As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I must say that the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake has truly outdone itself in terms of trophy/achievement design. With 42 unique and engaging tasks to complete, this game offers an incredible amount of replay value for those who love to collect these digital trinkets.
Warning! Spoiler Alert!Spoilers for all aspects of DQ3 Remake ahead!
As a devoted fan, I’m thrilled to delve into the world of the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake, which boasts an impressive collection of 42 Trophies/Achievements for players like us to conquer. These engaging tasks and trials are generally accessible to most console and PC gamers, with a few exceptions – the Nintendo Switch is not included in this list. In this guide, we’ll be exploring the comprehensive trophy and achievement list of the Dragon Quest 3 Remake, and I’ll be sharing step-by-step strategies on how to unlock and earn each one.
All Trophies/Achievements in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
A Legend is Born:
- The A Legend is Born trophy/achievement is the platinum trophy/final achievement in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake. You’ll unlock it once you’ve completed every other trophy/achievement.
Adventure Underway:
- The Adventure Underway trophy/achievement is unlocked when you leave Aliahan, the starting city. This will be automatically unlocked over the course of the story, so you won’t have to go out of your way to get it.
The World Awaits:
- The World Awaits trophy/achievement is unlocked when you leave the Shrine of Promise and arrive at the first continent outside the starting island. This will occur naturally as you progress through the main story.
Seeds of Salvation:
- The Seeds of Salvation trophy/achievement will be unlocked when you complete the main story. This means defeating Zoma at Zoma’s Citadel. This is the ultimate culmination of the main story, and cannot be missed.
Join the Party:
- The Join the Party trophy/achievement is unlocked the first time you recruit a new member from Patty’s Party Planning Place. See our guide to recruiting new party members in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.
Dishonorable Defeat:
- The Dishonorable Defeat trophy/achievement is unlocked when you defeat Robbin ‘Ood at Skyfell Tower. There is a small quest here that revolves around retrieving the King of Romaria’s stolen crown. Speak to the King at the castle in Romaria to begin the quest. Skyfell Tower is located to the west of Romaria and Khoryv, near the coast. Make your way to the top of the tower to confront Robbin ‘Ood. You’ll fall through a trap door, but don’t worry. Robbin ‘Ood will be outside on 5F.
Ripper Ripped:
- The Ripper Ripped trophy/achievement is unlocked when you defeat the Ripper of the Rift, the final boss of the Pyramid dungeon. The Pyramid will be the third dungeon you encounter in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. To complete the Pyramid and collect rhe Magic Key, you must defeat the Ripper of the Rift, so this trophy can not be missed if you are following the main story.
Double Defeat:
- The Double Defeat trophy/achievement will be unlocked when you defeat Robbin ‘Ood for the second time in Kidnapper’s Cave. This is another main story dungeon, and will occur during the quest to get Black Pepper for the King of Portoga.
Sea Legs:
- The Sea Legs trophy/achievement is awarded when you collect your ship from the King of Portoga. This is a multistep process that begins after you complete the Pyramid dungeon. First, you will visit Portoga, where the King will inform you that he wishes to try Black Pepper. He informs you that if you can make this dream come true, he will give you your very own ship.
- This will take you to Baharata, where you find out that the fiancé of Gopal the Pepper Merchant has been kidnapped. This takes you to Kidnapper’s Cave, where you’ll rescue Tanaya. Ultimately, Gopal will send you to Alltrades Abbey, where you’ll finally get the Black Pepper to return to the King of Portoga, earning you a ship.
Orochi Ousted:
- The Orochi Ousted trophy/achievement is unlocked when you see the Orochi plot line in Jipang through to its conclusion. This includes defeating Orochi in Orochi’s Cave, which is located directly east of Jipang, and will be visited as part of the main quest in Jipang. Once you have defeated Orochi in their lair, you’ll confront them again in the palace at Jipang. When you are asked to keep quiet about the information you’ve learned regarding Orochi’s true identity, make sure to turn down the offer. This will result in the second battle. Defeat Orochi again to earn the Purple Orb and the trophy/achievement.
- The Chiromassacre trophy/achievement is unlocked when you defeat the Chiromancer boss. The Chiromancer is the final boss found in the Gaia’s Navel dungeon. Once you have the Ultimate Key, head to the shrine that is found in Lanson, behind all the shops along the main path. Inside the shrine you’ll find a priest NPC who explains that you must proceed into Gaia’s Navel alone (you can choose any party member). The first time you enter, you will likely want to use your Hero. The Chiromancer will be encountered at the end of the dungeon. Defeating him will earn you the Blue Orb and the trophy/achievement.
