Strongest Lieutenants In Fire Force


  • Fire Force features eight Special Fire Force Companies with strong captains and lieutenants.
  • Lieutenants like Pan Ko Paat, Takehisa Hinawa, and Karim Flam showcase unique pyrokinetic abilities.
  • Characters like Rekka, Konro, and Huo Yan Li possess formidable powers within their respective companies.

In the realm of “Fire Force”, there are eight elite firefighting units, known as the Special Fire Force Companies. The leaders of these teams are renowned for their exceptional abilities as prokinetics and are seen as the greatest bulwark against the menacing creatures called infernals.

In every ship or company, there’s a key figure who stands beside the captain, often titled as the lieutenant. They typically rank second in power within the organization, and larger organizations might even have multiple lieutenants. Just as captains can vary in strength, so too can the lieutenants of the eight Special Fire Force Companies. Here we present the most formidable lieutenants from Fire Force, ranked according to their combat prowess.

6. Pan Ko Paat

The Ultimate Support Fire

  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 4
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

Before serving as a lieutenant for Fire Force Company 4, Pan Ko Paat previously taught at the Special Fire Force Academy Training Center. He often employed a whistle to manage his boisterous pupils, and grew so fond of it that he even incorporated it into everyday speech, making his dialogue somewhat difficult to decipher.

That whistle, nonetheless, is not just a plaything; it’s a powerful tool in Pan’s arsenal. Capable of boosting his comrades’ offensive might while shielding them from harmful fire damage, this whistle serves as a crucial link between Pan and his teammates. In the heat of battle, Pan skillfully activates and manages these abilities using his distinctive whistle. As an invaluable support character, Pan’s presence on the battlefield can tip the scales in favor of life or death for his allies.

5. Takehisa Hinawa

The Ultimate Marksman

  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 8
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Second Generation

Without doubt, Lieutenant Takehisa Hinawa stands out as the most exceptional marksman, not just within his company, but across the entire Special Fire Force. Whether wielding a handgun or a sniper rifle, he has an uncanny ability to handle any weapon, and there’s scarcely a target that can evade his precision-guided bullets.

As a second-generation fire manipulator, Hinawa doesn’t create fire but instead shapes and controls existing flames. Unlike third-generation pyrokinetics who can generate fire on their own, he employs his skill to govern the fire within his ammunition. This allows him to adjust the speed of his bullets – either making them faster or slower – and even alter their flight path in midair.

4. Karim Flam

The Only Iceman Among Fire Users

  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Second Generation

Karim Flam serves as a lieutenant within the exceptional Special Fire Force Company 1. In other units, he would command the highest rank, but given that Company 1 is a collective of extraordinary talents, he ranks third among his fellow lieutenants within this company and fourth overall.

Karim possesses a remarkably exceptional talent known as pyrokinetics. Similar to other second-generations, he has the power to shape and adjust fires. Unlike others who usually ignite the flames toward adversaries, Karim harnesses this ability to alter the temperature of the flames dramatically, transforming them into ice instead. As a result, Karim is one-of-a-kind firefighter who can freeze his enemies.

3. Rekka Hoshimiya

A Fiery Man With Devastating Power

  • Status: Deceased
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

In simple terms, Rekka Hoshimiya serves as the top lieutenant in Fire Force Company 1, a position that some believe will one day make him the captain when our current leader, Leonard Burns, steps down. However, it’s revealed sadly that Rekka has been secretly working for the White Clads all along, betraying his comrades.

Rekka is quite straight-forward, and this characteristic is evident in his abilities. Born into a lineage of three generations of fire manipulators, he has the unique power to create flames from his arms. This ability significantly boosts his physical strength, making one punch of his capable of leaving a large hole in the ground. In their final confrontation, it takes both Shinra and Karim working together to subdue him.

2. Konro Sagamiya

A Man Who Could’ve Been The Strongest

  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 7
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

Although Captain Burns from Company 1 is typically seen as the most powerful, it’s important to note that Captain Benimaru Shinmon of Company 7 comes in a close second. Mentoring and guiding Benimaru throughout his journey is none other than Konro Sagamiya, his lieutenant.

In my younger days, I was the most formidable pyrokinetic in Company 7, with fiery embers coursing through my shoulders that amplified both my strength and speed, and could reduce anything in my path to ashes. I was destined to ascend to the role of captain. However, a ferocious infernal struck my hometown, causing widespread devastation. To halt the carnage, I unleashed all the fires within me. I triumphed over the infernal, but since then, I’ve found it challenging to wield my pyrokinetic abilities as I once did.

1. Huo Yan Li

A Man Who Could Single-Handedly Burn Countless Infernals

  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

In Special Fire Force Company 1, it’s typically Rekka who steals the spotlight, leaving Huo Yan Li relatively unnoticed. This is due to Huo’s relaxed personality and preference for blending in. When it comes to raw firepower, though, they are quite evenly matched. Similar to Rekka, Huo’s pyro abilities center on heating up his arms intensely. Unlike Rekka who uses this heat for explosive punches, Huo concentrates the heat at the tips of his fingers, enabling him to swiftly pierce any demon that dares cross his path with relative ease.

In their battle against Rekka, a White Clad member severed Huo’s arm. Despite this handicap, he didn’t let it hinder his fighting prowess. Instead, he honed his pyro skills to such an extent that he could simultaneously puncture numerous enemies with minimal effort. This extraordinary ability earned him the position of captain for Special Fire Force Company 1, following Leonard Burns’ departure.

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2025-03-19 14:24