Uncover the Secrets of Swordsmith Ruins: Whimstars and Dews of Inspiration Await in Infinity Nikki

In the thrilling world of Infinity Nikki, I, as a dedicated fan, found out about Chigda’s pact with The Dark, orchestrated by Giovanni, within the enchanted woods known as the Wishing Woods. Determined to put an end to this menace and minimize further harm, I resolve to vanquish him for good. To achieve this, I plan to delve into the labyrinthine Swordsmith Ruins, harboring hopes that the Sacred Knight will offer me guidance on my perilous journey.

In the world of Infinity Nikki, I, a devoted fan, find myself delving into the enigmatic depths of the Swordsmith Ruins. This captivating dungeon holds tantalizing clues about the Sacred Knight, but that’s not all – it’s also a treasure trove for Whimstars and Dews of Inspiration!

This guide is designed to help fellow Stylists like myself locate each of these prized items as we traverse this route. Before embarking on our adventure, ensure you’ve completed the Explore! The Swordsmith Ruins Quest, so that we can access and navigate through this fascinating dungeon. Happy exploring!

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Locations In Infinity Nikki

The ruins known as Swordsmith’s Gate are nestled within the holy mountain range of Wishing Woods. Adventurers may explore this region prior, but it’s only after initiating the ‘Swordsmith Ruins Quest: Explore!’ that they can access the dungeon. Within these depths, a maximum of 5 Whimstars can be collected.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Location 1

When you step into the dungeon within Infinity Nikki, put on your Shrinking Ability Outfit and stick to the route until you hit the Sword Courtyard checkpoint. There’s a ventilation fan close by the checkpoint; use it to hover to the platform beyond. Then, walk leftwards towards the hole in the wall. The first Whimstar is hidden inside the pipe on the left side, and you can utilize the ventilation fan within to reach the upper platform.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Location 2

Go back to where we were, then move to the right towards the pipe. Continue along this path until we trigger the Ventilation Tunnel checkpoint, which is our next destination.

When you encounter a pipe filled with several fans, pause briefly after the fan stops spinning, then guide Momo to accelerate forward.

Once you exit the vents, transform back into human form and leap over the pipe towards a hollow in the wall to obtain the second Whimstar.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Location 3

Keep navigating along the trail within Swordsmith Ruins until you reach the Sacred Corridor Checkpoint. Beneath this checkpoint, there’s a concealed pipe that Momo can pass through. Inside the pipe, make sure to stay out of sight from the statue and utilize the ventilation fan to reveal several boxes lined against the wall. Employ Nikki for a diving attack and demolish those boxes to uncover the Whimstar hidden behind them.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Location 4

Head back to the designated spot, then proceed towards your next location. You’ll find the next Whimstar near an air vent, so opt for using Nikki rather than Momo to descend instead of floating.

Swordsmith Ruins Whimstar Location 5

The final Whimstar can be found at the upcoming Forge Tower checkpoint, which is surrounded by water. To get to the platform on the uppermost level, you’ll have to utilize multiple ventilation fans as stepping stones. The Whimstar is situated above a platform just beneath the floor you’re aiming to reach in your quest.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration Locations In Infinity Nikki

Although the Swordsmith Ruins are vast, you’ll only discover 16 Pairs of Dews of Inspiration within them. In these ruins, at least two Dews of Inspiration occupy each location where a pair is found. Follow this guide to gather all pairs of Dews of Inspiration in the Swordsmith Ruins of Infinity Nikki.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 1-2

Step into the underground lair and keep going along the pathway until you encounter the initial air circulation device. Upon reaching the overhead stage, cast your eyes to the left and search for a pipe adorned with two flasks labeled “Dews of Inspiration” suspended above it.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 3-4

Keep going along the way until you reach the Sword Courtyard checkpoint. Once there, activate the ventilation fan in front of it and drift towards the enormous gear to gather your next batch of Dews of Inspiration.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 5-6

Step into the underground tunnel, proceed to the pipe located on your right side once inside. Upon reaching the exit, search beneath the equipment to find the fifth and sixth sources of Inspiration labeled as Dews in the game ‘Infinity Nikki’.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 7-9

Walk until you get to a large open space with water and a damaged bridge. Instead of landing on the bridge itself, hover above the ventilation fan and alight on the scaffolding next to it. To proceed further, trace the Bling to the end of the wooden platform where you’ll discover the next collection of Dews of Inspiration hidden under the bridge.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 10-11

As you proceed towards the upcoming location known as the Ventilation Tunnel, notice two sources of inspiration situated on a rock near the tower.

Or more casually:

Heading to the next spot, the Ventilation Tunnel, take a look at the pair of inspirational spots nestled against the tower’s base rock.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 12-14

Make your way along the path until you reach the Sacred Corridor checkpoint, then go below it where you’ll find a hidden tunnel. This tunnel leads to a chamber, where if you look carefully, you’ll discover a small hole in the wall containing three Dews of Inspiration.

Swordsmith Ruins Dews of Inspiration 15-16

The last group of Dews of Inspiration in Swordsmith Ruins is situated close to where you were previously. Exit the room through the hole from where you obtained the previous Dews, then immediately employ Nikki’s Floating Ability Outfit to jump onto the boxes on the right side.

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2025-03-09 10:40