Playing with the Dead:
- The Playing with the Dead trophy achievement is unlocked after defeating the Dying Fire in Theddon. This is a bit tricky, and will require the Ultimate Key. If you go to Theddon at night, look for the jail cell at the NE end of town. You’ll see that there is someone in the cell with a quest marker over their head. If you come back during the day, you’ll find only a skeleton.
- Once you have the Ultimate Key, return to Theddon at night and use the key to open the jail cell. The man inside the cell will try to give you the Green Orb, but as he’s doing so, you’ll be confronted by the Dying Fire boss. Defeat the boss to earn the Green Orb and the trophy/achievement.
Mirror, Mirror:
- The Mirror, Mirror trophy/achievement is unlocked when you defeat the Boss Troll in Manoza Castle. The quest that results in this trophy/achievement is centered around collecting Ra’s Mirror. First, you’ll need to make sure you have the Ultimate Key, then speak to the King of Manoza. He will throw you in jail, but the key will allow you to escape. Take a right out of the cell and head downstairs to find the real King of Manoza. He will tell you how to reach Manoza Cave, which is where Ra’s Mirror is found. Return to the castle at night and head to the top floor to find the King’s Chambers. Use Ra’s Mirror to reveal the Boss Troll.

Grudge Match:
- The Grudge Match trophy/achievement is unlocked after defeating the Garboyle at the volcano. This is a key story moment, and will occur once you’ve collected Mountaincleaver. This will be impossible to miss if you are following the main story.
Everbird Awakened:
- The Everbird Awakened trophy/achievement will be awarded once you revive Ramia at the Shrine of the Everbird. This happens as a natural progression of the storyline. Once you collect all the Orbs, take them to the Shrine of the Everbird to revive Ramia.
Baramos Bested:
- The Baramos Bested trophy/achievement is unlocked once you defeat the Archfiend Baramos for the first time. DQIII Remake spends a lot of time building up Baramos as the ultimate foe, and when you reach his lair, it will feel like the culmination of all your efforts. Like most of the bosses, this cannot be missed if you are following the main story.
Mate of the Monsters:
- The Mate of the Monsters trophy/achievement will be unlocked when you defeat every enemy on the list of monsters. While there isn’t a database that lists every monster before you beat them, there is a list that shows the monsters you’ve defeated, and how many remain. To find the list, visit the Misc menu, select Info, then Defeated Monster List. Complete the list to unlock the trophy/achievement.
Item Aficionado:
- The Item Aficionado trophy/achievement is unlocked when you collect 250 items. Items are found in your Item Bag, and are separate from Equipment. Every item you collect that goes into the Item Bag will count towards the 250 goal.
Able Conjurer:
- The Able Conjurer trophy/achievement will be awarded when you unlock every spell and ability in the game. This means you’ll need to progress each vocation to its limit, including the Sage. Use Game Rant’s guide to becoming a Sage if you do not yet know how. Check the Info tab in the MIsc menu to find a full list of spells & abilities. It won’t show you exactly what’s missing, but you’ll know how many more spells & abilities you need to unlock.

Grand Designs:
- The Grand Designs trophy/achievement is a late-game award that will be unlocked after defeating the Grand Dragon in 25 turns or less. To reach the Grand Dragon, you’ll first have to reach the Temple of Trials. To do this, you’ll have to complete the main story by defeating Zoma. Then, return to the Church of the Dragon Queen and ascend to the heavens in the back of the church. This will lead to a long dungeon made up of levels from previous dungeons. At the end, you’ll reach Cloudgate Citadel and Citadel Tower.
- At the top of Citadel Tower, you’ll find Xenlon. Defeat Xenlon in 30 turns or less to unlock a wish (each win will earn you a wish, but must be completed in fewer turns each time). At the bottom of the list of wishes, you will see a blank space between the last wish and the edge of the box. Highlight the blank spot and select it as your wish. This will unlock the Temple of Trials. The next time you get on Ramia, you will see a glowing star in the sky. Fly towards the star to reach the Temple of Trials.
- There are five trials that you must complete before you can face the Grand Dragon, which will be the final trial.
Farewell, Mortal:
- The Farewell, Mortal trophy/achievement will be unlocked once you are awarded every wish from Xenlon. See the previous trophy/achievement (Grand Designs) for a guide to reaching Xenlon.
