You Won’t Survive the 8 Hardest Tales JRPGs

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but marvel at the unique blend that the Tales series offers within the expansive realm of monolithic Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs). This series stands out for its groundbreaking combination of real-time combat and epic narratives, setting it apart from many others in the genre. With a staggering seventeen mainline titles, there’s no shortage of options for JRPG enthusiasts, especially beginners seeking an introduction to this cherished genre’s rich offerings.

As a gamer, I’ve found that not every JRPG is a warm and fluffy experience, some are more about giving you a tough time than offering a comforting hand. The Tales series isn’t immune to this challenge, hidden amidst its extensive library are some real doozies. Some games are hard due to their age, while others have sudden difficulty spikes, grueling early game phases, or final boss fights that would make a seasoned Shin Megami Tensei player flinch. If you’re up for a challenging Tales game, these titles might be worth checking out.

8. Tales Of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

Two Characters Stand Between The Player And A Game Over

This beloved game, despite some outdated elements, remains endearingly charming thanks to its captivating, emotionally resonant story and graphics. It’s not surprising that it’s so fondly recalled among fans, even taking into account its imperfections.

In the narrative of Marta and Emil, these key figures are indispensable in every confrontation. If they were to be defeated simultaneously, the game would immediately end, regardless of any surviving allies or creatures. Maintaining their strategic partnership in combat and ensuring their survival is a challenging task that requires careful coordination.

7. Tales Of Rebirth

An Atypical Healing Mechanic Adds A Level Of Challenge

Healers are frequently found in numerous “Tales” games, but what sets “Tales of Rebirth” apart might be its departure from the typical character type often seen in such games.

In this game, I’ve got to depend on a self-replenishing health system rather than a traditional healer, since there aren’t any healers at all in this world. It means I’ve got to be more self-sufficient and strategic with my gameplay.

6. Tales Of Arise

A More Recent Tales Title With Plenty Of Challenges

Presently, the most recent title in the Tales series, Tales of Arise, boasts numerous user-friendly and convenient elements that players of previous games might have welcomed warmly, along with some of the finest visuals ever seen in a Japanese Role Playing Game (JRPG).

Although this game boasts numerous contemporary advantages, it remains challenging for both novice and seasoned players in the series. Particularly, the bosses and adversaries are exceptionally durable, akin to tough, resilient objects. These “durable sponges” can be dangerously lethal due to their prolonged presence, even if they don’t deal the highest amount of damage because of the length of time they stay in the game.

5. Tales Of Legendia

The Jumps Between Difficulty Levels Are Brutal

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but marvel at how this title enriched the Tales series with elements rarely explored since, making it stand out distinctly among its peers.

For those who are familiar with the Tales series or role-playing games in general, adapting to the unique style of momentum-based real-time combat might require some adjustment. However, the main challenge lies in the sudden spikes in difficulty that players may encounter without immediately realizing they’ve transitioned into a higher level or power bracket of enemies.

4. Tales Of Xillia 2

Unconventional Combat Mechanics Make This Game Difficult

This particular installment in the “Tales” series has sparked a good deal of controversy among fans. Many have been quite vocal about their criticisms, not only regarding the game itself but also its role in concluding the story initiated by the original “Tales of Xillia.

In this game, the intricate battles, the peculiar critical hit mechanism, along with the tendency for party members to be steered towards specific class roles that create gaps in the party structure, collectively make it quite challenging overall.

3. Tales Of Destiny: Director’s Cut

A High-Stakes Classic In The Series

As a gamer diving back into the world of Tales, I can confirm that the Director’s Cut of Tales of Destiny is a fresh spin on an old favorite. It comes packed with updated elements, yet it remains true to the challenging spirit this classic game is renowned for.

In “Tales of Destiny,” you’ll encounter formidable foes capable of dealing substantial damage, while its real-time battle system introduces nimble assailants and heavy-duty tanks. These enemies will ensure you stay alert and responsive throughout the gameplay.

2. Tales Of Zestiria

Unrelenting Bosses Define This Game

In Tales of Zestiria, a large number of major battles against bosses can be challenging due to a requirement for high damage per second (DPS), which may cause problems for players who haven’t devoted enough time to leveling up their characters through grinding. The combat in this game is fast-paced, and it can be deceptive because defeating lower-level enemies might give the impression that everything is under control, but a subsequent boss can deal severe damage to the player’s party.

Leaders frequently possess devastating Area-of-Effect (AoE) moves capable of annihilating an entire team, and they also have special skills that demand careful tactical decision-making from players at each phase of combat.

1. Tales Of Vesperia

No Tales Game Has Difficulty Spikes Like This One

In these other “Tales” games, the challenge is concentrated in specific aspects of the gameplay. For instance, the boss battles might be tough, or the combat could expose players to attacks with high damage.

In “Tales of Vesperia,” the challenge is more unpredictable and dangerous, as common enemies could unexpectedly defeat the entire party without any warning, and boss battles might suddenly become much harder in the midst of combat, surprising players. There are scarcely any moments in the game where players can feel secure from an unexpected increase in difficulty that could significantly alter their strategy for each encounter.

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2025-02-21 14:05