Smash Bros on Switch 2? Sakurai’s Tease Ignites Fan Hype!


  • Fans speculate potential Super Smash Bros. news could be coming during the Switch 2 Direct on April 2.
  • A reply from Super Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai to a Switch 2 announcement sparked the intrigue.
  • While Super Smash Bros. news is not confirmed, some fans eagerly anticipate the April 2 presentation for potential revelations.

Before the April 2nd event, a fresh update from the creator of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai, has sparked excitement among Nintendo enthusiasts. They’re hoping that information about the series might emerge during the forthcoming presentation of the Switch 2. Since the last edition of Super Smash Bros. was launched on Switch in 2018, it’s been over six years since a new game hit the shelves. Given this gap, some fans speculate that an announcement for the Switch 2 might be imminent.

Following numerous whispers and speculations for several months, Nintendo officially unveiled the Switch 2 on January 16th. The trailer displayed the console’s design and hinted at the upcoming Mario Kart, yet left fans uncertain about the possible launch titles. Though various assumptions circulate about the system’s upcoming content, Nintendo is anticipated to share solid details during its dedicated April 2 direct for the Switch 2. Lately, a fresh buzz about Nintendo’s renowned fighting franchise has been popping up on social networks.

According to reports by Automaton, Masahiro Sakurai has responded to a tweet from Nintendo’s Japanese account regarding the timing of the Switch 2 Direct. In response, Sakurai said, “Ooh!” This brief comment left fans speculating that the renowned developer could be hinting at potential news about Super Smash Bros. for the upcoming event. Given that the last game was released more than five years ago, many believe it’s likely a new title is in development.

Sakurai Replies to Switch 2 Direct Tweet

It’s important to mention that no formal news has emerged about a fresh installment of the popular game, “Super Smash Bros.” Consequently, Masahiro Sakurai’s response to the time announcement for the Direct could simply reflect his enthusiasm for exploring the new system and its forthcoming titles more thoroughly. Moreover, it’s worth considering that creating a sequel to “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate,” which boasted an extensive cast of Nintendo characters and arenas, would be quite challenging due to the sheer scale of its predecessor.

Despite his recent statements, Sakurai is secretively developing a new video game. Although the details are scarce, some enthusiasts speculate that it might be another version of Super Smash Bros.. If this upcoming project indeed materializes as a fresh installment in the franchise, it’s expected to be a significant boon for the Switch 2, considering the previous game’s immense popularity. The latest release, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, sold over 35.88 million copies on the original Switch, placing it as the fourth best-selling game on that console.

It’s probable that enthusiasts might need to hold on for a couple of months before they get to uncover the details shared in the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 Direct broadcast. Here’s hoping the event manages to meet expectations, especially among those eagerly anticipating fresh insights about the new device and its associated games.

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2025-02-08 02:44