- A March update for League of Legends brings a major rework for champion Naafiri, LP refunds for cheaters, and various champion adjustments.
- Your Shop returns in March patch after Hextech Chest controversy, bringing discounts for eager LoL players.
- Champion adjustments in March update include buffs for Gwen and Kai’Sa, and nerfs for Corki and Caitlyn to enhance gameplay balance.
For March 2025, the latest update for League of Legends has been unveiled, offering a comprehensive overhaul to one of the game’s champions. Ever since it first launched in 2009, this competitive multiplayer title has maintained an enormous following among its devoted fan base. League of Legends significantly contributed to the expansion of esports and remains one of the most frequently played MOBAs currently available. With consistent updates, the game ensures that its content stays engaging and thrilling for its legion of enthusiastic players.
In the February update for “League of Legends,” multiple champion modifications were made, including substantial boosts for Ekko and Diana. The Honor system underwent a comprehensive overhaul as well, making it more in line with player conduct and introducing fresh rewards linked to Honor levels to foster constructive interplay. Furthermore, the update showcased an assortment of new visual items, along with the standard round of bug corrections. The March update promises further alterations.
According to the latest news on the official League of Legends website, details for the upcoming update 25.06 in March have been revealed, which represents the last patch of Set 13. This update is significant since it introduces a major overhaul for Naafiri and tweaks for multiple other champions. Furthermore, Your Shop will make its comeback, and players who lose matches against cheaters will be compensated with LP. The update also includes a multitude of bug fixes, as well as modifications to the system and items.
2023 marked the entry of Naafiri into the world of League of Legends as a Darkin assassin, boasting a distinctive combat style where she summons groups of hounds for assistance. The recent update brings modifications to her fundamental stats, such as an upsurge in base Attack Damage and a diminution in base Armor. Additionally, it fine-tunes her signature skill, Call of the Pack, by shortening its cooldown duration and cutting back on its mana expense. These alterations are designed to maintain a balance in her power, although it’s anticipated that Naafiri’s builds in League of Legends will continue to be favored among players, particularly those who enjoy an aggressive gameplay approach.
In the world of League of Legends, as with numerous competitive online games, the problem of cheating persists. The latest update focuses on resolving this by returning League Points (LP) to teams that lose if cheating is detected from their opponents. To discourage players from knowingly teaming up with cheaters in order to gain LP, those who engage in such actions will face a ban.
The March update introduces many tweaks to the roster of champions in League of Legends, including boosting Gwen’s initial health, shortening the cooldown for Kai’Sa’s Killer Instinct ability, and lowering Corki’s base armor. Additionally, numerous other enhancements and adjustments have been made, ensuring a more level playing field as players engage in combat throughout Runeterra.
League of Legends March 2025 Patch Notes
Your Shop returns
In the latest update, Patch 25.05, we’re delighted to inform you that The Shop will make a comeback. Previously, there were worries that the feature might be permanently taken out of League of Legends following the Hextech Chest issue. However, good news for those who appreciate deals – it’s scheduled to reappear in this very patch!
LP refunds
If it’s discovered that a player was cheating in a game you previously lost, League of Legends (LP) points that your team lost will be refunded. However, winning teams won’t lose their LP unless they consistently queue with someone found to be cheating. In such cases, those who intentionally play with the offending players may also face a ban.
