Complete Triumphant Light Card List Set in Pokémon TCG Pocket—All Cards in Set A2A

Fans of the Pokémon TCG Pocket Edition won’t have time to catch their breath, as the latest boost set, Triumphant Light, has arrived early. This newest addition introduces the most recent and top-notch cards for collectors to gather. Let’s take a closer look at each card and the exciting possibilities offered by this new booster pack.

It seems like the Pokémon TCG Pocket schedule is pushing things forward at quite a pace. Space-Time Smackdown feels like it was just released yesterday, but we can’t afford to linger because Triumphant Light has arrived. Similar to Mythical Island, it’s a mini-set, and the powerful Arceus is the main focus of the booster pack promotions.

This card is part of a larger collection, and based on your dedication, it may not require much time to finish off.

How Many Cards in Triumphant Light A2A Set?

There are 96 cards in the Triumphant Light Pokémon TCG Pocket booster set.

To finish the base collection of Triumphant Light, you’ll likely need to gather approximately 75 distinct cards. On top of that, there are an additional 21 cards waiting for you, featuring a new Gold Crown Card to dream about, as well as new Full Arts and Rares.

Triumphant Light Card List in Pokémon TCG Pocket

Here is a simplified version of the information about the complete deck list in the Pokémon TCG Pocket’s A2A Triumphant Light: Each card is listed with its number, type, and rarity.

Or alternatively,

The following is the comprehensive collection of cards for the Pokémon TCG Pocket’s A2A Triumphant Light, including their numbers, types, and rarities.

Pokémon Name Card Number Card Type Rarity
Heracross 1 Grass Two Diamond
Burmy 2 Grass One Diamond
Mothim 3 Grass Two Diamond
Combee 4 Grass One Diamond
Vespiquen 5 Grass Two Diamond
Cherubi 6 Grass Two Diamond
Cherrim 7 Grass Two Diamond
Cherrim 8 Grass Two Diamond
Carnivine 9 Grass Three Diamond
Leafeon ex 10 Grass Four Diamond
Houndoor 11 Fire One Diamond
Houndoom 12 Fire Two Diamond
Heatran 13 Fire Three Diamond
Marill 14 Water One Diamond
Azumarill 15 Water Two Diamond
Barboach 16 Water One Diamond
Whiscash 17 Water Two Diamond
Snorunt 18 Water One Diamond
Froslass 19 Water Two Diamond
Snover 20 Water One Diamond
Abomasnow 21 Water Three Diamond
Glaceon ex 22 Water Four Diamond
Origin Forme Palkia 23 Water Three Diamond
Phione 24 Water Two Diamond
Pikachu 25 Electric One Diamond
Raichu 26 Electric Three Diamond
Electrike 27 Electric One Diamond
Manectric 28 Electric Two Diamond
Clefairy 29 Psychic One Diamond
Clefable 30 Psychic Two Diamond
Gastly 31 Psychic One Diamond
Haunter 32 Psychic One Diamond
Gengar 33 Psychic Two Diamond
Unown 34 Psychic Two Diamond
Rotom 35 Psychic Three Diamond
Sudowoodo 36 Fighting Two Diamond
Phanpy 37 Fighting One Diamond
Donphan 38 Fighting Two Diamond
Larvitar 39 Fighting One Diamond
Pupitar 40 Fighting Two Diamond
Tyranitar 41 Fighting Three Diamond
Nosepass 42 Fighting One Diamond
Meditite 43 Fighting Two Diamond
Medicham 44 Fighting Two Diamond
Gible 45 Fighting One Diamond
Gabite 46 Fighting Two Diamond
Garchomp ex 47 Fighting Four Diamond
Zubat 48 Darkness One Diamond
Golbat 49 Darkness One Diamond
Crobat 50 Darkness Three Diamond
Croagunk 51 Darkness One Diamond
Toxicroak 52 Darkness Two Diamond
Magnemite 53 Metal One Diamond
Magneton 54 Metal One Diamond
Magnezone 55 Metal Three Diamond
Mawile 56 Metal One Diamond
Probopass ex 57 Metal Four Diamond
Bronzor 58 Metal One Diamond
Bronzong 59 Metal Two Diamond
Origin Forme Dialga 60 Metal Three Diamond
Giratina 61 Dragon Three Diamond
Eevee 62 Colorless One Diamond
Snorlax 63 Colorless Two Diamond
Hoothoot 64 Colorless One Diamond
Noctowl 65 Colorless Two Diamond
Starly 66 Colorless One Diamond
Staravia 67 Colorless One Diamond
Staraptor 68 Colorless Two Diamond
Shaymin 69 Colorless Three Diamond
Arceus 70 Colorless Three Diamond
Arceus ex 71 Colorless Four Diamond
Irida 72 Supporter Two Diamond
Celestic Town Elder 73 Supporter Two Diamond
Barry 74 Supporter Two Diamond
Adaman 75 Supporter Two Diamond
Houndoom 76 Fire One Star
Marill 77 Water One Star
Unown 78 Psychic One Star
Sudowoodo 79 Fighting One Star
Magnemite 80 Electric One Star
Shaymin 81 Colorless One Star
Leafeon ex 82 Grass One Star
Glaceon ex 83 Water Two Star
Garchomp ex 84 Fighting Two Star
Probopass ex 85 Metal Two Star
Arceus ex 86 Colorless Two Star
Irida 87 Supporter Two Star
Celestic Town Elder 88 Supporter Two Star
Barry 89 Supporter Two Star
Adaman 90 Supporter Two Star
Leafeon ex 91 Grass Two Star
Glaceon ex 92 Water Two Star
Garchomp ex 93 Fighting Two Star
Probopass ex 94 Metal Two Star
Arceus ex 95 Colorless Three Star
Arceus ex 96 Colorless Gold Crown

Rarest Cards in Triumphant Island A2A Set

The “Gold Crown Arceus ex card” is the ultimate treasure in Triumphant Light, while a “Three-Star Arceus ex” is another valuable find. Additionally, various cards with a Two-Star rating, including both Pokemon and Supporter cards, are also available.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve been diving deep into both Triumphant Light’s and Mythical Island’s sets lately. While each offers unique gaming experiences, I must say there’s a noticeable difference between the two. Triumphant Light feels more refined, perhaps due to its polished mechanics, while Mythical Island offers a fresh, exciting adventure with its innovative features.

I personally enjoy these smaller sets nestled in-between the larger main additions. They provide a refreshing break from the grandeur of the main expansions, allowing me to explore new content without feeling overwhelmed. However, I can understand the argument that the developer might need a bit more time between sets to ensure they deliver the best possible gaming experience.

Ultimately, it’s all about striking the right balance. I believe that with careful planning and execution, these smaller sets can be a valuable addition to the gaming landscape, offering a mix of fresh content and an opportunity for developers to fine-tune their work before unleashing the next major expansion.

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2025-02-28 16:22