The Most Heartbreaking Deaths in Invincible That Will Leave You in Tears

Death is integral to the storytelling of Invincible, and so many characters have already fallen, but they will not be forgotten. With the Amazon Prime Video animated series, audiences have had to say goodbye to a fair few characters already, but things are only going to get worse and more tragic from here on out, for not every hero gets to survive.

In the captivating animated series “Invincible,” viewers may find it beneficial to be aware of numerous emotionally charged character demises ahead of the next season. These devastating deaths will undoubtedly resonate deeply with fans, leaving them stunned as they uncover which characters survive and which meet their tragic ends.

This article will go into detail involving deaths and spoilers from the comic series.

Major spoilers ahead for Invincible!

8. The Immortal

Killed by Mark After Ruling Earth, Alone, for Centuries

  • Featured in: Invincible #54

While a lot of fans like to clown on The Immortal for not being able to win a fight, it’s worth mentioning that he’s not a Viltrumite, he’s simply the oldest living human being that cannot die. Sure, the Immortal has great strength and can fly, but he’s still human, and that comes with all the thoughts and emotions of a human, even if he cannot die or age.

In an undisclosed future, The Immortal ends up ruling Earth to keep things in check, but the centuries remain on his mind as he is left alone to rule with no one by his side, nor advisors or friends, or even a wife to keep him company. The Immortal has truly nothing in this timeline, and he begs Mark to kill him and scatter his parts so he can never return.

7. Anissa

Killed for Trying to Save Atom Eve and Make Amends

  • Featured in: Invincible #139

Anissa is one of the most evil Viltrumites, but she is also a product of her species. The Viltrumites do not know any other way other than a way by force, which is why she takes what she wants from Mark to have his child without his consent. Anissa’s act is unforgivable, but when she spends her life as a human, she realizes the error of her ways and desperately tries to make amends for years.

Anissa never gets the chance to apologize to Mark, but she does die as a hero since she saved Atom Eve’s life from a Ragnorr before being fatally wounded and killed herself. Anissa’s act may be truly evil, but she brought into the world a new hero with her new lease on a life she will never see out.

6. Cecil Steadman

Assassinated by Robot in a Shocking Death

  • Featured in: Invincible #111

Cecil is a complete straight man who refuses to back down from what he deems as the right thing to do, or more specifically, the necessary thing to do. Cecil doesn’t believe in all good and all bad but in the necessity to keep the world safe from threats, which is why Robot knew he was the first person who had to die if he was to rule the world.

Cecil and Mark may have never seen eye to eye on matters, especially in their later years, but Cecil always wanted what was best for a free world, and would often come to Invincible for help knowing Mark would also want to save people. Unfortunately for Cecil, he had his throat slit and his head stomped on so fast that Cecil could barely even register that his time was over, and there was no service dedicated to his heroism.

5. Shapesmith

Betrayed by Robot, Which Leaves Him Confused and Dead

  • Featured in: Invincible #112

In Robot’s attempt to take over the world as a ruler, he begins to kill any hero who might betray him or oppose his rule. One such hero, loyal to the Immortal, is Shapesmith. Shapesmith is quickly shown as being one of Robot’s unjust victims as he lies on the floor, a sludge of his own alien organs and matter before Robot destroys his alien heart.

Shapesmith weeps profusely, his mouth damaged severely following a merciless assault by Robot, while uttering bewildered questions about why such an act was perpetrated against him. This gentle alien had always viewed Robot as a companion rather than an adversary.

4. Atom Eve & Invincible

Killed in Front of Their Daughter

  • Featured in: Invincible #132

Despite leading a contented and isolated existence with Invincible and raising their child Terra, their tranquil life was shattered when Thragg and his offspring arrived at their home to carry out an assassination. Although Eve possesses great strength, she is no Viltrumite, while Mark was taken by surprise. Sadly, both were mercilessly slain by Thragg in the presence of their daughter Terra.

It’s a sad turn of events as our comic book’s main characters meet their untimely end. However, Atom Eve miraculously brings them back to life, albeit at the cost of traumatizing Terra. Regrettably, there was another soul who perished alongside them and couldn’t be revived…

3. Oliver Grayson

Murdered After Trying to Save His Niece

  • Featured in: Invincible #132

The half-brother of Mark, Oliver Grayson was part Thraxan and part Viltrumite, someone who quickly grew up to become a man who left Earth behind in search of a life befitting of his calling as an alien. Oliver’s adult responsibilities eventually saw him betray his allies to become a spy for Thragg, until he realized that Thragg’s goals would go too far for him.

Thragg’s attempt to kill Mark, Eve, and their daughter Terra would see Oliver sacrifice himself to stop Thragg from killing his niece, and his death may have been marked by the betrayal of his brother, but it’s also one that causes immense heartbreak for the Grayson family.

2. Rex Splode

Sacrificed Himself to Stop an Evil Invincible

  • Featured in: Invincible #60

Rex Splode may have been arrogant, and a real toxic person at times, but his redemption is hard to forget. After surviving an encounter that saw him shot in the head, Rex Splode would become a better man, and in that betterment, came the realization that he wasn’t always going to win to see another day, which is what made his sacrifice all the more tragic.

When the Invincible War saw alternate-dimension versions of Mark invade Earth, Rex Splode had just one more trick up his sleeve to kill the Mark that had fatally wounded him. Rex Splode detonated his entire skeleton to kill them both, saving his team, at the cost of his own life. Rex’s loss is felt throughout the series, as without this wise-cracking hero, making light of danger was never the same.

1. Omni-Man

Dies With Mark By His Bedside in an Emotional Farewell

  • Featured in: Invincible #141

Omni-Man had the best redemption arc in Invincible, as his debut as Earth’s greatest hero, turned greatest betrayer, would later see him betray the Viltrum Empire because of the love he had for his wife, his sons, and the innocent people who didn’t have his powers. Omni-Man’s empathy is his strength, but it’s that same empathy that managed to get him killed.

Omni-Man became the Viltrum Emperor who led the remaining Viltrumites to a new age of peace, and he even taught them human ways of empathy. However, Omni-Man lets Thragg live out of an example of his kindness, something that would result in Thragg’s return to rip Omni-Man in half and mortally wound him. Omni-Man died of his injuries after sharing an emotional final set of words to his son, Mark.

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2025-03-16 04:10