Champion Changes
W: Yordle Snap Trap
- Bonus damage reduced: 40-220 (+40% bonus AD) >>> 35-215 (+30% bonus AD)
R: Ace in the Hole
- Base damage decreased: 300/500/700 >>> 300/475/650
Base Stats:
- Base armor reduced: 30 >>> 27
Passive: Hemorrhage
- Monster damage modifier: 3x damage >>> 2x damage
Passive: Adoration
- No longer generates 2 Adoration stacks for 6 last hits
Base Stats:
- Armor growth per level reduced: 4.7 >>> 4.2
Q: Lunge
- Mana cost reduced: 20-40 >>> 20
E: Judgement
- Crit damage bonus reduced: 1.75x >>> 1.5x
Base Stats:
- Base health increased: 620 >>> 650
- Health growth reduced: 115 >>> 110
Passive: Thousand Cuts
- AP scaling reduced: .6% max HP per 100 AP >>> .55% max HP per 100 AP
- Base monster damage cap reduced: 10 >>> 5
Q: Snip Snip
- Final snip base damage increased: 60-160 >>> 70-170
W: Hallowed Mist
- Base resistances reduced: 22-30 >>> 25
- Resists AP scaling reduced: 7% AP >>> 5% AP
E: Skip ‘n Slash
- Base damage adjusted: 15 >>> 12-20
- Cooldown reduced: 13-11 >>> 12-8
- Cooldown refund adjusted: 25%-65% >>> 50%
R: Needlework
- Damage per hit reduced: 35-95 (+10% AP) >>> 30-90 (+8% AP)
- Slow increased: 40-60% >>> 60%
- Reduced slow increased: 15-25% >>> 25%
Jarvan IV
Q: Dragon Strike
- Damage increased: 80-240 (+140% bonus AD) >>> 90-250 (+145% bonus AD)
Passive: Whisper
- Bonus AD scaling increased: 4-44% + ((.3% per 1% crit) + (.25% per 1% bonus attack speed)) >>> 4-44% + ((.35% per 1% crit) + (.3% per 1% bonus attack speed))
R: Super Mega Death Rocket
- Damage decreased: 325/475/625 (+165% bonus AD) >>> 300/450/600 (+155% bonus AD)
Base Stats
- Base health regen increased: 3.5 >>> 4
- Base armor increased: 25 >>> 27
R: Killer Instinct
- Cooldown reduced: 130-70 >>> 120-60
Q: Inner Flame
- Base damage decreased: 70-270 >>> 60-260
Passive: Unseen Threat
- Damage increased: 14-116 (+40% bonus AD) >>> 17-136 (+50% bonus AD)
E: Leap
- Bonus AD scaling increased: (+20% bonus AD) >>> (+40% bonus AD)
E: Swirlseed
- Cooldown reduced: 14 >>> 12
- AP scaling increased: 50% >>> 60%
E: Relentless Pursuit
- Cooldown adjusted: 19-14 >>> 16-14
Master Yi
Base Stats:
- Base Armor growth reduced: 4.7 >>> 4.2
Q: Alpha Strike
- Bonus crit damage increased: 75% >>> 100%
Naafiri rework
Base Stats:
- HP growth per level decreased: 120 >>> 105
- Base armor reduced: 30 >>> 28
- Base AD increased: 55 >>> 57
- AD growth per level decreased: 2.1 >>> 2
Passive: We Are More
- Max dogs increased: 2/3 at levels 1/9 >>> 2/3/4/5 at levels 1/9/12/15
- Packmate damage: 12-32 (+5% bonus AD) >>> 10-20 (+4% bonus AD)
- Packmate heath growth: 16 >>> 13
- Packmate Armor/MR growth: 2 >>> 1.8
- Packmate AoE damage reduction reduced: 76-50% by level 14 >>> 76-40% by level 15
- Packmate tower damage: 25% >>> 50%
- Packmates now deal 165% damage to monsters
- Packmate taunt duration decreased: 3 seconds >>> 2 seconds
Q: Darkin Daggers
- Damage to minions increased: 60% >>> 80%
W: The Call of the Pack
Naafiri’s ult buff has been swapped to her W, with her old dash now being her ult.
- Naafiri and her packmates gain 1 second of untargetability on cast
- Hunt duration: 15 seconds >>> 5 seconds
- Movement speed adjusted: 70-100% decaying over 4 seconds, reduced upon taking damage >>> 20-30% for 5 seconds
- AD scaling adjusted: 5/15/25 (+8-24% bonus AD) >>> 20% total AD
- Now grants AD and movement speed immediately on cast
- Cooldown reduced: 120-100 seconds >>> 20-18 seconds
- Mana cost reduced: 100 >>> 60
- Extra dogs reduced: 2/3/4 >>> 2
- No longer shields
- No longer grants packmate health/CD
- No longer grants a pulse of vision
- No longer resets buff on takedown
E: Eviscerate
- Cooldown reduced: 10-8 >>> 9-7
- Range increased: 350 >>> 450
- Initial damage decreased: 35-95 (+50% bonus AD) >>> 15-55 (+50% bonus AD)
- Now dashes to cursor instead of always dashing full distance
R: Hounds Pursuit
Naafiri’s W dash is now her ultimate with its numbers completely changed
- Can now be recast once if Naafiri scores a takedown within 7 seconds
- Cooldown increased: 22-14 seconds >>> 110-80 seconds
- Mana cost increased: 70-30 >>> 100
- Range adjusted: 700/770/860/940 >>> 900
- Damage increased: 30-190 (+80% bonus AD) >>> 150-350 (+120% bonus AD)
- This ability is no longer blockable
- Can no longer be cast on minions
- First cast reveals a 2100 unit area after a takedown for 1 second, 4 seconds for a champion takedown
- Second cast grants 100-200 (+150% bonus AD) shield for 3 seconds
Q: Hammer Shock
- Base damage decreased: 50-170 >>> 75-195
Base Stats:
- Health growth per level reduced: 99 >>> 96
- Base attack speed increased: .625 >>> .7
Q: Poison Trail
- Now grants kill credit against affected minions if they are about to die to minion damage
E: Fling
- AP scaling reduced: 60% >>> 55%
W: Achooo!
