Conquer Mega Lucario: Ultimate Raid Guide with Top Counters and Strategies!

In the Mega Raid events for Pokemon GO, you’ll find Mega Lucario as the boss. Conquering this tough battle guarantees an encounter with Lucario. Additionally, there’s a possibility that a Shiny Lucario could appear rather than the standard version.

Title Characteristic and Strategic Guidance for Overcoming Mega Lucario:

Mega Lucario belongs to the Fighting and Steel type, boasting a maximum Pokemon GO Combat Power (CP) of 4325 CP. As a challenging Mega Raid Boss, it demands careful planning to conquer. To have a fighting chance against it, you’ll want to join forces with other players who possess potent raid countermeasures.

This guide will provide you with the most effective Mega Lucario raid counters, expose its vulnerabilities, and much more.

Pokemon GO: Mega Lucario Raid Weaknesses And Resistances

In the game Pokemon GO, Mega Lucario has a dual typing which means it’s vulnerable and immune to specific types of attacks. Mastering its weaknesses and resistances is crucial for victory. By grasping these traits, you can effectively choose the optimal Mega Lucario Raid counterstrategies.

Pokemon GO Mega Lucario’s Weaknesses

  • Fighting-type Moves
  • Fire-type Moves
  • Ground-type Moves

Pokemon GO Mega Lucario’s Resistance

  • Bug-type Moves
  • Poison-type Moves
  • Rock-type Moves
  • Dark-type Moves
  • Dragon-type Moves
  • Grass-type Moves
  • Ice-type Moves
  • Normal-type Moves
  • Steel-type Moves

In cloudy or snowy terrains, Mega Lucario becomes more formidable in combat. It’s advisable to steer clear of raids taking place under such weather conditions.

Pokemon GO: Best Mega Lucario Raid Counters

To effectively defeat Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO, it’s crucial that your chosen Pokemon have moves that exploit its weaknesses. Fighting, Fire, and Ground-type Pokemon with matching attack types can capitalize on the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) effect, dealing extra damage to the Mega Raid Boss. Here are some top picks for Mega Lucario counters along with their recommended attacks:

1. Conkeldurr – Counter and Dynamic Punch
2. Machamp – Counter and Stone Edge/Dynamite Punch
3. Rhyperior – Rock Slide and Earthquake
4. Tyranitar – Stone Edge and Smack Down
5. Hariyama – Counter and Dynamic Punch
6. Terrakion – Smash Up and Stone Edge
7. Landorus-Therian – Earthquake and Smack Down/Stone Edge
8. Garchomp – Dragon Claw and Earthquake

  • Primal Groudon – Mud Shot (Ground) & Precipice Blades (Ground) (Legacy)
  • Mega Y Charizard – Fire Spin (Fire) & Blast Burn (Fire) (Legacy)
  • Mega Blaziken – Fire Spin (Fire) & Blast Burn (Fire) (Legacy)
  • Mega Garchomp – Mud Shot (Ground) & Earth Power (Ground) (Legacy)
  • Mega Lucario – Force Palm (Fighting) (Legacy) & Aura Sphere (Fighting)
  • Mega Heracross – Counter (Fighting) & Close Combat (Fighting)
  • Mega X Charizard – Fire Spin (Fire) & Blast Burn (Fire) (Legacy)
  • Reshiram – Fire Fang (Fire) & Fusion Flare (Fire) (Legacy)
  • Apex Shadow Ho-Oh – Incinerate (Fire) & Sacred Fire (Fire) (Legacy)
  • Shadow Groudon – Mud Shot (Ground) & Precipice Blades (Ground) (Legacy)

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2025-03-12 16:55