Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Key Takeaways

  • Players should start easy, build near resources, and use hotbars efficiently for a smoother gameplay experience.
  • Focus on unlocking build tiers, utilize shortcuts, and automate crafting early on for faster progress.
  • Take advantage of the Awesome Shop, hoard resources, and delete structures without losing materials.

As someone who’s spent countless hours building and tweaking factories in Satisfactory, let me share some valuable insights that could help you navigate this delightful game more efficiently.

With the debut of Satisfactory 1.0, numerous novice gamers are immersing themselves in the game for the first time. Moreover, this revamped version has prompted many seasoned players to re-engage and embark on a new adventure. Although the initial stages may seem somewhat leisurely, once the fundamental elements are established, things become increasingly engaging as the player constructs intricate and advanced structures.

This game offers a good deal of flexibility, allowing players to adjust various settings to either simplify or challenge their experience. It’s generally advisable for beginners to start with easier settings and gradually increase difficulty as they become more comfortable with the game.

1 Picking Up Leaves

Pick Up Multiple Items While Running

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

To keep the Biomass Burner functioning, you’ll need materials such as wood and leaves. Gathering these items can sometimes feel quite repetitive, involving a lot of moving around and repeatedly clicking ‘E’ to pick them up from the ground. Fortunately, keeping E held down lets players automatically collect any items on the floor that they walk over. This means that players can efficiently gather everything they come across simply by holding onto the ‘E’ button as they move about. While you will still need to physically pick these items up at times, using ‘E’ makes the process a little less tedious.

2 Build Near Some Resources

Save Time Traveling Back And Forth

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Choosing a suitable spot for your HUB is crucial. If a player positions their HUB far from resource deposits, they’ll end up spending considerable time shuttling between the resources and their HUB. Although relocation is possible, it can be inconvenient, particularly if the player has constructed numerous structures around their HUB. At the minimum, players should aim to locate their HUB near an iron deposit.

3 Select A Large Clearing For The Hub

A Flat Place To Call Home

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

As a gamer, I find myself immersed in a world where building and expanding reign supreme. Right off the bat, after constructing my HUB, I’m all about growing my base for crafting and automation purposes. If you happen to position your HUB near a cliff or smack-dab in the middle of rocky terrain, you might find yourself running into trouble when it comes to spreading outwards. To dodge this predicament, I’d recommend setting up shop in an expansive open area – a large clearing would do the trick. This not only offers ample space for growth but also keeps everything neat and organized.

4 Make Use Of Hotbars

Make Crafting Much Easier

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

In simpler terms, the user-friendly hotbars in Satisfactory enable players to assign construction tasks to numbers, making it possible to build structures without having to search through the building menu. Nevertheless, the standard hotbar provides merely ten spaces for buildings, which could prove insufficient if a massive factory is being constructed.

It’s great that they incorporated this feature, enabling up to ten hotbars for smooth navigation. With the standard settings, players can simply press Alt and scroll with their mouse wheel to switch between these hotbars, making it a noteworthy aspect that sets this game apart from other titles in its genre.

5 Always Build Using Foundations

Make Building Cleaner

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

In essence, the primary objective in playing Satisfactory is undeniably to construct a factory. A straightforward method to accomplish this mission effectively involves strategic placement of foundations. This is essential because when you lay down foundations, other structures can easily snap into position, eliminating time wasted on alignment adjustments. Moreover, foundations provide a blueprint for determining the size of your factory and where different machines should be positioned within it.

Just as the term implies, foundations serve as the fundamental building elements of a factory, providing support and ensuring that structural components run level (parallel) or at right angles (perpendicular).

6 Take On One Tier At A Time

Don’t Overcomplicate Things. Take Things Slow

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

In the game of Satisfactory, there are numerous structures players can construct. At the beginning, choosing what to build initially might feel overpowering. During the initial stages of a new player’s experience, it would be beneficial to concentrate on progressing through the initial build levels.

Through this action, the player can swiftly unveil new items and simultaneously begin to familiarize themselves with the diverse crafting interfaces and resources effectively.

7 Take Note Of The Short Keys

Make Things More Efficient

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

At the base of the screen, you’ll find a collection of shortcut keys. These are handy keys specifically related to the actions the player is performing. For instance, if the player is working at a workbench, a list of useful keys will pop up displaying all the shortcuts and buttons for efficiently managing the workbench.

Many of these keys serve straightforward purposes, but others offer useful functions such as rearranging item stacks, moving specific quantities of items, among other things. Early in the game, these keys can greatly streamline your progress.

8 Automate Crafting Early On

Lay Down The Groundwork To Make Crafting Easier

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Initially, novice players might find themselves thinking they have to perform every action manually. But, it’s possible to construct machines for smelting, crafting, and mining right from the beginning. Instead of spending hours at a workbench making iron ingots one by one, players can streamline their process by examining build options (using the Q button), allowing them to concentrate on crucial tasks while automated structures manage all conversion work.

9 The Awesome Shop Is Awesome

A Must-Have Item For All Players

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Developing the Fantastic Store serves as an excellent method for acquiring additional assets. Goods can be bought from the Fantastic Store, which can assist in achieving objectives more swiftly. Moreover, this store offers a variety of equipment that can help save the player both time and resources by automating tasks.

In just a short while after starting the game, you’ll find yourself gaining access to The Awesome Shop, a fantastic resource area that remains beneficial not only during the initial phases but also throughout the later stages of the game.

10 No Need To Click To Craft

Press The Space Bar And Wait

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Initially, as a player immersed in this captivating world, I’ll be tasked with creating my own tools using workbenches. Although it won’t take too long before I can set up automated systems, during the initial stages of the game, the pace might seem somewhat sluggish. Rather than clicking or tapping to craft each individual item, there’s an option to press the space bar once and produce multiple items at a time. Granted, it will still take some time for these items to be crafted, but at least I won’t have to click repeatedly for every single item I wish to create.

11 Hoard As Much As Possible

Store And Learn About Resources, Creatures, And More

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Initially, players are assigned with collecting essential items such as iron, copper, and limestone. Although focusing on these resources is crucial, if a player happens to encounter another ore deposit or an unidentified object while foraging, it could be beneficial to collect and store them for further examination back at their HUB.

Due to a generous amount of available space for additional storage, amassing items becomes less problematic. Certain items found by players can be utilized in crafting high-level items, enhancing aspects such as damage output and automation efficiency.

12 Hostile Creatures Can’t Destroy Structures

Your Factory Is Safe

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

Hostile creatures can certainly cause trouble, but here’s the good news: they can’t harm any structures built by players. Even if enemies approach a player’s facility, they won’t be able to demolish anything. Despite their aggression towards players, they won’t damage any equipment or machinery.

By doing this, you eliminate the concern for players regarding constructing structures beyond the reach of hostile beings. However, it’s also beneficial to eradicate any nearby aggressive creatures to further facilitate gameplay.

13 Deleting Is Free

Build Freely

Beginner Tips For Playing Satisfactory

In contrast to many games of its kind, when a player chooses to erase an item in this game, they will actually receive back all the materials initially spent on crafting it. This feature alleviates the stress, as players won’t have to fret about the placement of items because if they decide to delete and restart, there are no repercussions.

In essence, this game is primarily a journey of experimentation and learning from errors. The key to mastery lies in attempting various strategies and experiencing setbacks as you go. As players become more adept at the game, they’ll naturally feel compelled to refine their movements, adjust or erase their structures, all in an effort to optimize their approach.

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2024-09-17 21:54