Monster Monitor:
- The Monster Monitor trophy/achievement will be awarded when you successfully recruit all 121 Friendly Monsters in Dragon Quest 3 Remake. Friendly Monsters are the monsters that you will recruit for use in the Monster Arena, and they will be encountered throughout the game. The best way to ensure that you can capture them all, is to always have a Monster Wrangler in your party.
Many a Medal:
- The Many a Medal trophy/achievement is unlocked after turning in all 110 Mini Medals in DQ3 Remake to Morgan Minimann, and collecting his full list of rewards. You’ll find Morgan at the Mini Medal Manor, located at the bottom of the well in southeast Aliahan.
Monster Champion
- The Monster Champion trophy/achievement is unlocked when you complete every rank in DQIII Remake’s Monster Arenas. There are five Monster Arena locations in total, with the first four being available through normal progression. The final arena can only be visited once it is unlocked through one of Xenlon’s wishes. Xenlon is found at the top of Citadel Tower, in Cloudgate Citadel.
- The Monster Arenas are located in the following locations: Romaria (Rank 1&2), Ibis (Rank 3&4), Manoza (Rank 5,6, & 7), Cantlin (Rank 8 & 9). The final Monster Arena, which features ranks 10 & 11, is found at the bottom of the well in Jipang, but only after you wish for it from Xenlon.
Brilliant Battler:
- The Brilliant Battler trophy/achievement is awarded for completing 1000 battles. The battles can be any enemy encounter, so the tally will begin just about as soon as you start the game, and will add up faster than you think. You can see how many battles you’ve won under the Info tab of the MIsc. menu section.
Sparkly Spotter:
- The Sparkly Spotter trophy/achievement will be unlocked when you interact with 100 sparkly spots on the overworld map. These are the item caches that are found just about everywhere. Once you unlock the Everbird, you will have access to far more.
Much Ado About Money:
- The Much Ado About Money trophy/achievement will be awarded once you collect 100,000 gold coins. Check the Info tab in the Misc. menu section to see how many coins you’ve collected.
Tonnes of Treasure:
- The Tonnes of Treasure trophy/achievement will be unlocked after opening 100 treasure chests. Treasure Chests are found throughout the world. Using the Thief’s Nose for Treasure ability will help you learn how much treasure is in a given area.
Metallic Masher:
- The Metallic Masher trophy/achievement will be awarded after you defeat a Metal Slime or LIquid Metal Slime for the first time. Check out Game Rant’s guide to defeating Metal Slime to learn how to find and kill them.
Juggling Jobs:
- The Juggling Jobs trophy/achievement is awarded after you change a party member’s vocation for the first time at Alltrades Abbey. Check out Game Rant’s guide to changing party vocation if you need help locating Alltrades Abbey and changing vocations.
Wakey, Wakey, RIse and Shiiine:
- The Wakey, Wakey, Rise and Shiiine trophy achievement will be awarded after you solve the mystery of the sleeping residents of Norvik. Early in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, you’;; encounter the town of Norvik and notice that all the residents seem to be under some type of sleeping spell. This will lead you to the hidden Faerie Village to the west, and the Underground Lake, an optional dungeon. Check out our full guide to the Norvik Mystery to find the Dreamstone and wake up the town.
Sage Advice:
- The Sage Advice trophy/achievement is awarded when you unlock the Sage vocation for the first time. There are two methods for becoming a Sage. First, recruit a Gadabout party member and get them to level 20. Once this occurs, you can change their vocation to Sage at Alltrades Abbey. This method only works for the Gadabout vocation.
- The second method of unlocking the Sage vocation is through the “Words of Wisdom” book. The first copy of “Words of Wisdom” is found in the Tower of Transcendence. The second copy is found in the top drawer of a nightstand in a house in Rimuldar. See our guide to becoming a Sage for an exact list of directions.
Regal Ruler:
- The Regal Ruler trophy/achievement will be awarded if you agree to become the new ruler of Romaria when you return the King’s crown. To give up being the new monarch, look for the King at the upper level of the Monster Arena in Romaria.
Undoing Death:
- The Undoing Death trophy/achievement is a bit tricky. Most players will think – and rightly so – that the Hero dying will result in a game over, so how can the Hero revive themselves at a church? Well, to do this, you must get a full party wipe, and then select “Continue From a Church.” This will unlock the trophy/achievement.
Finder’s Keepers:
- The Finders Keepers trophy/achievement is awarded after successfully looting the Golden Claws from the coffin in the basement of the Pyramid. On the lowest level, look at the map to see a section that looks like a square with a chamber in each corner. In the northwest chamber, you’ll find a statue you can interact with. This opens a secret path that leads to a golden sarcophagus. When you open the coffin, you’ll loot the Golden Claws. This is a cursed item that will cause the encounter rate to skyrocket. The goal is to make it out of the Pyramid. Remember, you cannot use magic in the basement, so make sure you are fully prepared to fight without it for an extended period.
