Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations

Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations

Quick Links

  • Sky Garden
  • Az-Tech Trail
  • Creamy Canyon
  • Construction Derby
  • Mighty Chewy
  • Retro Rampage
  • Rolling Star Sola
  • Crumble Rumble
  • Apes On The Loose

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say these level descriptions are quite comprehensive and detailed. They remind me of the days when I used to spend countless hours navigating through various game worlds, capturing every last collectible and defeating every formidable enemy.

Astro Bot showcases impressive technology and visuals, but it essentially embodies the traditional style of mascot platformers. In other words, there are numerous items to gather during your journey through different galaxies. It’s possible for some of these items to slip past you unnoticed, but the goal is to find every bot on your initial playthrough.

To assist you in finishing every level of the game ‘Astro Bot’, we’ll guide you on locating all the robots in each area, starting with the Gorilla Nebula region first.

Sky Garden

Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 On steps at the beginning of the level.
Bot 2 Hanging on a raised platform on the second island with footballs.
Bot 3 Tied to a tree after the first puzzle piece.
Bot 4 In a secret area accessed via an air bubble in a large pool of water. Unzip the water tank to access.
Bot 5 Swimming on the water’s surface behind a group of turtles.
Bot 6 At the bottom of a water tube after using the air balloon power-up to climb.
Bot 7 Found in a flower pot on the right just before the level’s end.

Az-Tech Trail

Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Found on a raised platform to the left as you start the level. Use a bouncy bug to reach them.
Bot 2 Found on a hidden lower platform near the first Cactus enemy. Drop down and use your Frog Gloves to open a compartment to reveal the bot.
Bot 3 Found in a large crate of fruit guarded by a basic enemy. Use your Frog Gloves to safely break the crate and reveal the Crash Bandicoot bot.
Bot 4 After fighting the first Russian Doll enemies, smash the golden doorway nearby and defeat the enemies to safely save the bot ahead.
Bot 5 Hanging in a tree on a raised platform. This bot is guarded by a large Russian Doll enemy.
Bot 6 Before platforming on the two strafing totems, face the first one at ground level and use your Frog Gloves to pull out a hidden bot.
Bot 7 Accessed via a secret area to the left before ascending toward the level’s end. Platform up the side-scrolling section reminiscent of a Crash Bandicoot level to find Jak at the top.

Creamy Canyon

Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Hanging on a tree near the start of the level.
Bot 2 Found along a hidden icy path to the right of the first bot.
Bot 3 Carried by a UFO enemy. Can be attacked using a bouncing bug near the ice seal sculpture.
Bot 4 Found in a secret underground area where you encounter the charging pig. Bait the pig to destroy the block of ice nearby, then use dig/spin to go underground and a bouncy bug to reach the hanging bot.
Bot 5 Found on a raised area to the right when you get to the ice rink with two bouncy bugs. Use the bugs to reach them.
Bot 6 Found in a secret area accessed by a dig/spin marker near the ice rink with two bouncy bugs. In the secret area, use bouncy bugs to smash all the ice; eventually, the bot will fall onto a nearby platform.
Bot 7 Found standing on a block of ice just before the end of the level.

Construction Derby

Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Hanging on a metal girder near the beginning of the level, just before the first glass walkway.
Bot 2 Hanging from loose wires near a pile of mud. Release the bot, then get them out of the puddle of mud.
Bot 3 Found on a raised platform in the same area as the graffiti and the basketball hoop. Use the Dog Power-up to jet across platforms to reach this area.
Bot 4 Just after the area where a bunch of boxes are dropped to block your path. Climb the ladder and then take out the UFO enemy to release the bot.
Bot 5 Accessed via a secret area. When you get to the see-saw platform with the three paint dispensers, head to the right and across to the secret area door. Inside, use the paint gun to reveal hidden platforms leading to the PaRappa the Rappa bot waiting above.
Bot 6 Use Dog Powers to climb atop a truck with loads of crates. The bot is located right at the top.
Bot 7 Found tied and hanging by their legs near the area just before the chase sequence. Defeat the enemies to free them.

Mighty Chewy

Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations
Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Complete the Mighty Chewy boss fight to rescue the Ape Escape Bot.

Retro Rampage

Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations
Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Complete the fight against the large block rabbit, and at the end of the level, you’ll find the Ryu Bot.

Rolling Star Sola

Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations
Bot Number Location Description
1 Use Rolling Armadillo to reach the end of the level safely and kill UFO enemy to free the bot.

Crumble Rumble

Astro Bot: Gorilla Nebula Bot Locations
Bot Number Location Description
Bot 1 Defeat the various enemies on the fragile platform, and once defeated, the MLB robot will appear.

Apes On The Loose

Bot Number Location Description
1 First bot is found in the tutorial area for the scanner. It’s hiding in a bush on your right.
2 This bot is the first one you’ll see when entering the main island that makes up this level. It will run around the statue in the middle and is easily captured by grinding on the nearby rail.
3 Found at the fountain immediately to your left after entering the main area of the level.
4 Head north of the fountain and pull some stray wires to reveal some dynamite. Then use this to destroy the UFO enemy ahead. They will drop a bot and they will run around the nearby rock until you catch them.
5 Just north of the UFO monkey, you’ll come to a stone platform with a series of bushes. Use your scanner to figure out which bush the bot is hiding in and use your net before they move to a new hiding spot.
6 Behind the statue in the middle of the main area, climb the ladder to find a glass platform. The bot will run across so avoid following their path, and then catch them when they have nowhere to run.
7 Near the triangular raised platform, pull some stray wires to use a flower helicopter to get onto the triangle platform, then use your hover ability to intercept the bot’s path and catch them.
8 Just south of the triangle platform you’ll see a bot on a raised platform with a steep slope. Use the flower helicopter from before to hop up that slope and then catch them as they run down the stairs.
9 South of the steep slope platform, you’ll find a pool of mud. The bot is hidden inside the crate of bananas in the middle. Break this, and then run after them, intercepting their path to catch them.
10 After all other bots are collected (as the level will end after collecting this bot) grind up the spiral rail heading up the central statue. Then defeat a series of enemies to capture the Specter bot.

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2024-09-09 16:38