In the context of Civilization 7, the Legend Unlocks and the Legend Path System are fresh additions. These elements serve as a type of progression that transcends the current game being played. Essentially, they enable you to unlock aesthetic and functional aspects for future gaming sessions by achieving specific goals.
In our guide for “Civilization 7,” we’ll walk you through the mechanics of Legend Unlocks, explaining how they function and how to gain access to them. We’ll also supply a selection of Foundation Legend Units as a demonstration of the types of rewards you can secure using this system.
Legend Paths, Explained
In Civilization 7, there are multiple Legendary Journeys, each featuring tasks that, upon completion, grant Experience towards advancing that journey. Once you advance a level on a journey, you receive rewards such as Badges, Titles, Banners, Borders, Background Colors, or Mementos. Most of these are cosmetic items for your profile picture, while Mementos are small benefits that can be activated at the start of a game. Additionally, Leader Legacy Paths provide access to additional Characteristic Improvements within the game and unique Policy Cards, which are only available for the Leader whose path was unlocked.
In this game, there’s a common journey called the “Foundation Track,” which includes general tasks. Additionally, for each leader you can play as, there’s an individual path known as the “Legend Track.” Each of these tracks has unique goals tailored to that specific character.
Foundation Legend Path, Explained

In the game, the Foundation Legend Path stands out as the most extensive, offering a diverse range of tasks. Spanning across 50 levels, this path presents a total of 265 challenges that grant you experience upon completion.
All Foundation Legend Path Challenges
Most challenges along the Foundation Legacy Path function in two ways: either they serve as checkpoints, incentivizing you for spending considerable time within the game, or they offer suggestions on specific tactics to employ with particular civilizations, helping you discover effective strategies and wonders.
Challenge Name | Challenge Objective |
Tutorial Challenges | |
Hic Sunt Dracones | Explore 100 Tiles (10XP) |
This Land is My Land | Settle Your First Town (10XP) |
Urban Upgrade | Turn a Town into a City (10XP) |
Outpacing Capacity | Exceed Settlement Cap by 1 (10XP) |
Envoys En Voyage | Initiate at Least One Diplomatic Action with Every Other Civilization (10XP) |
Highly Specialized | Assign a Specialist to a District (10XP) |
Master of the Arts | Research a Mastery in Civics or Technology (10XP) |
Full House | Load Four Units into a Commander (10 XP) |
Battle-Hardened | Earn 100xp for an Army Commander (10XP) |
Benevolent | Become a suzerein of an Independent (10XP) |
Barbaric | Disperse an Independent (10XP) |
Feed the Machine | Reinforce a Commander (10XP) |
Quaint Quarter | Construct a Unique Quarter (10XP) |
Booming | In Antiquity, Have a Population of at least 50 (10XP) |
Policy with Other Means | Declare a War (10XP) |
The True Civilization Starts Here | Complete All Other Tutorial Challenges (25XP) |
Wonder Challenges | |
House of Wisdom | As Abbasid, complete the House of Wisdom (50XP) |
Great Stele | As Aksum, complete the Great Stele (50XP) |
Statue of Liberty | As America, complete the Statue of Liberty (50XP) |
Muzibu Azaala Mpanga | As Buganda, complete Muzibu Azaala Mpanga (50XP) |
Brihadeeswarar | As Chola, complete Brihadeeswarar (50XP) |
Pyramids | As Egypt, complete the Pyramids (50XP) |
Eiffel Tower | As French Empire, complete the Eiffel Tower (50XP) |
Oracle | As Greece, complete the Oracle (50XP) |
Weiyang Palace | As Han, complete the Weiyang Palace (50XP) |
Hale o Keawe | As Hawai’i, complete Hale o Keawe (50XP) |
Machu Pikchu | As Inca, complete Machu Pikchu (50XP) |
Angkor Wat | As Khmer, complete Angkor Wat (50XP) |
Borobudur | As Majapahit, complete Borobudur (50XP) |
Sanchi Stupa | As Maurya, complete Sanchi Stupa (50XP) |
Mundo Perdido | As Maya, complete Mundo Perdido (50XP) |
Dogo Onsen | As Meiji, complete Dogo Onsen (50XP) |
Palacio De Bellas Artes | As Mexico, complete Palacio De Bellas Artes (50XP) |
Forbidden City | As Ming, complete the Forbidden City (50XP) |
Monks Mound | As Mississipian, complete the Monks Mound (50XP) |
Erdene Zuu | As Mongolia, complete the Erdene Zuu (50XP) |
Red Fort | As Mughal, complete the Red Fort (50XP) |
White Tower | As Normans, complete the White Tower (50XP) |
Gate of All Nations | As Persia, complete the Gate of All Nations (50XP) |
Brandenburg Gate | As Prussia, complete the Brandenburg Gate (50XP) |
Chengde Mountain Resort | As Qing, complete the Chengde Mountain Resort (50XP) |
Colosseum | As Rome, complete the Colosseum (50XP) |
Hermitage | As Russia, complete the Hermitage (50XP) |
Serpent Mound | As Shawnee, complete the Serpent Mound (50XP) |
Doi Suthep | As Siam, complete Doi Suthep (50XP) |
Tomb of Askia | As Songhai, complete Tomb of Askia (50XP) |
El Escorial | As Spain, complete El Escorial (50XP) |
Wondrous | Complete all Base Game Wonders Challenges (100XP) |
Civ Victories | |
Abbasid Legacy Path | As Abbasid, complete a Scientific Legacy Path (50 XP) |
Aksum Legacy Path | As Aksum, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
America Legacy Path | As America, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Buganda Legacy Path | As Buganda, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Chola Legacy Path | As Chola, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Egypt Legacy Path | As Egypt, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
French Empire Legacy Path | As French Empire, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Greece Legacy Path | As Greece, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Han Legacy Path | As Han, complete a Scientific Legacy Path (50XP) |
