Archetype Entertainment reveals short story for upcoming sci-fi RPG Exodus

Archetype Entertainment reveals short story for upcoming sci-fi RPG Exodus

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent exploring virtual worlds and battling formidable enemies, the announcement of Exodus by Archetype Entertainment has piqued my interest in a way few other games have in recent times. The short story and concept art released for this upcoming sci-fi RPG resonated deeply with me, as I could relate to the sense of isolation and determination portrayed in “The Travelers – Humanity’s Eternal Warriors.”

Archetype Entertainment, the studio responsible for creating the sci-fi role-playing game Exodus, has shared with us a brief tale and some illustrative artwork for the upcoming project.

Before sharing the beginning of the Exodus tale, I’d like to refresh our memory about the game by watching an engaging cinematic trailer.


The short story is called “The Travelers – Humanity’s Eternal Warriors”.

Listening to the forceful clang of the steel door shutting behind you and your ship, there’s an ominous stillness that seizes your core as you leave. With every star you encounter in your journey, a gentle yet persistent reminder of time’s relentless march back home creeps in. Becoming an interstellar voyager is no trivial accomplishment. This solitary and isolating existence that envelops you cannot be shaken off like a shed skin. Mastering the delicate calculation between the perils lurking on your home planet and those awaiting you in your mission is the initial hurdle to surmount. The rest is just par for the cosmic course, as we’d say back on Earth.

Up until now, nothing you’ve experienced has readied you for the dangers that lie ahead. I understand this, as it’s a reason why you chose the path of a Traveler. The thought of losing all we have, including our lives, may be frightening, but it doesn’t stop us from pursuing our objective – safeguarding the existence of our species.

What defines us? We believe in the value of our inheritance and the promise of our heritage. The belief that we will survive, and triumph, is in our DNA—it is the most powerful weapon we have against our Celestial adversaries. We have not lost that spirit that empowers us to confront the unthinkable and believe we can prevail. Humans share an undying faith that we are meant to be. History has taught us to stand firm in the presence of evil and to tap our inner strength—to harness our faith in humanity as the power to fuel our actions. This bond unites us in our commitment to humanity’s survival, to our salvation. Against the Celestials, it is our secret weapon. Well, one of them anyway.

If you’re intrigued by what I’ve shared and want to know more, head over to the official Exodus website for the full account. Take a peek, go on!

If you’re intrigued by the game, you have the opportunity to become a founding member by joining the program linked above. As a founder, you’ll receive an exclusive Aegis Space Suit adorned with a “founder’s emblem.” Additionally, you can invite friends to join, and if you refer three or more, you’ll earn the desirable “Traveler’s Cloak” featured in the cinematic preview.

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2024-07-23 18:15