How To Get High Fief Loyalty In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

As a devoted fan, my primary objective in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord is to align myself with a kingdom and engage in relentless struggles for supremacy across the realm. Though vanquishing armies on the battlefield diminishes the opposition’s forces, capturing their castles and cities is crucial for the expansion of my own dominion and ultimately crushing that of others.

Capturing a city marks just the beginning, as you must also safeguard it from external and internal dangers. A city’s loyalty can wane if neglected, leading to uprisings that force you to forfeit your territory and engage in additional conflicts. Here’s a strategy to maintain city loyalty and prevent rebellion:

1. Ensure fair resource distribution, so the citizens feel their needs are being met.
2. Maintain a strong military presence, but avoid heavy-handed tactics that may alienate the populace.
3. Foster good relationships with city leaders through diplomacy and mutual respect.
4. Implement policies that promote economic growth and stability within the city.
5. Encourage cultural exchange and understanding between your forces and the local population.
6. Listen to the concerns of the citizens, addressing their grievances promptly and fairly.
7. Provide protection against external threats to instill confidence in your leadership.
8. Regularly engage with city leaders to discuss ongoing issues and collaborate on solutions.
9. Reward loyal citizens and supporters through recognition or special privileges.
10. Maintain open lines of communication and transparency, so the citizens feel involved in decision-making processes.

How To Increase City Loyalty In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

The degree of loyalty shown towards a city can be influenced by several variables, with some having a greater impact than others. Here is a list of factors that all play a role in shaping loyalty, arranged according to their significance, with those at the top having a stronger influence on loyalty than those lower down:

1. Emotional Connection: A deep emotional attachment to the city, often rooted in memories and personal experiences.
2. Quality of Life: Factors such as safety, healthcare, education, and job opportunities contribute significantly to a person’s sense of loyalty towards their city.
3. Community Involvement: Active participation in local events, organizations, and initiatives can foster a strong sense of loyalty.
4. Pride in Local Identity: Feeling proud of the city’s unique history, culture, and achievements can strengthen one’s loyalty.
5. Social Networks: Strong relationships with friends, family, and peers within the city can contribute to feelings of loyalty.
6. Accessibility and Transportation: The ease of getting around the city and accessing necessary services plays a role in shaping loyalty.
7. Economic Prospects: A stable and thriving economy can attract and retain residents who feel loyal to their city.

  • The governor of that city is of the same culture as the city.
  • In the manage town menu, select Festival and Games as the Daily Default, gaining loyalty daily.
  • Upgrade the Fairgrounds in the Manage Town menu to rank 3.
  • Have lots of gold in the reserves for the town to complete the projects listed above efficiently.
  • Keep security high. This is done by keeping the city from being attacked along with housing a strong garrison.
  • A few character perks in your skill tree.
  • Kingdom Policies.

Loyalty can be checked in the Manage Town Menu.

Kingdom Policies That Boost Loyalty

The following Kingdom Policies increase loyalty for all your cities:

Policy Name Effects
Imperial Towns Towns held by the ruler clan gain 1 Loyalty and 1 Prosperity per day.
Citizenship +0.5 Loyalty per day to settlements that have the same culture as their owner clan.
Forgiveness of Debts Settlement Loyalty is increased by 2 per day.
Tribunes of the People Town Loyalty is increased by 1 per day.
Trial by Jury Settlement loyalty is increased by 0.5 per day.

How Does Loyalty & Rebelling Work In Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord

Daily changes in the loyalty of each city are influenced by various factors mentioned earlier. When Loyalty drops significantly, around 25 or less, there’s a risk of the city breaking away from the kingdom, forming a new small kingdom with its own factions. These newly formed entities may instantly engage in warfare against the original kingdom they once belonged to. Any ruler can initiate hostilities towards a rebellious city, allowing other kingdoms to seize cities without triggering war with the initial kingdom. Suppressing a rebellion requires a siege of your own fiefdom and the elimination of the Militia, which severely hinders the development of that area in various aspects.

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2025-02-05 05:04