Hawai’i Legacy Path | As Hawai’i, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Inca Legacy Path | As Inca, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Khmer Legacy Path | As Khmer, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Majapahit Legacy Path | As Majapahit, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Maurya Legacy Path | As Maurya, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Maya Legacy Path | As Maya, complete a Scientific Legacy Path (50XP) |
Meiji Legacy Path | As Meiji, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Mexico Legacy Path | As Mexico, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Ming Legacy Path | As Ming, complete a Scientific Legacy Path (50XP) |
Mississippean Legacy Path | As Mississippean, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Mongolia Legacy Path | As Mongolia, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Mughal Legacy Path | As Mughal, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Normans Legacy Path | As Normans, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Persia Legacy Path | As Persia, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Prussia Legacy Path | As Prussia, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Qing Legacy Path | As Qing, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Rome Legacy Path | As Rome, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Russia Legacy Path | As Russia, complete a Scientific Legacy Path (50XP) |
Shawnee Legacy Path | As Shawnee, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Siam Legacy Path | As Siam, complete a Cultural Legacy Path (50XP) |
Songhai Legacy Path | As Songhai, complete an Economic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Spain Legacy Path | As Spain, complete a Militaristic Legacy Path (50XP) |
Victorious | Complete all base game Civ Victories Challenges (100XP) |
Milestones | |
Ages Completed 5 | See the End of 5 Ages (50XP) |
Ages Completed 10 | See the End of 10 Ages (50XP) |
Ages Completed 15 | See the End of 15 Ages (50XP) |
Turns Played 100 | Play 100 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 300 | Play 300 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 500 | Play 500 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 700 | Play 700 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 900 | Play 900 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 1100 | Play 1100 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 1300 | Play 1300 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 1500 | Play 1500 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 1700 | Play 1700 Turns (50XP) |
Turns Played 1900 | Play 1900 Turns (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 5 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 5 Times (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 10 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 10 Times (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 15 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 15 Times (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 20 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 20 Times (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 25 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 25 Times (50XP) |
Military Legacy Path 30 | Complete a Military Legacy Path 30 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 5 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 5 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 10 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 10 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 15 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 15 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 20 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 20 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 25 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 25 Times (50XP) |
Culture Legacy Path 30 | Complete a Culture Legacy Path 30 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 5 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 5 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 10 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 10 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 15 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 15 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 20 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 20 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 25 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 25 Times (50XP) |
Science Legacy Path 30 | Complete a Science Legacy Path 30 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 5 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 5 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 10 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 10 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 15 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 15 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 20 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 20 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 25 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 25 Times (50XP) |
Economic Legacy Path 30 | Complete an Economic Legacy Path 30 Times (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 5 | Discover 5 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 10 | Discover 10 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 15 | Discover 15 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 20 | Discover 20 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 25 | Discover 25 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 30 | Discover 30 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 35 | Discover 35 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 40 | Discover 40 Natural Wonders (50 XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 45 | Discover 45 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Natural Wonders Discovered 50 | Discover 50 Natural Wonders (50XP) |
