Assassin’s Creed Should Draw Inspiration From Star Wars Outlaws’ Stealth

Assassin's Creed Should Draw Inspiration From Star Wars Outlaws' Stealth

Key Takeaways

  • Star Wars Outlaws prioritizes stealth over direct combat, unlike most Star Wars games.
  • Star Wars Outlaws’ stealth mechanics are more challenging and less forgiving than Assassin’s Creed’s.
  • Star Wars Outlaws punishes players more severely for failing stealth sequences compared to Assassin’s Creed.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that the stealth mechanics in Star Wars Outlaws have certainly caught my attention. Coming from a background where Assassin’s Creed was the go-to for stealth gameplay, it’s refreshing to see a game like Star Wars Outlaws challenge the status quo.

Although Star Wars Outlaws offers numerous combat choices, its core gameplay leans heavily towards stealth rather than action. This could be a letdown for some gamers who prefer a more direct approach or are expecting a typical fast-paced Star Wars experience. However, the stealth aspect aligns well with the game’s narrative, as protagonist Kay Vess is a nomadic outlaw and her only companion being Nix, a lovable merqall. Despite not reaching the level of sophistication found in Assassin’s Creed’s stealth mechanics, Star Wars Outlaws manages to pull it off effectively, albeit with a unique twist that might be refreshing for some players.

Ubisoft has consistently led the way in stealth gameplay, with its Splinter Cell series being one of its standout franchises. Yet, Assassin’s Creed stands out as Ubisoft’s most cherished title, setting a strong standard for stealth gameplay that has been emulated by games like Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor and its sequel. Despite Assassin’s Creed’s stealth mechanics being a benchmark in the gaming world, it could benefit from adopting some strategies seen in Star Wars Outlaws when it comes to stealth gameplay.

What Assassin’s Creed Could Learn From Star Wars Outlaws’ Stealth

Star Wars Outlaws’ Stealth Mechanics Are Much Less Forgiving Than Assassin’s Creed’s

In many ways, the Assassin’s Creed series is a pioneer when it comes to stealth-based gameplay. However, it does come with its own set of challenges. One of the most glaring issues is the overly lenient nature of its stealth system. In most Assassin’s Creed games, players can often pull off stealth kills effortlessly, as they are rarely caught by enemies, even when executing multiple assassinations in close proximity. The expansive movement options provided in these games allow players to maneuver nearly 200 degrees around enemies without being detected. Furthermore, it’s quite simple for players to sneak up behind an enemy and execute a stealth kill before they have a chance to react, making for easy kills on the move.

As a die-hard fan, I must admit that the stealth mechanics in Star Wars Outlaws crank up the tension like nothing else. Unlike in Assassin’s Creed, where guards might just overlook a dead body, enemies in this game become hyper-vigilant if they stumble upon one, making it incredibly hard to slip away once they start searching for me (Kay). To make matters worse, there’s no option to hide dead bodies as we usually do in Assassin’s Creed.

Star Wars Outlaws Punishes Players for Failing Stealth Sequences Much More Than Assassin’s Creed Ever Has

The importance of stealth in Star Wars Outlaws is even more emphasized once players get in over their heads. If players are detected inside an enemy base, they can be overwhelmed by reinforcements within a matter of seconds, often leaving them with no choice but to flee the scene, as things will only get far worse if they choose to fight back. In Assassin’s Creed, it’s generally fairly easy to avoid this by eliminating every enemy in the area or simply hiding until everything blows over. Assassin’s Creed has implemented reinforcement mechanics before, but they are overall much easier to overcome than they are in Star Wars Outlaws.

Revitalizing the essence of Assassin’s Creed could be achieved by emphasizing stealth as a crucial aspect, and it seems that Star Wars Outlaws offers an ideal approach for this revamp. The harsh consequences and demanding nature of Star Wars Outlaws‘ stealth system may serve as the inspiration Assassin’s Creed needs to reclaim its original prowess.

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2024-09-01 04:03