates Loyalty Plaza from the Apple Hills Orchard. | Bellsprout Vine x3, Seedot Stem x3, LPx10000 |
TM195 – Burning Jealousy | Fly to the Fallen Horn and head southwest from the fly spot to find a cave with the TM inside. | Litwick Soot x2, Vulpix Fur x2, Mimikyu Scrap x2, LPx8000 |
TM196 – Flip Turn | Head to the Crystal Pool, then travel northwest in direction to the lower ledges of Oni Mountain.Drop below to find a cave that descends in a spiral like pattern. Turn on the hole in the wall upon descending and drop to the water to find the TM hidden inside a small cave. | Basculin Fang x2, Veluza Fillet x2, LPx5000 |
TM197 – Dual Wingbeat | Fly to the Fallen Horn and head southwest from the fly spot, aiming towards the cave entrance. Then circle around to the other side to find the TM. | Ducklett Feather x3, Bombirdier Feather x3, LPx5000 |
TM198 – Poltergeist | Travel to Kitakami hall and climb to the upper level. Upon reaching the head building, turn to the cliff and look below to spot a small cave in one of the lower ledges. Glide down and enter to find the TM. | Litwick Soot x2, Phantump Twig x2, LPx14000 |
TM199 – Lash Out | On a hill in the middle of Timeless Woods, near the waterfall area. | Vullaby Feather x3, Pawniard Blade x2, LPx10000 |
TM200 – Scale Shot | On a ledge on the northern side of Oni Mountain, north of Crystal Pool. The TM is behind a rock. | Jangmo-o Scales x2, Gible Scales x2, LPx10000 |
TM201 – Misty Explosion | This TM can be found following the waterfall that falls north of Oni Mountain and gliding down to a patch of land next to the water stream. | Carbink Jewel x2, Cleffa Fur x3, LPx14000 |
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – Blueberry Academy TMs
In the game, Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you can access The Indigo Disks only if you’ve bought the Two Part DLC. Upon reaching Blueberry Academy, some of these disks will be already unlocked for you. However, others must be found or earned by overcoming certain challenges. Here’s a list of all the TMs available in Blueberry Academy Terrarium:
* TM01 – Vine Whip
* TM05 – Roost
* TM06 – Toxic
* TM10 – Hidden Power
* TM14 – Blizzard
* TM22 – Solar Beam
* TM23 – Sky Uppercut
* TM28 – Dig
* TM32 – Double Team
* TM37 – Sludge Bomb
* TM40 – Aerial Ace
* TM41 – Will-O-Wisp
* TM44 – Rest
* TM45 – Attract
* TM48 – Round
* TM50 – Facade
To unlock the remaining disks, you’ll need to find them or defeat some of the academy’s strongest trainers: The Elite Four.
TM Nº | Location | Craft Materials |
TM202 – Pain Split | Travel to the Savannah Outdoor Classroom, and head south. Drop down the ledge and enter the cave to find the TM. | Comfey Flower x2, Solosis Gel x3, LPx3000 |
TM203 – Psych Up | Found against the rainbow-colored block wall that divides the Savannah Biome from the Coastal Biome, near the beach on the western side. | Porygon Fragment x1, Stantler Hair x2, LPx400 |
TM204 – Double-Edge | Head northwest from Savannah Plaza and climb the overlook near the edge of the map to find the TM. | Rhyhorn Fang x4, Tauros Hair x2, LPx10000 |
TM205 – Endeavor | Turn a little bit southwest from the overlook where the TM204 is to find a small patch of grass. The TM is there. | Snubbull Hair x3, Tauros Hair x3, LPx5000 |
TM206 – Petal Blizzard | On the northernmost peninsula of the Coastal Biome, among the flower beds. | Oddish Leaf x2, Comfey Flower x2, Cottonee Fluff x1, LPx10000 |
TM207 – Temper Flare | Awarded for defeating Crispin from the Blueberry Elite Four in The Indigo Disk DLC. | Magby Hair x3, Numel Lava x2, LPx3000 |
TM208 – Whirlpool | From the Polar Rest Area, travel northeast until reaching a section of water with floating ice. The TM is on top of one of the shards. | Horsea Ink x2, Seel Fur x2, Lapras Teardrop x1, LPx800 |
TM209 – Muddy Water | Travel to the Savannah Rest Area 1, then head west until spotting a huge pool of swampy water. Players can find the TM in the middle of the mud pit. | Horsea Ink x3, Wooper Slime x3, LPx10000 |
TM210 – Supercell Slam | Travel to Chargestone Cavern in the Canyon Biome (Located Northeast, heading towards the Central Plaza), then enter and drop to the lowest level to find the TM. | Elekid Fur x3, Blitzle Mane Hair x2, LPx5000 |
TM211 – Electroweb | Continue going further into the cavern until finding the area with the Webs and the Joltik spawn. The TM is right in front of one of the cobwebs. | Joltik Thread x8, LPx800 |