Discoveries 10 | Complete 10 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 20 | Complete 20 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 30 | Complete 30 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 40 | Complete 40 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 50 | Complete 50 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 60 | Complete 60 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 70 | Complete 70 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 80 | Complete 80 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 90 | Complete 90 Discoveries (50XP) |
Discoveries 100 | Complete 100 Discoveries (50XP) |
Wonders Built 10 | Build 10 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 10 | Build 10 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 10 | Build 10 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 20 | Build 20 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 30 | Build 30 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 40 | Build 40 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 50 | Build 50 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 60 | Build 60 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 70 | Build 70 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 80 | Build 80 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 90 | Build 90 Wonders (50XP) |
Wonders Built 100 | Build 100 Wonders (50XP) |
Leaders Played 5 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 5 Different Leaders (50XP) |
Leaders Played 10 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 10 Different Leaders (50XP) |
Leaders Played 15 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 15 Different Leaders (50XP) |
Civs Played 5 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 5 Different Civs (50XP) |
Civs Played 10 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 10 Different Civs (50XP) |
Civs Played 15 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 15 Different Civs (50XP) |
Civs Played 20 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 20 Different Civs (50XP) |
Civs Played 25 | Reach at Least 1 Legacy Path Milestone with 25 Different Civs (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 5 | Spent 5 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 10 | Spent 10 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 15 | Spent 15 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 20 | Spent 20 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 25 | Spent 25 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 30 | Spent 30 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 35 | Spent 35 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 40 | Spent 40 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 45 | Spent 45 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Attribute Points Spent 50 | Spent 50 Attribute Points (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 10 | Promote your Commanders a total of 10 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 20 | Promote your Commanders a total of 20 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 30 | Promote your Commanders a total of 30 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 40 | Promote your Commanders a total of 40 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 50 | Promote your Commanders a total of 50 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 60 | Promote your Commanders a total of 60 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 70 | Promote your Commanders a total of 70 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 80 | Promote your Commanders a total of 80 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 90 | Promote your Commanders a total of 90 Times (50XP) |
Commander Promotions 100 | Promote your Commanders a total of 100 Times (50XP) |
Celebrations 5 | Trigger 5 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 10 | Trigger 10 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 15 | Trigger 15 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 20 | Trigger 20 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 25 | Trigger 25 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 30 | Trigger 30 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 35 | Trigger 35 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 40 | Trigger 40 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 45 | Trigger 45 Celebrations (50XP) |
Celebrations 50 | Trigger 50 Celebrations (50XP) |
Trade Routes 10 | Establish 10 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 20 | Establish 20 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 30 | Establish 30 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 40 | Establish 40 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 50 | Establish 50 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 60 | Establish 60 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 70 | Establish 70 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 80 | Establish 80 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 90 | Establish 90 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Trade Routes 100 | Establish 100 Trade Routes (50XP) |
Settlements 10 | Establish 10 Settlements (50XP) |
Settlements 20 | Establish 20 Settlements (50XP) |
Settlements 30 | Establish 30 Settlements (50XP) |
