One Piece: Oda Has Already Revealed Dragon’s Devil Fruit

This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • Dragon is confirmed as a Devil Fruit user with wind manipulation abilities.
  • Oda hints at Dragon having the Storm Storm Fruit or Wind Wind Fruit.
  • Dragon also possesses Conqueror’s Haki and is skilled in martial arts.

In its Final Saga, “One Piece” is ramping up the action, bringing into play the most influential characters who have long been in the shadows. Readers have eagerly anticipated seeing these legendary figures’ true powers unleashed, and that moment is now at hand with key figures such as Dragon, Shanks, and more taking center stage.

Regarding Dragon, it’s clear that the author, Oda, has given numerous clues about his special ability. By examining these hints, we can significantly narrow down the potential powers of Dragon’s Devil Fruit. In light of all this information revealed by Oda, fans have a fairly accurate understanding of what Dragon is capable of and what his mysterious Devil Fruit might entail. While Oda still has the capacity to surprise us, there’s a wealth of evidence for fans to make an educated guess about Dragon’s power.

Dragon Is A Devil Fruit User

  • Dragon Has Unique Abilities
  • Dragon Can Manipulate Winds

It’s undeniably true that Monkey D Dragon possesses a Devil Fruit in the storyline. Some fans might dispute this, but the evidence is overwhelming. For instance, Dragon’s unexpected arrival in Loguetown coinciding with weather changes hints at his supernatural abilities. Normally, only those with Devil Fruit powers can manipulate weather conditions. Secondly, when Dragon rescued Sabo from the ocean, his ability to do so without any known power would have been impossible. Thirdly, Dragon was observed flying to the Wind Granma after rescuing Sabo, carrying him in his hands. Upon landing on the ship’s deck, a steam-like smoke was seen emanating from his body, further suggesting he is a Devil Fruit user.

Let the winds of fate guide you, my friend. — Dragon to Kuma

In my observation, it appears that Oda subtly hints at Dragon possessing a Devil Fruit ability through his ship’s name itself. Notably, he frequently employs phrases revolving around the concept of wind when speaking, such as “winds of fate.” These linguistic choices lead fans to speculate that Dragon has a Devil Fruit power linked with the winds. The evidence is quite compelling, suggesting strongly that this is indeed the case.

It won’t be long until Oda unveils the full extent of Dragon’s Devil Fruit power, and let me tell you, fans should prepare themselves for something incredibly potent. This fruit’s abilities are undeniably powerful!

Dragon’s Devil Fruit Power Has Already Been Confirmed

Dragon Has One Of Two Powers In One Piece

From all that Oda has shown us about Dragon’s powers up until now, it is evident that Dragon possesses the capacity to control winds. There are three potential ways this power could manifest.

The first scenario involves giving Dragon a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit with wind manipulation abilities. This would serve to prevent Dragon from becoming excessively powerful. With such a fruit, Dragon could launch wind attacks, move around in the air, and control winds within the environment. However, this isn’t the only possibility for Dragon’s power.

Another option is the Kaze Kaze no Mi, a Logia-type Devil Fruit. As a Logia, Dragon would have one of the most potent abilities in One Piece. This ability would allow him to transform into wind itself. He could alter wind patterns, travel anywhere he wished, become a destructive wind force, and even level cities if needed. However, being able to turn into wind would also put Dragon at great risk due to the inherent danger of his power.

From generation to generation, a legacy bequeathed, a cherished vision that burns within me – the rhythm of life’s ebb and flow unfolding before my eyes. As long as the human spirit yearns for liberty, this dream I inherited shall endure, a timeless testament to the indomitable will of mankind.

Another possibility could be in play as well. It’s already established that Dragon possesses the ability to control wind, but it remains unclear if this is his primary power or just one of his secondary abilities. After all, controlling winds can encompass various forms, such as the power to conjure storms. This is another potential ability that Dragon might possess, and considering his visit to Loguetown, it seems plausible. When Dragon arrived in Loguetown, Nami warned of an approaching storm. She noted a sudden and rapid drop in atmospheric pressure, indicating a large storm was imminent. Soon after, heavy rains battered Loguetown, and Dragon utilized the storm to create a lightning bolt that struck down Buggy, who intended to harm his son. By orchestrating an entire storm, Dragon saved Luffy and ensured his departure from Loguetown, which is a significant feat in itself.

It’s possible for a strong wind to lead to a storm, but it seems more likely that Dragon possesses the ability to generate storms himself. This suggests he can control winds naturally, enhancing his power even further. Essentially, we could say he might be in possession of a fruit known as the Storm-Summoning Fruit.

In summary, it could be either a Stormy Storm Fruit or a Windy Wind Fruit, but its powers seem to align more with the former. Regardless, the power is extraordinarily potent and undeniably fitting for the high-ranking leader of the Revolutionary Army.

Does Dragon Have Other Powers?

Dragon Can Use Ryusoken

Despite the fact that Dragon possesses an incredibly strong Devil Fruit, he doesn’t solely rely on it. It’s well-known among fans that Dragon is proficient in using Conqueror’s Haki too, and moreover, he trained Sabo in Ryusoken martial arts. His abilities are exceptionally versatile, and there’s no doubt that he can engage in combat effectively through various means. Without a shadow of a doubt, Dragon ranks among the most powerful characters within One Piece, and at present, he plays a crucial role in the storyline.

In due course, Dragon will likely take center stage in “One Piece,” and when this occurs, viewers can expect to witness his full potential unfold. Since we are now in the Final Saga of the series, it seems only a matter of time before Dragon makes his move, considering he has already initiated an attack against the World Government.

Fans can legally read One Piece for free through Viz Media on apps like Shonen Jump and Manga Plus. The upcoming chapter, One Piece 1143, is scheduled for release on March 23, 2025.

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2025-03-13 01:04