AVOWED Update Fixing Quests, Bugs, and Performance Issues

As a dedicated fan of Obsidian Entertainment’s Avowed, I’m thrilled about the latest patch! It’s not a massive overhaul, but it tackles numerous glitches that have been bothering players like me. Plus, it boosts the game’s performance for a smoother gaming experience. Some quests were causing trouble before, but they’ve now been resolved, enabling us to advance without any hitches. It’s clear that Obsidian is committed to making Avowed the best it can be, and this update is just one of many improvements since its launch. And if you’re an Obsidian enthusiast like me, don’t forget to check out the recent update for Pillars of Eternity, the game that kickstarted the world where Avowed is set in.

Here is everything in the Avowed  Patch 1.3.1 update today:

Avowed Update 1.3.1 Patch Notes

Community Requested Features

  • Added ‘high contrast’ support for several UI screens.
  • Added Native Anti-Aliasing option for FSR.


  • The quest “Our Dreams Divide Us Still” will now correctly advance at the end of combat for affected players. This includes a retroactive fix for players who load a save made post combat.
  • Turning the winch to save Solace Keep will no longer fail to save Solace Keep in rare cases.

UI Fixes and Improvements

  • Experience Gained notifications no longer stay visible indefinitely when the hide HUD option is toggled.
  • Quest markers and items on the Compass now appear as intended if the player has selected the option “Lock Compass to North” in Settings.
  • Status icons near the player’s health bar will no longer be cut off if many statuses are active at once.
  • Switching upscaling settings to TSR will no longer unnecessarily apply the Screen Percentage value.
  • The setting to Hide XP Notifications now behaves as expected.
  • When using the quest tracking option to not track the next quest, Quest beacons will no longer point to completed quest objectives, when a quest is complete.

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed a rare instance where enemies could disappear from the map.
  • Consumed items no longer reappear in the player’s inventory under certain conditions.
  • Orlan hair now renders correctly on higher quality settings.
  • Pentiment achievement no longer requires the completion of a side quest in Emerald Stair that is only available based on certain main quest decisions.
  • The player will no longer end up in a broken state that prevents them from receiving the achievement “Cooking by the Book”.
  • The recipe for Crafting Adra from Adra Shards no longer disappears when the player upgrades Scavenger ability.

Performance Improvements

  • Improved performance on Beauty and Balanced modes on Xbox when in larger cities.

As an ardent fan, I can’t help but express my anticipation for fresh content and DLC in Avowed. However, let’s not overlook the significance of addressing the existing issues in the game to maintain our engagement. It’s all too easy to encounter a problem that halts progression, leading many players to abandon the game. Fortunately, since its launch, Obsidian has been diligently working on fixing and enhancing the game, which has proven to be a wise decision.

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2025-03-28 01:12