All Black Ops 6 Zombies Equipment & how to get them

All Black Ops 6 Zombies Equipment & how to get them

As a seasoned zombie-slaying veteran who’s been through the undead apocalypse more times than I care to remember, let me tell you that Black Ops 6 Zombies has truly outdone itself! The sheer variety of Lethal, Tactical, and Support Equipment at your disposal is nothing short of mind-blowing.

In Black Ops 6 Zombies, you’ll find a variety of tools at your disposal to help you overcome the horde of enemies. These include Field Upgrades, destructive Lethal equipment, tactical gear, and supportive tools.

From fan favorites to new items, here are all the pieces of Equipment available in BO6 Zombies.

Lethal, Tactical & Support Equipment in BO6 Zombies


  • Frag: Cookable fragmentation grenade.
  • Sticky: Timed sticky grenade.
  • Molotov: Thrown incendiary weapon creates a patch of flames.
  • C4: Sticky explosive with a large damage radius. Detonate remotely.
  • Combat Axe: Thrown axe that kills enemies in one hit. Bounces off surfaces.
  • Impact Grenade: Precision grenade that explodes on impact.
  • Thermo Grenade: Creates a large fuel-air cloud that explodes after a duration.
  • Blast Trap: Planted explosive device detonates when enemies come near.

Essential tools, lethals are, especially when you’re faced with hordes of zombies. You can create them using a Crafting Table, requiring Salvage as payment.

All Black Ops 6 Zombies Equipment & how to get themActivisionLethal Equipment can provide an escape route to avoid tricky situations.


  • Concussion: Grenade that slows victim’s movement and aiming.
  • Stim Shot: Combat stim that heals wounds and refreshes Tactical Sprint.
  • Smoke: Deploys a smoke screen that blocks vision and automated targeting systems.
  • Decoy Grenade: Attracts nearby zombies for a short duration.
  • Shock Charge: Electrical trap that sticks to surfaces and electrocutes enemies, stunning them.
  • Cymbal Monkey: Attracts zombies for a short duration before exploding.
  • LT53 Kazimir: Creates a small singularity that pulls in and kills enemies.

Strategic items offer an additional feature to establish a diversion or enhance your combat equipment. You can manufacture these useful artifacts at the Crafting Station, requiring Salvage as payment.


  • Self-Revive: Use when downed to revive yourself.
  • ARC-XD: Explosive RC car that emits small Aether Blasts.
  • Sentry Turret: Automated turret that scans for and attacks nearby enemies in a forward-facing cone.
  • Mutant Injection: Temporarily transforms you into a Mangler.

Support Equipment provides a range of tools to assist you in survival and completing Main Quests.

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, developers at Treyarch present a fresh feature called Mutant Injection. This allows gamers, for the very first time, to momentarily assume the role of a potent Mangler creature. By utilizing its unique abilities, players can swiftly eliminate undead foes with ease.

After administering the Mutant Injection within Black Ops 6 Zombies, you gain the ability to transform into the Mangler. This transformation results in a significant increase in height by approximately three feet, covering yourself with reinforced armor, and granting you increased physical strength.

— CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) August 8, 2024

Zombies Field Upgrades

  • Aether Shroud: Phase into the Dark Aether, becoming hidden from enemy detection.
  • Frenzied Guard: Repair armor and force all enemies in the area to target you. During this time, kills repair a portion of your armor.
  • Healing Aura: Summons beams of energy down on yourself and allies to instantly revive and heal to full health.
  • Energy Mine: Create a mine of pure energy that detonates in rapid succession, dealing lethal electric damage.
  • Dark Flare: You generate a massive energy beam that deals lethal shadow damage. The beam penetrates everything in its path.

As a gamer, I get to gear up with a Field Upgrade – a unique item packed with an elemental power that I can unleash after charging it up. There’s a cool-down period between uses to give it time to recharge and be ready for action again.

During gameplay, you can improve your Field Upgrades by utilizing the innovative Augments feature. At any point within the match, players have the option to choose a different Field Upgrade via the menu. Please note that changing Field Upgrades during the game will reset the cooldown period.

BO6 Zombies Crafting Table explained

In Black Ops 6 Zombies, the Crafting Table serves as a tool for creating Lethal, Tactical, and Support items.

All Black Ops 6 Zombies Equipment & how to get themActivisionPlayers can get their Equipment using the Crafting Table.

To create Equipment within the game, you’ll need Salvage. This Salvage serves as the currency specifically used in the Zombies mode, as explained in a detailed blog post. The number of Salvage you can accumulate depends on your available Inventory capacity; you can gather as much as your storage allows.

In addition to examining the equipment, don’t forget to explore the various powerful weapons known as Wonder Weapons, as well as the useful Perks, for your survival on both the Terminus and Liberty Falls maps within Black Ops 6 Zombies.

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2024-08-10 22:36