TM212 – Triple Axel | From the Polar Rest Area, travel northwest and climb the ice mounds to find the TM. | Tyrogue Sweat x1, Minccino Fur x1, Sneasel Claw x3, LPx8000 |
TM213 – Coaching | Travel southwest from the Savannah Outdoor classroom and reach a zone with a fallen tree with a bird nest on top, the TM is beside the nest. | Scraggy Sweat x3, Pawmi Fur x1, Tyrogue Sweat x1, LPx800 |
TM214 – Sludge Wave | Located on the island on the northeastern side of the Coastal Biome, above the plateau. | Tentacool Stinger x2, Qwilfish Spines x2, Gastly Gas x2, LPx10000 |
TM215 – Scorching Sands | From the Savannah Plaza, head north and then turn east when spotting the Lion King Reference. The TM rests at the shade of the rock arc. | Trapinch Shell x2, Sandile Claw x1, Drilbur Claw x2, LPx10000 |
TM216 – Feather Dance | Behind the Canyon Rest Area, next to some rocks. | Pikipek Feather x3, Murkrow Bauble x2, LPx400 |
TM217 – Future Sight | From the Canyon Plaza, travel northwest cross the water, and climb the ledge to find a small cavern with the TM inside. | Solosis Gel x2, Slowpoke Claw x2, Drowzee Fur x2, LPx5000 |
TM218 – Expanding Force | Available in any of the Crafting Machines after unlocking them in the DLC. | Espurr Fur x3, Exeggcute Shell x2, LPx10000 |
TM219 – Skitter Smack | Travel to the Canyon Rest Area, then go east and climb the mountain until finding a small path. The TM lies in plain sight at the end of the path. | Dewpider Thread x3, Rellor Mud x2, LPx3000 |
TM220 – Meteor Beam | Travel to Polar Outdoor Classroom 2, then look northwest to the highest peak. Climb it to pick the TM from the top. | Minior Shell x8, LPx15000 |
TM221 – Throat Chop | Travel to the Savannah Plaza, then head east in a straight line. At the end of the mud ponds, there’s a cave with the TM inside. | Scraggy Sweat x2, Zorua Fur x3, LPx5000 |
TM222 – Breaking Swipe | Available in any of the Crafting Machines after unlocking them in the DLC. | Duraludon Tarnish x3, Axew Scales x2, Cyclizar Scales x1, LPx3000 |
TM223 -Metal Sound | Found inside Torchlith Labirynth cave, near the southern exit. | Magnemite Screw x2, Elekid Fur x2, LPx800 |
TM224 – Curse | Travel northwest from Polar Outdoor Classroom 2, and head inside a small cave to find the TM. | Golett Shard x4, Nacli Salt x2, LPx400 |
TM225 – Hard Press | Reward for beating Amarys, one of the Elite Four of Blueberry Academy. | Beldum Claw x3, Cufant Tarnish x3, LPx5000 |
TM226 – Dragon Cheer | Reward for beating Drayton, one of the Elite Four of Blueberry Academy. | Tatsugiri Scales x2, Lapras Teardrop x2, Applin Juice x1, LPx1500 |
TM227 – Alluring Voice | Reward for beating Lacey, one of the Elite Four of Blueberry Academy. | Igglybuff Fluff x3, Ralts Dust x2, Cottonee Fluff x2, LPx3000 |
TM228 – Psychic Noise | In Central Plaza, in one of the rooms near the fountain. | Psyduck Down x3, Chingling Fragment x3, LPx3000 |
TM229 – Upper Hand | On the northern side of the Savannah Outdoor Classroom near a tree. | Makuhita Sweat x3, Tyrogue Sweat x3, LPx1500 |
As a gamer, I always emphasize that once you’ve unlocked a Tech Module (TM), it instantly becomes accessible in my Crafting Station. However, there’s a catch: all TMs need League Points (LP) to be created, and unfortunately, there’s no other currency for buying the crafting service. That means we gamers should always focus on farming as many LP as possible whenever we can. Here’s an efficient method I found to farm LP faster:
1. Complete Daily Quests: These are simple tasks assigned daily that reward a good amount of League Points upon completion.
2. Participate in Matches: Winning matches gives you bonus League Points, and even losing provides some points. The more matches you play, the more LP you’ll accumulate over time.
3. Join Leagues: Being part of a league offers additional League Points rewards based on your performance within that league. So, join strong leagues to maximize your LP gains.
4. Use Boosts Wisely: Some boosts can increase your LP earnings for a limited time. Make sure to use these effectively during intense farming sessions.
5. Don’t Neglect Bonus Rewards: Occasionally, there may be bonus events that offer extra League Points. Keep an eye out for these opportunities and make the most of them!
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2025-02-01 05:15