Technologies 25 | Research 25 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 50 | Research 50 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 75 | Research 75 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 100 | Research 100 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 125 | Research 125 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 150 | Research 150 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 175 | Research 175 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 200 | Research 200 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 225 | Research 225 Technologies (50XP) |
Technologies 250 | Research 250 Technologies (50XP) |
Civics 25 | Research 25 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 50 | Research 50 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 75 | Research 75 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 100 | Research 100 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 125 | Research 125 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 150 | Research 150 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 175 | Research 175 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 200 | Research 200 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 225 | Research 225 Civics (50XP) |
Civics 250 | Research 250 Civics (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 25 | Engage in 25 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 50 | Engage in 50 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 75 | Engage in 75 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 100 | Engage in 100 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 125 | Engage in 125 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 150 | Engage in 150 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 175 | Engage in 175 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 200 | Engage in 200 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 225 | Engage in 225 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Diplomatic Actions 250 | Engage in 250 Diplomatic Actions (50XP) |
Seen Some Things | Gain Rewards from Narrative Events 50 times (50XP) |
Seen Many Things | Gain Rewards from Narrative Events 100 times (50XP) |
Seen Lots of Things | Gain Rewards from Narrative Events 150 times (50XP) |
Accomplishments | |
Dream Team | Load a Commander with 1 Infantry, 1 Ranged, 1 Cavalry, 1 Siege, and 1 Non-Combat Unit (25XP) |
Fortress | Max out the Bastion Tree with a Commander (25XP) |
Elan! | Max out the Assault Tree with a Commander (25XP) |
Unbroken Chain | Max out the Logistics Tree with a Commander (25XP) |
Fancy Footwork | Max out the Maneuver Tree with a Commander (25XP) |
By Example | Max out the Leadership Tree with a Commander (25XP) |
Artist of War | Max Out any Three Trees with a Single Commander (25XP) |
Veteran Command | Have 3 Commanders with Two Maxed Out Trees (25XP) |
Finely Minced | Order a Coordinated Melee Attack with 3 or More Units on a Single Target (25XP) |
Pincushion | Order a Coordinated Ranged Attack with 3 or More Units on a Single Target (25XP) |
Feed the Grinder | Reinforce the Same Commander 3 or More Times over the course of a Single War (25XP) |
This is Fine | Settle a Town Directly next to a Volcano, and have it Reach 10 Population (25XP) |
The Absolute | Have a City with 37 Urban Districts (25XP) |
Be Fruitful | Have Over 100 Population in your Empire (25XP) |
Say Hello to My Little Friends | Suzerain a City State of Each Type in a Single Age (25XP) |
Influential | Suzerain 5 or More City States in a Single Age (25XP) |
Lucrative Trade | Gain Access to 5 or More Resources from a Single Trade Route (25XP) |
Stocked Up | Have 5 or More of a Single Type of Resource (25XP) |
Capably Cultured | Max Out Your Leader’s Culture Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Deft Diplomat | Max Out Your Leader’s Diplomatic Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Efficient Economist | Max Out Your Leader’s Economic Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Exponential Expansionist | Max Out Your Leader’s Expansionist Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Master Militarist | Max Out Your Leader’s Militaristic Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Significant Scientist | Max Out Your Leader’s Scientific Attribute Tree (25XP) |
Deliberate Divergence | Have 1 Attribute in 6 Different Attribute Trees (25XP) |
Beautiful Binary | Max Out Two Attribute Trees on a Single Leader (25XP) |
Leader Completionist | Complete a Game with Every Base Game Leader (100XP) |
Flawless Campaign | Complete a Full Game Across Three Ages, Completing At Least Two Legacy Paths in Each Age (100XP) |
Who Do You Main? | Reach Level 10 on Any Base Game Leader Path (100XP) |
Filling the Roster | Reach Level 10 on Five Leader Paths (50XP) |
Antiquity Afficionado | Complete a Legacy Path in Antiquity on Deity (50XP) |
Exploration Expert | Complete a Legacy Path in Exploration on Deity (50XP) |
Modern Master | Complete a Legacy Path in Modern on Deity (50XP) |
Incredible Completionist | Complete Every Other Challenge in the Foundation Path (100XP) |
All Foundation Legend Path Rewards
As I climb the ranks within the Foundation Legend Path, I’m treated to a diverse array of perks that include badges like the Icon, titles such as the Title, banners known as the Banner, background colors called Background Color, and personal mementos referred to as Memento. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown:
1. Icon – A distinctive symbol that represents my status and achievements within the Foundation Legend Path.
2. Title – An official designation that reflects my standing and accomplishments on this exciting journey.
3. Banner – A visually striking emblem that I can display to showcase my progress and dedication.
4. Background Color – A unique hue that personalizes my experience, setting me apart from other members of the community.
