Attack on Titan: What If Zeke’s Plan Worked?

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

As a seasoned fan of this captivating saga, I find myself deeply entangled in the intricate web of themes and moral dilemmas that this series masterfully weaves. Having followed the lives of these characters from their humble beginnings to their current state, I can’t help but be struck by the profound nature of the questions they pose about sacrifice, redemption, and the true cost of achieving one’s goals.

Speculative fiction offers intriguing perspectives on the far-reaching consequences of themes and choices within a narrative by proposing alternate scenarios. This can be likened to considering how various aspects might have developed if pivotal events had unfolded differently, by contemplating the possible outcomes of crucial moments. This thought exercise not only deepens our comprehension of the story but also encourages us to reflect on the wider implications of its central conflicts and their resolutions.

Fundamentally, the storyline of Attack on Titan revolves around survival, conflict, and complex ethical dilemmas stemming from war. Set in a world where humans are battling to exist against horrific beings known as Titans, the narrative unfolds into an intricate tapestry of intense combat scenes, political machinations, and profound philosophical queries. A significant character within Attack on Titan, Zeke Yeager, proposes a highly debated strategy called the Eldian Euthanasia Plan, which becomes central in later parts of the plot. His objective is to eradicate the suffering linked with Titan powers by halting Eldian births and ultimately exterminating the Eldian race. On another plane, this raises complex questions about sacrifice, the morality of pursuing peace through such drastic means, and its potential impact on humanity’s future.

The Success of Zeke’s Plan & What It Meant

The Complete Eradication of The Eldian Race

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

Zeke’s plan’s ultimate success would mean the gradual extinction of the Eldian race. In fact, Zeke’s strategy is to prevent further future generations of Eldians from being born, so that with the last of the Eldians, the curse of the Titans will die out. The extinction would affect not just the immediate population but also erase quite a significant deal of world history and cultural heritage. To be lost to the world as a whole would be the complex history and cultural achievements it has made. What that would leave in its wake was a dent in the world’s culture and history, consequently, how it would view the past and remember it from the Eldians.

If Zeke’s plan is carried out successfully, it means that Marley will hold the unique superpower without challenge. In this scenario, Eldia – once a significant force in history – would be reduced to a trivial note. The Eldian race would effectively cease to exist, as there would be no more generations born to preserve their legacy. This outcome would prompt the world to reflect deeply on the moral and ethical implications of such an extreme decision, since the historical significance of Eldia would vanish entirely.

Leading the Way Towards Marleyan Supremacy

How Marley Would Feel Its Way Into This New Global Position

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

Once the Eldian danger ceased to exist or was completely destroyed, Marley would reemerge as the dominant power worldwide. Without the looming threat of retaliation from Titans, Marley could expand its influence and control over various regions of the world. This newfound dominance allowed Marley to strengthen its geopolitical position and intervene more freely without any opposition from Eldian forces.

As Marley ascends to dominance, the global power dynamics and international affiliations will undergo a transformation. Other countries will need to reevaluate their interactions with Marley due to its newfound absence of opposition. This could lead to the formation of new partnerships or conflicts, but what’s most crucial is that Marley’s unchallenged authority would reshape the global political landscape, causing economic, military, and diplomatic repercussions in various directions.

The Complete Loss of Eldian Culture and History

None Left To Tell The Tales of Eldians & Their Culture

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

Instead of wiping out the Eldian race entirely, it means not only eliminating the Titan danger but also obliterating a rich and diverse historical and cultural legacy. The history, customs, and achievements of the Eldians would vanish, becoming forgotten. This act would have profound consequences for cultural diversity and historical understanding, leaving a significant gap where once stood a lively and impactful society.

For those who lived through Zeke’s plan coming to fruition, life would take on a new form. Individuals who had been at the heart of the battle against the Titans would encounter a world lacking their primary conflict. The psychological and emotional strain caused by the extermination of their kin would profoundly impact survivors, leaving an indelible mark on their lives that no one could foresee.

The Consequence of Wiping Out An Entire Race

Would a World Without Titans Promise Future War or Lasting Peace?

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

Despite having the intention of putting an end to suffering, Zeke’s plan carries a load of moral and ethical questions with it. To sterilize an entire race-to erase them altogether-must go down as one of the most profound dilemmas in television history, however ‘good’ the benefit that the plan reaps. The argument of whether such a plan could ever find its justification serves to further illustrate just how complex the themes of the series are, along with the choices that the characters are faced with.

As a fan, I can’t help but ponder what the world might look like without the presence of the Titans. At best, it could experience a period of relative peace, as nations redefine their roles and relationships in this new global order. However, this stability would be fragile, susceptible to eruptions of conflict due to shifts in the balance of power and alliances.

Different Opinions on the Meaning of Sacrifice

Opposite Interpretation of Freedom Among The Brothers

Attack on Titan: What If Zeke's Plan Worked?

Zeke’s plan is the ultimate sacrifice for redemption, becoming an important shift in how the themes of sacrifice and redemption have been explored so far in this story. The idea of sacrificing a whole race to obtain peace would make one consider how this series thematically looks at the cost of reaching one’s goals. In that thought, one gets to reflect on the nature of sacrifice itself, and the moral exigencies that surround it. Yet, the core of Zeke’s plan is no worse than what Eren did. Whereas Zeke’s drive was to save his people in his own way, his plan was the extinction of the Eldian race. In that, his actions were not any different from those of Eren when consideration is taken that, in his path to freedom, Eren almost wiped out several populations.

All Of Your Precious Sacrifices Will Bear Fruit. Eldia Will Be Free. – Zeke Yeager

The sacrifice Zeke has in mind, though, does raise a contrast-a greater good pitted against the ethical cost of such an action. The situation lays a backdrop for further reflection on issues to do with redemption and the extreme measures that perhaps go along with it. Contemplating such themes enlightens one to a better degree about how the whole narrative explores moral and philosophical questions.

Although Zeke’s success may provide one potential pathway, it’s important to recognize that many different outcomes could have occurred within the context of the story. The various “what-if” scenarios offer an intriguing glimpse into the complexities of the series and the ways in which the narrative might have unfolded. Each alternative provides a new perspective on the choices made by characters, as well as the consequences for the world at large.

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2024-09-01 20:04