Unlock the Secret to Solo Victory: Master Faceless Void’s Game-Winning Build in Dota 2!

In the world of Dota 2, Faceless Void is currently occupying an unusual position, even though he used to be a highly favored hero just a few updates ago. Although his win/pick ratio isn’t leading the pack in high-skill-level games, he’s managing to deliver consistent results within the Archon to Divine skill brackets. He remains one of the rare hard carry characters capable of single-handedly securing victory if given enough room to operate.

The unique design of this hero sets him apart as one of the strongest in Dota 2. His talent to confine enemy heroes within a wide range while he unleashes immense right-click damage, especially during the late game, transforms him into an intimidating force. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of Faceless Void depends significantly on your choice of items and skill progression.

Dota 2 Faceless Void Hero Overview

In Dota 2, Faceless Void is often found in Position 1, serving as the main attacker (Hard Carry). Despite having weak initial stats, this hero exhibits superior Strength and Agility growth, making him potent in late-game battles. During the laning phase, he may not pose a significant threat for kills compared to heroes like Juggernaut or Phantom Assassin. However, if the game prolongs, Faceless Void can become an unstoppable force once he accumulates enough resources, capable of controlling the entire map independently.

Standard Abilities & Ultimate

Ability Name How it Works
Time Walk (Q) Faceless Void leaps in the targeted direction, backtracking any damage he took in the last 2 seconds
Time Dilation (W) Faceless Void extends the active cooldown of his enemies’ abilities in an AOE around him and also deals damage over time based on the number of abilities that are on cooldown.
Time Lock (Passive) Faceless Void gains a chance to lock an enemy unit in place, stunning them on hit.
Chronosphere (R) Faceless Void creates a sphere in which all units, allies and enemies, get trapped in stasis. The trapped units can’t move, cast abilities, or use items for the duration of the ability.

Players have the option to purchase both Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard for Faceless Void, enhancing his Time Walk with additional features. Acquiring Aghanim’s Shard also grants the character a fresh ability known as “Reverse Time Walk.

  • Aghanim’s Scepter: Applies the effect of Time Lock to all units in the landing destination of Time Walk in a small radius.
  • Aghanim’s Shard: Faceless Void gains the new ability Reverse Time Walk. Available for 1.5 seconds after casting Time Walk, it allows Faceless Void to return to his original cast position.

Aghanim’s Shard also increases the cast range of Time Walk.

After the latest Crownfall update for Dota 2, the character Faceless Void now offers two distinct aspects to pick from at the beginning of each game, in addition to an innate ability.

  • Innate Ability (Distortion Field): Enemy attack projectiles within a specific radius of Faceless Void are slowed.
  • Facet 1 (Chronosphere): Gives Faceless Void the ability to use Chronosphere.
  • Facet 2 (Time Zone): Replaces Chronosphere with the ultimate ability Time Zone. Faceless Void creates a large rectangular zone on the map that causes enemy attack and spell projectiles to slow down. Your allies, on the other hand, get a bonus to their attack, movement, and projectile speed.

Enemies caught inside the Time Zone are leashed instead of being stunned.

Faceless Void Build Guide in Dota 2

Unlike versatile champions such as Windranger who can adapt their role and item builds, Faceless Void is more linear in his build strategy. He’s primarily a Hard Carry positioned in the Safe Lane, where his main objective is to accumulate gold efficiently and work towards acquiring his essential items to reach peak effectiveness during the late game.

In suitable combat scenarios, Faceless Void can quickly become effective. This character excels against agile heroes who rely heavily on spell-casting and movement, like Puck. On the other hand, when facing heroes with numerous Damage Over Time abilities, he may encounter difficulties during the initial stages of the game.

This build tutorial provides you with the necessary information about the items to assemble and skills to choose while competing in your ranked matches of Dota 2, focusing on the character Faceless Void.

Facets, Talents, & Ability Order

When it comes to Faceless Void, selecting the appropriate Facet is crucial. As a Position 1 carry, opt for Chronosphere. However, if you’re in Position 3 and have a ranged carry like Drow Ranger, Templar Assassin, or even Huskar on your team, Time Zone could also be beneficial as it can boost their abilities.

No matter which Facet you choose at the game’s onset, it’s advisable to allocate one skill point towards Time Walk. The character is quite frail, and having Time Walk ensures you always have an escape mechanism ready. Once you reach level two, typically you would want to opt for Time Lock. But if the opposing team features Offlane heroes that spam their abilities excessively, investing a point into Time Dilation can be beneficial.

Follow these steps:

1. Maximize Time Walk when possible, while also investing one point in each of the other two abilities.
2. Obtain your ultimate ability as soon as you reach level 6.
3. Upgrade Time Lock next and then focus on Time Dilation afterwards.
4. For talents, choose the specified options.

  • +0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration
  • +30 Time Lock Damage
  • +80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere
  • +20% Backtrack Chance

Item Progression

It’s not hard to figure out Faceless Void’s item choices. He typically chooses the same items in most games, with a few exceptions based on the specific matchup or lane situation.

The following build guide will show you the items that are good for the hero:

  • Laning Stage:

At the onset of the game, I’d recommend picking up a Tango kit together with a Magic Stick as my initial sustenance. A Circlet and two Iron Branches will provide me with the necessary stats to boost my HP, and these items can be further enhanced for additional utility. Additionally, securing a Quelling Blade will make it easier for me to land those crucial last hits in the lane.

  • Early Game:

For Faceless Void, the initial equipment selection is crucial. Typically, you aim to finish your Wraith Band and Magic Wand first. This provides beneficial stats and enough healing to endure lane harassment. Subsequently, acquire Power Treads, followed by a Mask of Madness.

Mask of Madness lets Faceless Void farm jungle camps quickly when the lane gets too tough.

  • Core Items:

Instead of Battle Fury, which many melee-carry heroes opt for to boost their farming speed, Faceless Void typically chooses Maelstrom first. This is because it provides additional attack speed as well. After securing the Mask of Madness, Maelstrom should be your next item. It will expedite your farm substantially and offer some damage, allowing you to contribute effectively during team fights with Chronosphere.

Following this point, you have two potential choices: Black King Bar or Mjolnir, and your decision largely hinges on your game situation. If your team is performing well without your immediate input, and you’re not under a lot of pressure, opting for Mjolnir can be advantageous. However, in certain games, the opposing team might aggressively push objectives, making Black King Bar an ideal choice as it ensures safe entry into fights.

  • Situational Items:

Once you’ve grabbed your essential items, you’ll have some leeway when it comes to selecting additional ones. If you find yourself short on damage while using Chronosphere, think about adding items like Daedalus, Monkey King Bar, or even Silver Edge to disrupt enemy abilities. Nullifier might be handy against items that provide protection such as Glimmer Cape or Force Staff. Against enemies with high health, Eye of Skadi is a good pick. Aghanim’s Shard can also be beneficial on Faceless Void if you’re initiating battles first.

Refresher Orb can also work well, giving you double Chronosphere and double BKB during fights.

In the world of Dota 2, Faceless Void is renowned for being one of the most potent carry heroes during the late stages of a game. However, it’s important to note that he’s not at his peak performance level right now. Once you get the hang of playing this hero, though, you can exert significant influence over your ranked matches, particularly in the mid-tier bracket.

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2025-02-15 07:06