Akimbot review

Akimbot review

As a seasoned gamer who has witnessed the evolution of gaming from the golden age of the PS2, I must say that Akimbot has managed to capture the essence of those simpler times beautifully. It’s like a breath of fresh air in this era of soul-crushing Souls-likes and overwhelmingly massive open-world games.

Occasionally, a game emerges that takes us back to the glory days of the PS2, when delightful action platformers ruled the scene. These games were easy to enjoy without complex challenges found in Souls-like games, or the immense scale of modern titles. It’s not that current advancements aren’t impressive; they constantly amaze and excite me. However, there are times I prefer playing simpler games like Akimbot, reminding us of the good old days.

In a similar fashion to the latest Turtles game that I examined, which proudly showcased its influence from Hades, Akimbot is strongly reminiscent of the classic four characters – Jak, Daxter, Ratchet, and Clank.

In this tale, the main characters are the unconventional robot duo Exe and Shipset, who initially clash but eventually forge a heartwarming bond filled with genuine humor throughout their journey. The story begins by thrusting you into the thick of things as our heroes execute a daring prison break in a seaside town that resembles something straight out of The Legend of Zelda, if only robotic inhabitants populated Hyrule instead. This initial segment also doubles as a tutorial, teaching you the game’s mechanics and arsenal.

Akimbot review

As a gamer diving into Akimbot, I’m all about the thrill of dashing, grappling, wall-running, leaping, and swift melee attacks in this fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled game. In close combat situations, I rely on my trusty sword attack. My arsenal is limited but versatile, with options like machine guns, rocket launchers, assault rifles, and sniper rifles at my disposal. To spice things up, I can grab special weapons from shops, which I can enhance using the hilariously named in-game currency – Botcoins (it’s a groaner, but it gets the job done). These special weapons have a limited number of uses, and their ammunition is replenished by collecting Volts, which I grab when defeating enemies. These Volts are essential for keeping my ammo supply stocked. Each stage also hides collectable items, adding an extra layer of exploration to the action, as per the genre’s tradition.

In my gaming experience, Akimbot doesn’t just stick to traditional run-and-gun stages; it throws in some unexpected twists that seem to be influenced by old-school video games. For instance, there are thrilling car chases, such as the awesome dune buggy ride and space combat sequences that will leave you breathless. And let me tell you, there are certain sections I wouldn’t dare spoil, but trust me when I say they hark back to some iconic titles. To my delight, I even stumbled upon nightclubs and bars in this futuristic world! Yes, you read that right – robots know how to throw a party too! In the very first level, I found myself grooving to the beats in a jumping club with a DJ spinning tracks.

Akimbot review

Akimbot boasts an impressive design, showcasing meticulous craftsmanship and detail. It’s evident that the robotic inhabitants of its universe have been infused with rich personality, even hinting at a human-like quality. The world is vibrant and diverse, enhanced by beautiful lighting effects and textures. It seems as though a classic PlayStation 2 game has been modernized for 2024. The voice acting is top-notch, particularly the developing bond between the main characters.

The Raptor’s wickedness isn’t always precise, and I encountered some aspects of the game that felt repetitive and mismatched with the main storyline. For instance, there was an excess of one gaming element I dislike immensely – stealth. It didn’t seem essential to the gameplay. Additionally, there were technical glitches that surfaced occasionally, even on a powerful PC setup. These issues resulted in significant slowdown, which somewhat diminished my experience. However, they did not significantly impact my overall appreciation for the game.

It brings great satisfaction to see games such as Akimbot continue to be produced, given their niche yet significant demand in the market for skillfully designed platforming and shoot-’em-up titles. The game’s simplicity makes it accessible for younger players to grasp and excel at, while veterans like myself will reminisce about the good old days when our main concern was managing storage space on 8MB memory cards.

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2024-09-03 11:16