Audioscenic Is Making Immersive Spatial Audio Accessible For All Gamers

Audioscenic Is Making Immersive Spatial Audio Accessible For All Gamers


  • Audioscenic simplifies the setup process for immersive gaming soundbars, making high-quality audio more accessible to all gamers.
  • Utilizing AI-powered head tracking technology, Audioscenic’s soundbars create a personalized surround sound experience without satellite speakers.
  • While not comparable to traditional multi-channel setups, Audioscenic’s technology aims to provide incredible audio experiences for both audiophiles and beginners.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Audioscenic is a game-changer in the world of immersive gaming audio. Coming from someone who’s been through the labyrinthine process of setting up speakers and dealing with tangled wires, the simplicity and accessibility that Audioscenic offers are nothing short of revolutionary.

Audio is one of the biggest factors in creating an immersive gaming experience, but many people accept that they will not have that without an expensive pair of headphones and a ton of setup process for speakers. However, there is a hero in the gaming community who is trying to make the whole process a lot easier and more accessible to all gamers. You probably haven’t heard about Audioscenic before, but you have probably heard about the Razer Leviathan V2 Pro.

Within the Leviathan V2 Pro, AudioScenic’s technology drives all the beamforming and head-tracking capabilities that set the Leviathan apart from others. While many other soundbars provide a virtual surround or binaural audio experience in a single device, AudioScenic stands out by simplifying the setup process more effectively than most.

How Does It Work?

Audioscenic Is Making Immersive Spatial Audio Accessible For All Gamers

Although small systems like soundbars can mimic the surround sound effect, they often demand considerable setup effort before functioning optimally. Moreover, any modifications in your setup necessitate repeating the setup process from scratch.

Audioscenic’s Amphi AI Beamforming technology simplifies setup: just turn it on and check that necessary drivers are installed, if not already. Though a camera in your soundbar might appear intrusive, it employs the same technology as the Xbox Kinect, familiar to many gamers. The camera serves solely to monitor head movement, ensuring the audio quality remains consistent regardless of your seating position.

With AI-assisted head tracking, the audio system generates sounds that seem customized for each person in view, providing an immersive experience akin to a personal surround sound setup, minus the bulky satellite speakers often associated with traditional setups. Instead, multiple drivers within the soundbar are utilized, acting independently to create a binaural effect, simulating separate speakers and enhancing the audio experience.

What Does This Mean For Gamers?

Audioscenic Is Making Immersive Spatial Audio Accessible For All Gamers

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that this new development is truly exhilarating! Unlike traditional gaming with headphones, this fresh approach offers a unique audio experience that significantly enhances the overall gaming experience. For someone like me who has always been interested in upgrading their gaming setup, setting up a surround sound system or other similar equipment could be a daunting task if you’re new to it. However, the convenience and immersive quality of this new option make it worth the learning curve for anyone passionate about gaming!

If you’ve always relied on headphones for gaming, transitioning to speakers might prove challenging as they offer a more expansive soundstage. This is due to the sound waves bouncing off walls and the ceiling, making it simpler to discern sounds by height and location, particularly when they come from behind. However, one potential drawback compared to headphones is the possibility of feedback during Discord calls affecting your microphone quality.

While some audio purists might say that Audioscenic is not comparable to an actual five- or even seven-channel setup, that is not really the point of what Audioscenic is trying to accomplish. Whether you are an audiophile and love to play around with settings for the best sound quality, or you have never touched a piece of sound equipment, you should be able to experience incredible audio, and Audioscenic makes that possible.

Where Can You Find Audioscenic Technology?

Audioscenic Is Making Immersive Spatial Audio Accessible For All Gamers

Currently, not many products incorporate Audioscenic technology, but it’s rapidly expanding, so we anticipate a significant increase soon. If you’re a gamer seeking a potent audio setup with built-in Audioscenic, the Razer Leviathan V2 Pro is your best bet. This soundbar showcases the technology’s capabilities in a compact design.


Q: Are soundbars good for music listening?

Soundbars are fantastic for enjoying high-quality music. Although they might not offer the same level of separation as headphones or a set of stereo speakers, those equipped with Audioscenic technology manage to deliver exceptional separation without requiring additional speakers.

Q: Should gaming audio be mono or stereo?

When it comes to gaming, stereo audio provides a more immersive experience compared to mono. This is because stereo allows for a more spacious and realistic sound environment, which many games are designed with in mind. In fact, most games are mixed using at least stereo, if not surround sound technology. So, if you’re aiming for the best possible gaming audio experience, stereo audio should be your go-to choice.

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2024-08-13 19:03