- On-hit damage adjusted: 30-110 >>> 60-100
- Explosion damage adjusted: 30-110 (+60% bonus AD) >>> 10-110 (+65% bonus AD)
E: Flap, Flap, Flap
- Damage increased: 5-25 (+25% total AD) per hit >>> 10-30 (+30% total AD) per hit
- Cooldown reduced: 120 >>> 120-100
Twisted Fate
Base Stats:
- Base armor increased: 21 >>> 24
Xin Zhao
Q: Three Talon Strike
- Base damage increased: 16-68 >>> 20-80
E: Mourning Mist
- Capped monster damage: 300 >>> 70-210
Item Changes
Serylda’s Grudge
- Armor pen increased: 30% >>> 35%
- Ability haste decreased: 20% >>> 15%
- Item HP multiplier: 10% >>> 12%
- Cost: 3300 >>> 3100
Systems Changes
- Increased Atakhan form thresholds by around 10%
Anti-Lane Swap Mechanics
- Activation time: 90 seconds >>> 95 seconds
- Top lane end time: 3:30 >>> 3:15
- Mid lane end time: 3:30 >>> 2:15
- Minion penalty: 50% >>> 25%
Bounty Suppression
- Activation Time: 14 minutes >>> 6 minutes
- Deficit required reduced by 50%
- Suppression potency increased by 50%
- Fixed an issue that caused teleporting through mid/top to trigger lane swap penalties.
- Fixed an issue that caused K’Sante’s W to fizzle out when attempting to channel as Grounding was ending.
- Fixed an issue that caused Fiddlesticks effigy to trigger lane swap detection.
- Fixed an issue that caused Jack of All Trades to not add stats correctly for Yun Tal Wildarrows crit stat.
- Fixed an issue that caused Honor level 5 flair to not display.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lissandra’s Passive units to trigger lane swap detection.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Honor Recall to display at incorrect levels.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lane Swap detection with various clones.
- Fixed an issue that caused Junglers to trigger laneswaps upon entering the enemy Jungle if they already activated on Mid or Top lanes.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Void Rift Scuttle to not grant a vision bubble if they
- changed their form while alive.
- Fixed an issue where right clicking Herald while teleporting would cancel teleport.
- Fixed an issue where Lillia’s R could be cast without the effect when Dream Dust was
- expiring.
- Fixed an issue where Mels E snare would cause debug text to appear for debuffs.
- Fixed an issue that caused Lucian’s second shot Passive would inconsistently proc
- plants.
- Fixed an issue that allowed Twitch to do maximum stack damage on low stack targets if using E while Passive stacks were expiring.
- Fixed an issue where Urgot W could cause Atakhan to reset improperly.
- Fixed an issue where traps wouldn’t get spotted by Nexus Turrets after respawning.
- Fixed an issue where after Viego would transform back from Mel, ability damage would decrease and Smite would only deal 300 damage.
- Fixed an issue where Mel’s basic attack would disable Nidalee’s W
- Fixed an issue where performance could sometimes drop in custom games.
- Fixed an issue where Ambessa’s Passive could ignore Dodge/Blind.
- Fixed an issue where Viktor’s evolutions could be greyed out.
- Fixed an issue where High Noon Viktor’s Homeguard SFX would display improperly.
- Fixed an issue where some debug text would display for certain Nemesis Quests.
- Fixed an issue where K’Sante’s EQW combo could cause W to c ancel.
- Fixed an issue where an attempt to attack move while rooted/snared would sometimes cause a champion to be unable to attack.
- Fixed an issue where issuing move commands while snared/rooted would sometimes cause an auto attack unintentionally.
- Fixed a bug that players’ anonymized names do not appear in Ranked Champ Selec Chat when first joining.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where Feats of Strength would not reset after using the Reset Game function.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where tier 3 boots would not function correctly.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where the Spawn Jungle Plants function would no longer work after using the Reset Game function.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where clones would deal 0 damage to target dummies.
- Fixed a Practice Tool bug where damage taken by a practice dummy would not always accurately reflect the damage dealt.
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2025-03-19 10:47