You Won’t Believe the 7 Best Skyrim Weapons for a Warrior Build


  • Dragonbane offers extra damage to dragons and shock damage to enemies.
  • Miraak’s Sword is a powerful weapon with unique attack patterns.
  • Bloodskal Blade offers crowd control with energy blasts and range.

Skyrim is one of the most thoroughly developed and skillfully designed role-playing games from the past 15 years. It provides players with numerous diverse quests, formidable adversaries to vanquish, intriguing non-player characters to engage with, and a wide selection of ranged and melee weapons, among other features. Moreover, it delivers an engaging storyline that remains captivating even in the present day.

The game additionally offers potent toxins for swiftly enhancing the Alchemy proficiency and an assortment of diverse character builds for players to experiment with, aiming to vanquish their adversaries. Here are some top-tier weapons in Skyrim, particularly beneficial for a formidable Warrior setup. This compilation will prioritize base damage as a key factor, evaluating each weapon accordingly.

7. Dragonbane

Extra Damage To Dragons Throughout The Land

Base Damage 10-14
Weight 10-14
Base Value 970-1,500
How To Get Sky Haven Temple, in an atrium left of the main chamber

In the expansive world of Skyrim, Dragonbane stands out as one of the top-tier katanas. You can acquire this exceptional sword in the Sky Haven Temple during the mission titled “Alduin’s Wall”. What sets it apart is its ability to inflict an additional 20 to 40 damage points on Dragons, and a shocking 10 damage points on other enemies. Despite its base damage not being particularly high, this unique feature makes it a remarkable weapon to wield.

The Dragonbane sword can be enhanced using a quicksilver ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith skill at any anvil. Additionally, it takes advantage of the Steel Smithing perk that could potentially double its improvement rate. Combined with a suitable Armor enhancement, this weapon becomes virtually indomitable.

6. Miraak’s Sword

An Outstanding Weapon That Grows In Length When Swung

Base Damage 12-16
Weight 3
Base Value 410-1,250
How To Get

Referred to as the Firstblade, Miraak’s Sword is a potent weapon that offers players an edge in battle, particularly for those adopting a Warrior strategy. It’s the second-least heavy sword in the game and boasts the highest physical base damage among any one-handed sword options. One of its most impressive features is its attack pattern, which transforms into a tentacle and elongates when wielded.

Despite initially seeming limited in variety, it swiftly compensates for this impression, making it a superb pick for a Warrior setup. With top-tier game mods, Miraak’s Sword can become excessively potent.

5. Chillrend

Players Have The Chance To Briefly Paralyze Foes

Base Damage 15
Weight 16
Base Value 1,442
How To Get Found inside the tunnels under the Riftweald Manor in Riften

As a dedicated enthusiast of the Elder Scrolls series, I can’t help but reminisce about Chillrend from Oblivion. It’s fantastic to see its return in Skyrim! The power of this enchanted weapon, along with its basic strength and worth, scale with each Dragonborn’s level, making it accessible as early as level one.

One extra benefit this item offers is that it inflicts 30 units of Frost damage on enemies and has a possibility of immobilizing them for two seconds. This feature can be quite useful for managing large groups, given the right circumstances. Ideally, the Dragonborn should use Chillrend, but if needed, it can also be handed to some top-tier game followers to enhance their performance.

4. Bloodskal Balde

A Great Weapon For Crowd Control

Base Damage 21
Weight 16
Base Value 500
How To Get Found on the remains of Gratian Caerellius during the quest “The Final Descent” by travelling into the depths of Bloodskal Barrow

The Bloodskal Blade, dealing the same amount of base damage as a Glass Greatsword, stands among the top weapon choices for players opting for a Warrior build while conquering Skyrim.

With this weapon, called the Bloodskal Blade, when players perform a power attack, they unleash an energy blast, either horizontal or vertical. This blast deals 30 points of damage based on the specific power attack utilized. The attack range for this blade extends up to 15 feet and can pierce through walls, as well as pass through multiple enemies simultaneously. In essence, if players aim to increase the difficulty of their gameplay, they are advised to avoid the Bloodskal Blade.

3. Wuuthrad

A Deadly Weapon With A Ton Of Lore Behind It

Base Damage 25
Weight 25
Base Value 2,000
How To Get Obtained during the “Glory of the Dead” mission

The Wuuthrad is a weapon that’s relatively easy to acquire, as players merely need to finish the quest “Glory of the Dead”. Once they’ve gathered all the fragments for it, Eorlund Gray-Mane will reforge it for them. Later on, this weapon can be used to open Ysgramor’s Tomb, but remember to take it off the statue afterwards if you want to keep it.

In the game Skyrim, this battleaxe has an unusual trait: it inflicts additional damage on Elves and is among the heaviest of its kind, tipping the scales at 25 units. To handle such a hefty weapon effectively without being weighed down, it’s advisable to team it up with a well-fitted Light Armor set, unless players possess a substantial carry weight stat. Otherwise, they might find themselves overburdened.

2. Volendrung

A Classic In The Elder Scrolls Franchise

Base Damage 25
Weight 26
Base Value 1,843
How To Get Received from the Daedric Prince Malacath as a reward for completing “The Cursed Tribe”

In nearly every installment of the Elder Scrolls series, you’ll find reference to Volendrung – a relic that long-time fans of the game franchise are likely familiar with. Originally owned by Rourken, a Dwemer migrant from Morrowind, this Warhammer has become a timeless piece in the Elder Scrolls world.

This particular weapon can enhance by employing Ebony Ingot and the Arcane Blacksmith ability; ordinary Smithing won’t have an impact on it. The Smithing skill must exceed 100 for it to surpass its flawless quality, though. Additionally, Volendrung saps 50 Stamina points from adversaries, which can wear them down rapidly and make managing them easier.

1. Dragonbone Warhammer

A Mighty Weapon With A Considerably High Base Damage

Base Damage 28
Weight 33
Base Value 4,275
How To Get Crafted at a blacksmith’s forge using 3x Dragon bones, 2x Ebony Ingots, and 3x Leather strips

The Dragonbone Warhammer is found within the Dawnguard DLC, a game expansion that introduced numerous unique weapons and challenging opponents for gamers to conquer. Among these weapons, this one boasts the highest initial damage, surpassed only by the Madness Warhammer.

In order to create the Dragonbone Warhammer, you’ll need a Smithing skill of 100 and the Dragon Armor bonus ability. To do this, you’ll have to visit a blacksmith’s forge and gather the necessary materials: 3 Dragon bones, 2 Ebony ingots, and 3 Leather strips. Acquiring these items won’t be overly challenging, but it will require some time and effort on your part.

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2025-03-08 12:39