The True Identity of the Earth God in One Piece Revealed

This article contains spoilers from One Piece’s Elbaf Arc.


  • The Harley Texts reveal the existence of the Earth God in One Piece‘s Elbaf arc.
  • The Earth God’s connection to Imu is hinted through their similar appearance and power.
  • Nidhoggr, a legendary dragon, could be the true identity of the Earth God, linking to Imu’s ability.

At present, “One Piece” finds itself immersed in the Elbaf storyline, and enthusiasts are deeply captivated by the recent twists unfolding. It’s obvious that the Elbaf arc will be exceptionally significant as we progress, given it marks the first truly grand arc within the Final Saga where the Straw Hat Pirates will spend a considerable amount of time. Although the arc is still in its infancy, it has already provided fans with some breathtaking moments, including substantial backstory revelations, captivating character introductions, and exceptional world-building overall – qualities that “One Piece” is well known for.

Among the key elements that stand out to One Piece fans, there’s a strong chance they’re referring to the Harlequin texts. These texts played a significant role, as they hinted at the existence of numerous deities in the world. One such deity is the Earth God, whose true nature might have already been hinted at by Oda.

The Harley And The Earth God In One Piece

  • The Sacred Text Harley Explains The Existence Of The Earth God
  • The Earth God Rampaged And Destroyed The World

The Harley Texts, a revered scripture in Elbaf, were first mentioned during the Elbaf arc of One Piece, particularly when the Straw Hat Pirates interacted with the Giants of the land. These Giants venerate a deity named Nika, but each has their unique interpretation of who he is. Some consider Nika as the Liberator, others as a Destroyer, and some even think him to be the ruler of the world. However, there’s much disagreement about his true nature, largely due to misinterpretations over time, such as those perpetuated by Harley.

The Harley is an ancient text that has been handed down in Elbaf for generations and is said to narrate the world myth. According to this scripture, the world of One Piece has perished not once but twice already, and it foretells the story of the Third World. Here’s what the Harley predicts:

First World

Fire swept across the land, and people were tempted by their passions to approach the prohibited sun. Slaves pleaded, and the Sun Deity manifested. The Earth Deity grew furious, joining forces with the serpent of eternal flames to cast a pall of death and night over the world. There would be no more encounters between them.

Second World

Life awoke in the emptiness, and the Forest Deity summoned spirits of darkness. The Sun simply ignited the flames of conflict across lands. Those under the crescent moon and those under the full moon both dreamt vividly. People turned into deities by slaying the Sun, yet the Sea Deity was enraged in response. A reunion between them would never transpire again.

Third World

Amidst the turmoil, there’s a sense of emptiness that lingers. The troubled echoes of yesterday seem to whisper of a peaceful tomorrow, and I catch hints of a broken melody drifting from the moon’s fragments. The Sun God, with his jubilant steps and infectious laughter, guides us towards our inevitable conclusion. Yet, the sun shall rise again, and a brand new daybreak will dawn. It feels almost certain that we shall cross paths once more in this fresh beginning.

The Harley symbol carries intricate meanings, many of which have already been interpreted, including our own. However, not all aspects apply in this context. When discussing the Earth Deity, it’s crucial to note that one specific realm holds significance – the Primordial Realm. In this realm, the planet appears to have been highly developed, yet it was also marked by an overwhelming presence of fire, or the Motherflame. To control its potency, a system of slavery flourished on Earth, and the enslaved yearned for the arrival of the Sun Goddess Nika to liberate them from their bondage. Nika arrives, and the Earth Deity becomes enraged. Alongside the Hellfire Serpent, the Earth Deity brings about the destruction of this world. It is the Earth Deity that we should focus on in this discussion.

That’s why I think this must all be some child’s dream. — Ripley

Peering at the Elbaf mural, it’s undeniably evident to me that two colossal beasts are launching an attack on what appears to be the Ark Maxim-like ship. One of them seems to be the Serpent of Hellfire, while the other is likely the Earth God, given the context. If we go by this understanding, the Earth God would indeed be a dragon.

The Earth God’s Connection To Imu In One Piece

Imu And The Earth God Have The Same Appearance

In the thrilling realm of One Piece, it’s not unthinkable to imagine that the divine beings have their own Devil Fruits. For instance, if the Earth God were to reside in the First World, it wouldn’t be a stretch to envision this deity materializing as a Devil Fruit, much like the Sun God Nika did. Now, I firmly believe that the power of the Earth God lies with Imu. This assumption arises from the striking resemblance between Imu and the fire-breathing creature. You might recall a fleeting glimpse of Imu from the Reverie arc, hinting at some Zoan ability he possesses. Although the creature remains partially obscured, it undeniably shares characteristics with the world-destroying serpent, the Serpent of Hellfire.

The only one our blades can’t pierce is the serpent soaked in blood. — Dorry and Brogy

On the left side of the Harley mural, there’s a narrative unfolding about an impending conflict, symbolizing the Third World. In this artwork, it’s evident that the figure resembles Imu, who appears as a dragon-like hybrid. The dragon-like features, such as horns, scaly back, and wings, make this identification clear. Interestingly, Imu in this depiction bears a striking resemblance to the dragon from the First World, which brought about destruction with the Serpent of Hellfire. However, here, he seems to be portrayed in his hybrid form.

Elbaf Shows Nidhoggr Might Be The Earth God And Imu’s Power

Imu Could Have The Nidhoggr Devil Fruit

In chapter 1142 of One Piece, Oda revealed that a legendary dragon, powerful enough to destroy the world, indeed exists within the mythology of this universe. This dragon is none other than Nidhoggr. It was born from the nightmares of a child using Sommers’s power. Upon examining the appearance of Nidhoggr and comparing it to the dragon depicted in the mural, they are an exact match – from the shape of its horns, scales, wings, all the way down to the fire-breathing ability that comes with being a dragon. If the Earth God and Imu share similar powers, then fans already have their answer regarding what Imu’s power is: it is the Nidhoggr dragon. This would make perfect sense since Imu is the most powerful of the Celestial Dragons, who are undoubtedly fascinated with dragons in some way or another. Given his status, it seems fitting that the strongest among them would be a dragon itself.

Fans can access and read ‘One Piece’ for free, officially, on the Shonen Jump and Manga Plus apps, provided by Viz Media. Mark your calendars, as the next chapter, ‘One Piece 1143’, is scheduled for release on March 23, 2025.

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2025-03-14 01:54