All Key Decisions and Outcomes in Star Wars Outlaws

All Key Decisions and Outcomes in Star Wars Outlaws

As a seasoned bounty hunter with years of galactic adventures under my belt, I find myself intrigued by the choices and consequences presented in Star Wars Outlaws. The table you’ve provided paints a vivid picture of the complex web of alliances and betrayals that one must navigate in this galaxy far, far away.

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws,” players will frequently face a variety of decisions to make. These choices involve not just the game’s main narrative but also syndicate missions and chance encounters scattered across the galaxy. From a story standpoint, these decisions may not significantly alter the overall plot, but they can influence Kay’s standing with certain criminal organizations.

In Star Wars Outlaws, your choices, except for a few insignificant ones, primarily boost your reputation with specific groups, while simultaneously affecting your relationship with others negatively. It’s advisable for players to carefully consider the potential outcomes of their decisions to make the most advantageous choices tailored to their playstyle.

All Main Quest Choices and Consequences in Star Wars Outlaws

All Key Decisions and Outcomes in Star Wars Outlaws

Quest Choice Consequences
Underworld Tell Eleera about the Pyke traitor
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
Save the information for Gorak
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation +
False Flag Frame Crimson Dawn
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
Frame the Pykes
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation —
The Hive Give strand to Krisk
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
Give strand to the Queen
  • Ashiga Clan Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
Revelator Tell the truth
  • Inconsequential

All Syndicate Quest Choices and Consequences in Star Wars Outlaws

All Key Decisions and Outcomes in Star Wars Outlaws
Quest Choice Consequences
The Traitor Give the ring
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation +
Keep the ring
  • Gorak’s Ring (Sells for 500 Credits)
The Traitor Take Tizlak to Gorak
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
  • 1,000 Credits
Accept Tizlak’s Bribe
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation —
  • 1,250 Credits
Counterfeit Credits Warn Crimson Dawn
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
Tell the Pykes
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation +
  • 250 Credits
The Broker Bribe
  • No Wanted status
Refuse to Bribe
  • Wanted status
The Broker Give the pearl to Crimson Dawn
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
Give the pearl to the Ashiga Clan
  • Ashiga Clan Reputation ++
Keep the pearl
  • Bev Kranti Pearl (Sells for 1,500 Credits)
Passenger Accept blindly
  • Inconsequential
Press dart for info
Passenger Let Jadd keep the list
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation —
  • 1,000 Credits
Take the Pyke informant list.
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
  • 2,000 Credits
Sabotage Refuse and finish the job
  • Hutt Cartel Reputation ++
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
  • 1,000 Credits
Double Cross the Hutts
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation ++
  • Hutt Cartel Reputation +
  • 750 Credits
Money Drop Reveal the Pyke scheme
  • Hutt Cartel Reputation ++
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation —
  • 1,000 Credits
Cover for the Pykes
  • Hutt Cartel Reputation —
Jabba’s Gambit Gun it
  • Wanted status
Stand down
  • No Wanted status
Jabba’s Gambit Give Jabba the schematics
  • Inconsequential
Keep the schematics

Miscellaneous Choices and Consequences in Star Wars Outlaws

All Key Decisions and Outcomes in Star Wars Outlaws
NPC Choice Consequences
Gambler (Mirogana) Give 100 Credits
  • 150 Credits
Give 500 Credits
  • 750 Credits
  • Nothing happens
Gamblers (Akiva) Side with Crimson Dawn
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation +
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation —
Side with the Pyke
  • Pyke Syndicate Reputation +
  • Crimson Dawn Reputation —
They’re both wrong
  • Nothing happens

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2024-08-29 17:14