Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Set is a balanced choice with early animal advantage and late-game upgrades like Valley of Kings.
  • Zeus offers simple learning with favor boosts, devastating infantry, and easy defense strategies.
  • Hades excels defensively with powerful archer units, and deathly tricks to reassemble armies.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, let me share my insights on the best gods for beginners in Age of Mythology Retold. Based on my personal playstyle and the strategies I’ve observed, I wholeheartedly recommend Loki, Poseidon, and Odin for newcomers.

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve dived headfirst into the global release of “Age of Mythology Retold,” a long-awaited sequel to the classic spin-off of the beloved “Age of Empires.” Despite the two decades that have passed since the original’s debut, the nostalgia is still strong among us veterans. This time around, it’s not just about improved strategy and graphics – the creators have completely overhauled the game to achieve a more balanced experience than the original managed to offer.

As a newcomer diving into this explosively popular multiplayer realm, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the seasoned veterans already entrenched. With so many deities vying for my allegiance in the original game, it’s a daunting task to pick one. This initial decision, crucial as it is, has evolved substantially from the past. While every god offers unique strengths, some are more newcomer-friendly than others. Rest assured, all gods are playable from the get-go, but certain ones might make your journey smoother.

7 Set

Strong Early And Late Game

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Gives Animal Advantage Early
  • The Valley Of Kings Upgrade

In the game of Age of Mythology Retold, the Egyptian gods can be a bit challenging for beginners, but Set offers distinct benefits that make him worth considering. Some gods excel more in the early stages and others in the late game, so it’s crucial to manage your strategy accordingly. Set seems to be an ideal choice for those looking for a balance between the two phases of the game.

In the game Set, players have the unique advantage to command wild beasts that serve as their combatants, yet these creatures are not categorized as myth units, making them resistant to attacks from heroes unlike other beings. This early army-building feature is beneficial for both defense and offense. As the game progresses, Set introduces Thoth as a secondary choice for the Mythic Age, offering powerful meteor strikes and the Valley of the Kings upgrade. This enhancement enables players to train war elephants more swiftly, a perk often decisive in multiplayer games. The multiplayer mode in Age of Mythology Retold has potential to revolutionize other strategy games as well.

6 Zeus

The Simple Learning Option

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Huge Bonus For Favor
  • Devastating Infantry Assistance

In the context of the game Age of Mythology Retold, while Zeus is generally powerful, he might not rank among the top choices in the current meta. Yet, he remains an excellent pick for beginners. Since players initially encounter the Greek Gods and their troops in the Age of Mythology campaign, they are the most accessible to learn. The Greek armies stand out due to straightforward unit-specific buildings and easy methods to gain favor and fortify defenses, making them ideal for novice players.

Moreover, Zeus brings substantial advantages for players, including a higher maximum favor limit, faster collection time, and increased starting amounts. This empowers players to construct more mythical units swiftly. Infantry units inflict greater damage on structures, while the distinctive infantry unit Myrmidon bypasses enemy armor, making it advantageous to concentrate on mythical units and infantry for massive damage against armored enemies when using Zeus.

5 Hades

Hellish Assistance

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Arguably The Best Archers In The Game
  • Big Assistance Defensively

In the realm of Greek mythology, Hades is one of the deities, particularly renowned for his defensive prowess in the game “Age of Mythology Retold“. Newcomers to the game will discover that Hades’ archers, which are already formidable among the Greeks, become exceptionally powerful. Moreover, Hades’ improvements to building strength enable novices to maintain their ground more effortlessly while grasping other aspects of the game.

As a devoted admirer, I’d express it like this: In the grand saga of Age of Mythology Retold, Hades’ divine ability fortifies my most crucial town center, providing robust defense from the get-go. His cunning strategies even allow fallen soldiers to potentially resurrect as spectral shades, a testament to the game’s immersive thematic commitment. This is pivotal because if I encounter defeat in battle, my well-fortified structures and an army of spectral combatants will be there to bolster my defenses during any retaliation while I regroup and rebuild.

4 Kronos

The Most Deadly Titan

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Provides Free Myth Units
  • Big Buffs For Siege Weapons

The pantheon of gods in Atlantis is essentially composed of Titans, and Kronos, the head of the Titans, is an excellent option for players learning the intricate playstyle of the Atlantean army. As players progress with any deity, they receive a complimentary mythical unit, but with Kronos, they receive two free mythical units, allowing them to rapidly assemble a formidable force of creatures.

Kronos aids players in growing their population more swiftly by increasing the speed of manor construction and also enhancing siege weapon effectiveness significantly. If players enjoy the concept of swiftly storming an opponent’s base, causing massive damage, then combining his Deconstruction divine power with powerful siege units and numerous mythical units will offer a substantial edge.

3 Loki

Deadly Minor Gods

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Makes Deadly Hero Units
  • Best Myth Unit Choices

In Age of Mythology Retold, each deity features unique minor god options that become available as gameplay progresses. Among all, Loki from the Norse Pantheon stands out with an exceptional selection, arguably unmatched even across the entire game, making him one of the few Gods outside the new DLC character Freyr who can summon H’el. The power associated with H’el is the spontaneous emergence of the fearsome Nidhogg dragon unit.

Loki strategically targets Hersir infantry units, which have the potential to be extremely effective against mythical units in combat. Interestingly, these units have the ability to summon mythical creatures at random during battles, thanks to their accumulated favor. Loki’s versatility across god choices, mythical units, and Hersir heroes makes him an excellent option for beginners, as they may encounter stronger units more frequently and are less likely to make poor minor god selections due to all of Loki’s picks being generally strong.

2 Poseidon

Huge Cavalry Advantages

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Gives Boosts To Naval Units
  • Improves Market Price & Exchange Rates

Among the Greek gods, Poseidon might be an excellent choice for novices due to several reasons. This deity is frequently backed by Arkantos and his Atlantean allies during the initial stages of the main campaign, providing newcomers with ample opportunity to learn about worshipping him from the get-go. Furthermore, Poseidon offers substantial upgrades for cavalry units, enhancing their vision range and granting a regenerating water scout in the form of Hippocampus. This enables beginners to explore unfamiliar maps early on, making their journey smoother.

With Poseidon on your side, crafting a defensive strategy becomes less challenging since Militia units will emerge from damaged player structures, allowing quicker assembly of a defense force before the entire base is annihilated. Moreover, Poseidon enhances Market buildings, which have grown significant earlier in the game because players can construct and utilize them as early as the Classical Age.

1 Odin

Gives Huge Fighting Advantages

Age Of Mythology Retold: Best Gods For Beginners, Ranked
  • Focus On Upgrades For Great Hall Units
  • Makes Generating Favor Much Easier

In “Age of Mythology Retold,” the Norse Civilization faces challenges in accumulating favor due to its method of generation being tied to combat. This can be challenging for new players who are uncertain, as it may delay their early acquisition of favor. However, Odin provides a 25% boost to the amount generated and offers significant advantages for numerous fighting units accessible to the Norse Civilization as the game progresses.

Moreover, when a player constructs a temple for the first time, Odin grants them recurring scouting ravens. These flying creatures can survey the entire map swiftly, helping novice players locate resources efficiently and quickly. This feature is particularly beneficial for beginners who are still finding their way around, and the health regeneration rate that Odin provides to human and hero units is equally valuable for newcomers during initial game phases when defense is crucial.

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2024-09-16 13:24