Deeper Underground:
- The Deeper Underground trophy/achievement will be unlocked when you reach Alefgard for the first time. While this is a secret trophy/achievement, the task is actually part of the main story, so it is impossible to miss if you follow the main questline. Alefgard is the second map, and an entirely new region of the game.

The Almighty:
- The Almighty trophy/achievement is awarded for defeating the Soul of Baramos and freeing Rubiss from her bonds in the Tower of Rubiss. Along the northern coast of Alefgard, you’ll find a small chain of islands. On the northern island, you’ll find the Tower of Rubiss. This extremely tough dungeon will put you through the wringer, and at the top you’ll face an even tougher version of Baramos. The grand result is that you free the Goddess Rubiss from her frozen statue form, earning the Sacred Amulet.
Rainbow, Rainbow:
- The Rainbow, Rainbow trophy/achievement is awarded for unlocking the rainbow bridge that leads to Zoma’s Citadel. To unlock the bridge, you’ll need the following items:
- Sunstone: Found in a chest on the second floor of Tantegal Castle.
- Staff of Rain: Speak to the Faerie at the Shrine of the Spirit
- Sacred Amulet: Defeat the Soul of Baramos and free Rubiss at the Tower of Rubiss.
- With these three items, you’ll be able to form the Rainbow Bridge.
Heroic Headgear:
- The Heroic Headgear trophy/achievement is awarded for forging the Auroral Helm at the Shrine of the Dwarf. To do this, you’ll first need to acquire Ortega’s Helm in Mur. You’ll find it sitting on the counter in the large building in the northeast corner of the town. Speak with the man behind the counter, and he’ll tell you a memory of Ortega before gifting you the helmet.
- Next, you’ll have to get the Zenithium from Gaia’s Navel. To do this, visit the Quagmire Cave in Alefgard. The Robbin ‘Oodlum in the southeast corner. He will unlock the ability to get the second Wrecking Ball explosive from the same man in Reeve who gave you the first much earlier in the game. Take the Wrecking Ball to Gaia’s Navel, and instead of following the end path to the location where you fought the Chiromancer and collected the Blue Orb, follow it to the path that used to lead to a dead end. At the end of the path you’ll find a statue that you can interact with to reveal a hidden chamber.
- In the hidden chamber, you can use the Wrecking Ball to remove a chunk of Zenithium from the wall. Take the Zenithium and Ortega’s Helm to the Shrine of the Dwarf, and he’ll forge the Auroral Helm for you.
Stately Sword:
- The Stately Sword trophy/achievement is unlocked when you forge the Sword of Kings. To do this, you’ll first need to find the broken sword on the desk of the inventor in Cantlin. He is found upstairs in the building along the western edge of town. You’ll see the sword sparkling on his desk as soon as you head upstairs. Speak to him and he’ll give you the sword.
- Next, you’ll need to find a chunk of Orichalcum in Damdara. Head to the stable in the southeast corner of town. Enter the small field that the horses use, and you’ll see a sparkle coming from the ground. Interact with the sparkle to locate the rare metal.
- Next, you’ll need to speak with the Swordsmith upstairs at the item shop in Kol (Technically, you can speak with the Swordsmith at any point, this is just the order we discovered everything in). He’ll tell you he needs his Forge Hammer from his old house in Jipang. Head to the home just north of the item shop in Jipang and you’ll find the hammer sparking in an old jar. Return all items to the Swordsmith, and he’ll forge the Sword of Kings, one of the best swords in the game.
Rip-Off Merchant:
- The Rip-Off Merchant trophy/achievement is unlocked by haggling with a certain merchant in Asham. During the day, you’ll find an Equipment merchant in Asham who asks for exorbitant prices for his items. You can haggle the price down three times, which is as low as he’ll go. Go through this process, then buy the item to unlock the trophy/achievement.
- The Puffection trophy/achievement is awarded by interacting with the woman standing in the Asham item shop doorway at night. She will take you upstairs, which triggers the trophy/achievement. It is important to note that she will only take Appearance A party members upstairs. If you have an Appearance B hero, you must switch the party line-up so an Appearance A character is in front. If you have no Appearance A party members, you can hire one from Patty’s Party Planning Place.
That is all 42 trophies/achievements in Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.
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