Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

Key Takeaways

  • Reiner’s capture could have led to a shift in alliances and potential delays in Eren’s Rumbling plan.
  • Eldians might have exploited the relationship between Reiner and Zeke to uncover Marley’s true intentions.
  • Even with Reiner in custody, Eren’s determination may have ensured the Rumbling took place as intended.

As a historian who has spent countless hours poring over the annals of the Eldian-Marleyan conflict, I can’t help but feel that the capture of Reiner Braun would have significantly altered the course of events leading to the cataclysmic Rumbling.

Anime stories frequently explore alternative paths for events within their narratives, leading to divergent outcomes that spark lively discussions among fans. These narrative shifts make viewers wonder about the possible consequences for various series and inspire numerous theories on alternate storylines, such as the speculations raised by characters’ actions in “Demon Slayer” or the many potential directions taken by certain plot points in “Attack on Titan.

In the Battle of Shiganshina, it was a close call for Reiner Braun, the Armored Titan, as he nearly fell into captivity at the hands of the Eldians. Contemplate an alternate scenario where Reiner had indeed been taken prisoner alongside Bertolt. Such a turn of events would open up numerous intriguing possibilities regarding Eren’s strategy for the Rumbling.

Capturing The Fallen Hero

The Immediate Aftermath of Reiner’s Capture

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

If Eldians had seized Reiner during that battle, they might have primarily aimed to interrogate him. Given his extensive knowledge about Marley’s military and titans, Reiner could prove to be a valuable source of intelligence. However, being the steadfast soldier he is, Reiner would likely stand firm in loyalty to Marley and resist any efforts to make him betray his country.

From my perspective as a gamer, perhaps Reiner’s haunting memories of betraying his old comrades in Paradis took a toll on him more than I realized. His internal struggle between being a Marleyan warrior and sympathizing with Eldians could have played a significant role in his decisions, maybe even causing him to divulge vital information about Marley’s plans. If this information had been kept secret, it could have drastically altered the strategy of Paradis in the battles that lay ahead.

Hurdle on Zeke’s Plan

How Might This Have Affected Zeke’s Role

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

As a gamer immersed in this captivating narrative, I can’t help but ponder what could have transpired if Reiner had been captured instead of him. Such an event might have significantly altered Zeke’s strategies, perhaps creating a ripple effect throughout their plans. The alliance between them and Paradis was the spark that ignited the chain reaction leading to Eren’s activation of the Rumbling.

If the Eldians had been aware of Reiner’s connection to Zeke, they might have attempted to leverage this bond earlier to learn more about Zeke’s true intentions, which could potentially delay or alter the Rumbling, or perhaps find an alternative course of action if they could control Zeke’s involvement. For instance, armed with Reiner’s insights, Paradis may have adopted a different strategy when dealing with Marley, possibly utilizing Zeke’s position for negotiation purposes.

Could Reiner’s Capture Have Stopped the Rumbling?

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

It’s possible that revealing Reiner’s capture could have triggered a sequence of events in Eren’s broader scheme to dismantle the Rumbling completely. This knowledge could have led the Eldians into discovering Marley’s vulnerabilities and tactical strategies, or even finding ways to avoid an all-out war by strengthening their defenses, negotiating diplomatic resolutions, and so on. If Reiner had broken under interrogation and disclosed Marley’s true objectives, then Paradis might have diverted all its resources towards defense instead of following Eren’s aggressive path.

Yet, all along, Eren had been meticulously plotting the Rumbling and orchestrating events for it. The apprehension of Reiner may not have completely thwarted the Rumbling, as Eren’s objectives were far-reaching beyond just the captives. Even with Reiner in confinement, Eren’s unwavering pursuit of his dream for Eldian liberation might have permitted the Rumbling to unfold, albeit perhaps with a few additional hurdles.

Marley’s Retaliation

How Would Marley React?

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

In response to Reiner’s capture, Marley likely would have reacted swiftly and fiercely. The loss of a crucial figure in their war effort weakened their overall position significantly. As a result, they might have hastily dispatched a rescue mission with an increased number of warriors to Paradis Island. This could have led to conflict occurring earlier than what transpired in the actual sequence of events. Desperation to regain their Armored Titan would have driven Marley towards more ruthless tactics, potentially escalating tensions between the two nations far sooner and pushing them both closer to a point of no return.

In this scenario, Marley’s increased hostility could have compelled Paradis to implement tougher defensive strategies, thereby accelerating the necessity for Eren’s Rumbling plan to materialize. Achieving Reiner’s rescue would offer valuable intelligence about Paradis’ defenses and titans, expediting their war plans accordingly.

We Are The Same, Reiner

Would Reiner Have Played a Larger Role in the Final Conflict?

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

If Reiner were captured during the conflict between Marley and Paradis, the outcome of his role in later stages would likely be changed significantly. For a considerable period, Reiner was depicted as a character grappling with two worlds – his loyalty towards Marley versus his empathy for his previous allies now in Paradis. In custody, Reiner might have had ample opportunity to ponder over the decisions he made and those he chose to serve. This introspection could potentially lead him to reassess his priorities, possibly even aligning himself with the Jaegerists and Eren himself.

If Reiner had chosen not to cooperate, the Eldians might have leveraged the interrogation and intelligence from Marley about future events to strategize. They could have seized control of his Armored Titan by one of their own, armed with information from Reiner. This would allow them to proactively search for more Titan serums and execute a premeditated transformation.

Humanity’s Demise Unchanged

Was the Rumbling Inevitable?

Attack on Titan: What if Reiner Was Captured by Eldians During Battle of Shiganshina?

Regardless of whether Reiner’s capture altered the course of the conflict, the escalation could still be unavoidable due to Eren’s foresight about the Rumbling being crucial for Eldia’s liberation. Eren had always known that the Rumbling was essential for Eldia’s freedom, and he would have found a way to carry it out, even if Reiner hadn’t captured him. The Rumbling might not have occurred immediately, but with Eren controlling Zeke and the Founding Titan, it was highly likely that it would eventually take place, possibly at a slightly later time and within a different context.

Regardless of whether Reiner was captured or not, it wouldn’t have altered Eren’s fundamental reasons or his ultimate objective. The Rumbling had been meticulously planned for many years and is deeply rooted in Eren’s conviction that it’s the sole means of protection for Paradis. While capturing Reiner might delay the Rumbling or introduce new factors, Eren’s relentless determination would likely keep the plan on course.

His seizure in the Battle of Shiganshina might have caused a variety of changes, ranging from shifting alliances to adjustments in the timing related to significant plot developments. Considering Eren’s meticulous planning for the Rumbling, it seems probable that the final outcome would have remained unaltered. Reiner’s capture could have led to minor delays and new strategies, but the underlying motivations of the characters would still have propelled the story towards its tragic, inescapable ending.

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2024-10-24 21:34