Top 10 Best Shard Cards In FragPunk

FragPunk offers a unique and invigorating spin on the hero shooter and tactical first-person shooter genre, similar to Valorant. Like Valorant, FragPunk features multiple agents with distinct abilities, but it introduces an element of unpredictability through its shard cards.

In case you’ve recently played a handful of games and are unsure about their function, let me provide a brief explanation for this feature. Essentially, these cards allow you to alter the game’s regulations.

As a gamer, I might put it this way: “Based on the cards we draw, we could get extra attack time of around 30 seconds or even introduce whacky rules like teleporting foes back to their starting point if they take any damage.

These cards introduce a roguelike aspect, enhance speed, and infuse uniqueness into each game round by creating an individualized experience.

In this game, you won’t need to accumulate Gold or other currencies such as Glunite or FragPunk coins for purchasing cards because you can acquire them directly through gameplay.

However, given that there are over 150 cards in the FragPunk game, it’s inevitable that some will outperform others. Here I present the top 10 outstanding shard cards in FragPunk, which you should absolutely utilize whenever your team acquires one.

10. Regenerative Therapy

Take A Moment To Heal Yourself

Let’s kick off our list with a helpful card called Regenerative Therapy. This card allows you to gradually recover your health points over time. However, for it to function, you must step away from the fight first. Once you’re no longer engaged in combat, you’ll notice your health points beginning to replenish.

In various scenarios, this card proves incredibly handy, especially when your team lacks a healing Lancer. Moreover, it compensates for instances where your healer fails to heal you effectively.

Moreover, it’s a more favorable option compared to Cure Shot since the latter necessitates your teammates to fire at you in order to receive healing.

9. Site Deletion

One Less Site To Worry About

A seemingly simple card, at first glance, but when used strategically, it can be game-changing. Just as its title indicates, Site Deletion disables a location on the map.

This card makes a spot on the map inactive.

As we’ve eliminated one campsite from our concerns, my team and I can now comfortably set up at the remaining site on the map, ensuring we maintain the ideal defensive positions.

If they aim to install the converter, they’ll likely find themselves forced to approach the site you control. Should they opt for a strategic maneuver, you can anticipate their move by setting up cunning traps in advance.

8. Return To Sender

Make The Enemy Go Back Home

The “Return To Spawn” card proves beneficial for both sides in the game, yet it’s particularly useful for the offensive team. Here’s how it functions: When you inflict damage on an opponent for the first time, they are instantaneously transported back to their starting point.

In other words, from the perspective of an intruder, this action would clean the site, providing a suitable opportunity for you to install the converter and lay your traps.

A clever tactic involves heading to their respawn point and ambushing enemies who teleport in. When an enemy appears, you can take them by surprise and eliminate them before they can launch an attack against you.

7. Medical Error

Bad Enemies Get No Healing!

In the game FragPunk, there are numerous card options that can counteract the impact of other cards. One such card is called Medical Error.

As a gamer, I can tell you that even if my adversaries boast the finest healer the game has ever seen, once I play this card, none of their characters will receive healing from anyone on their team.

This card holds a special power that supersedes the effects of various cards such as Regenerative Therapy, King of Eggs, Cure Shot, Dr. Converter, among others.

During the rule-making stage, it’s beneficial to observe your competitors’ hands. Should you notice any cards that provide healing abilities, I would advise utilizing a countering card in response.

6. Explosive Shot

Send Your Enemy Out With A Bang

Regardless of the number of playing cards employed by either you or your adversaries at the end of the day, FragPunk remains a shooter game. Consequently, when given the opportunity to inflict Area-of-Effect (AoE) damage on your enemies, it’s advisable that you seize it.

Using the Explosive Shot, bullets detonate upon hitting their target, and the blast radius varies depending on the weapon you’re employing.

If the opposing team’s deck includes Close Quarters Combat, it would be advantageous not to play this card as its benefits are limited to ammunition situations, making it ineffective during hand-to-hand combat (knife fights).

5. Pull The Plug

Time To Go Back To Basics

If you’re finding it exhausting to manage every card your team has chosen or those being used by the opposition, and could use some relief, then this card is designed just for you!

Pull the Plug is a very simple card that disables all shard cards for one round.

In other words, regardless of how strong the cards your adversary holds are, they will be irrelevant in this situation since the card transforms the game into a battle similar to Valorant, where success hinges solely on your shooting abilities and mastery over the lancer.

4. HUD Remix

Low On Health? Not Anymore

Among all the game cards, this one stands out as exceptionally unique and inventive. With HUD Remix, you have the ability to detach your health display and exchange it with an opponent’s instead.

In a battle scenario, if your health is running low, you can drop your Health Point display and hurl it towards your adversary. This action transfers your HP to them, enabling you to more easily defeat them since they now have less health compared to you.

This card is intriguing as it has a knack for subtly affecting your adversary psychologically. In a sense, any harm they inflict upon you gets mirrored back to them swiftly, creating a karmic payback scenario.

3. Blade Master

Master The Art Of Blocking

If you’re seeking a card offering an exceptional skill alongside a stylish katana, Blade Master is the perfect choice for you. Your close-combat weapon transforms into a blazing katana.

Prepare the device and press and hold the power button to shield against incoming fire. Since your blade is fully charged now, advance towards the opponent for a quick, lethal close-combat strike.

If they have this card, aim for their lower body instead of the upper part. The bullets will only be deflected if you target areas higher than their knees.

2. Close Quarters Combat

Can’t Bring Guns To This Knife Fight

Man, I’ve found myself in a situation where we’re dueling with knives in Valorant, only for someone to go on a rampage and start blasting away, trying to score an Ace. It’s a real mood killer!

In our game, when either your team or the opposing team chooses to play the Close Quarters Combat card, it will never result in an impossible scenario.

In situations where Close Quarters Combat is activated, teams are restricted to using just melee weapons. But what’s exciting is that you can combine it with the Long Dash and Blade Master cards for added strategy!

Charge up your attack beforehand, so that as soon as you see an enemy you can directly attack them.

1. Big Heads

You Should Go For The Head

Finally, for the last card on this list, let us go back to something with a rather simpler effect.

In a similar fashion to first-person shooter games, this “Big Heads” card enlarges your opponents’ heads. Since headshots inflict greater harm, this seemingly simple card proves to be quite powerful.

With larger opponent heads, scoring headshots from a distance becomes more achievable. However, the only card capable of neutralizing this advantage is called Iron Head.

If the opposing team employs Big Heads, seize the opportunity should you acquire the Iron Head shard card. The Iron Head equips enemies to deal the same damage with headshots as they do with regular shots on their bodies.

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2025-03-21 17:40