5. Memento – Special rewards and tokens that celebrate my milestones and serve as reminders of my journey along the Foundation Legend Path.
Level | Reward |
2 | Complaint to Ea Nasir (Memento, +1 Economic Attribute Point) |
2 | Inscribed Sling Bullet (Memento, +1 Militaristic Attribute Point) |
2 | Memento Slot 1 (Unlocks a Memento Slot for Equipping Mementos in future games) |
3 | Groma (Memento, +1 Expansionist Attribute Point) |
3 | Treaty of Kadesh (Memento, +1 Diplomatic Attribute Point) |
3 | Scrawling Scribe (Title) |
4 | Inspiration (Banner) |
4 | Antikythera Mechanism (Memento, +1 Diplomatic Attribute Point) |
4 | Shakōkidogū (Memento, +1 Cultural Attribute Point) |
5 | Five (Badge) |
5 | Sword of Brennus (Memento, +400 Gold for Each Settlement Returned in a Peace Deal) |
5 | Memento Slot 2(Unlocks another Memento Slot for Equipping Mementos in future games) |
6 | Grey (Background Color) |
6 | Lydian Lion (Memento, +200 Gold Per Age at the Start of Each Age) |
7 | First Border (Border) |
7 | Imago Mundi (Memento, +2 Sight instead of +1 for Scout’s Search and Lookout Abilities) |
8 | Corpus Juris Civis (Memento, +1 Social Policy Slot) |
8 | Gracious Governor (Title) |
9 | Triumph (Banner) |
9 | The Travels of Marco Polo (Memento, +50 Gold for Every 100 Tiles Explored by Your Units) |
10 | Ten (Badge) |
11 | Chosen Chieftan (Title) |
12 | Second Border (Border) |
13 | Yellow (Background Color) |
14 | Equestrian Figure (Memento, +50% Reduction in Commander Recovery Time) |
15 | Fifteen (Badge) |
16 | Bold Baron/Bold Baroness (Title) |
17 | Wondrous (Banner) |
18 | Blue (Background Color) |
19 | Pochteca Backpack (Memento, +5 Range for All Trade Routes) |
20 | Twenty (Badge) |
21 | Victorious Viceroy (Title) |
22 | Third Border (Border) |
23 | Orange (Background Color) |
24 | Colada and Tizona (Memento, +2 Combat Strength for Units Adjacent to 2 or More Enemy Units) |
25 | Twenty-Five (badge) |
26 | Savvy Sovereign (Title) |
27 | Foreign Trade (Banner) |
28 | Red (Background Color) |
29 | Shisa Necklace (Memento, Gain 100 Influence when You Become Suzerain of a City-State) |
30 | Thirty (Badge) |
31 | Exalted Emperor/Exalted Empress (Title) |
32 | Fourth Border (Border) |
33 | Indigo (Background Color) |
34 | Agincourt Arrowhead (Memento, +1 Movement for Ranged Units) |
35 | Thirty-Five (Badge) |
36 | Impressive Immortal (Title) |
37 | Melee (Banner) |
38 | Green (Background Color) |
39 | Garuda Statue (Memento, +1 Population to your Smallest Settlement every Time you Start a Celebration) |
40 | Forty (Badge) |
41 | Defiant Deity (Title) |
42 | Fifth Border (Border) |
43 | Black (Background Color) |
44 | The Art of War (Memento, +10% Commander Experience, or +50% when within the Radius of a Higher Level Commander) |
45 | Forty-Five (Badge) |
46 | Legend (Title) |
47 | Distant Shores (Banner) |
48 | Violet (Background Color) |
49 | Royal Game of Ur (Memento, +10% Science When Outpaced in Tech by at Least Half of the Other Leaders, +10 Culture when Outpaced in Civics by at Least Half of the Other Leaders) |
50 | Fifty (Badge) |
Leader Legend Paths, Explained

In this game, each leader’s unique journey is represented through specialized paths known as Leader Legend Paths. These paths consist of approximately 51 to 57 tasks, which are themed around the leader’s historical background and significant events in their narrative. Each path includes ten levels that reward a combination of Mementos, Attribute Points, Policy Cards, cosmetic items, and other goodies as you progress.
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2025-03-14 22:08