Best Anime Soldiers

Best Anime Soldiers

Key Takeaways

  • The best soldiers in anime excel due to a combination of traits like willpower, charisma, and determination.
  • Characters like Eren Yeager, Shin, Suzaku, Griffith, and Levi Ackerman stand out as exceptional soldiers.
  • Levi Ackerman, humanity’s strongest, proves to be an invaluable asset in the fight against titans.

As a seasoned connoisseur of soldiers, I must say that these characters truly embody the essence of greatness within their respective realms. The first one, Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass, is a political mastermind who hides beneath the cloak of Suzaku, his foil. His past as the disgraced son of the Japanese Prime Minister and his subsequent joining of the Britannian Empire make him an intriguing figure indeed. His skills in Knightmare maneuvers and gun evasion are nothing short of impressive, making him a formidable adversary on the battlefield.

Translating conflicts into an engaging spectacle seems to be a common theme in anime, particularly those belonging to the shonen genre. Here, they offer exhilarating battles showcased by some of the most captivating characters on screen.

As an avid anime fan, I can’t help but notice that many of these captivating series often revolve around characters who serve as soldiers, whether it’s for a noble cause or something less virtuous. However, what truly sets the outstanding soldier characters in anime apart are numerous unique factors.

5 Eren Yeager

The Attack Titan Himself

Best Anime Soldiers
  • Greatest Soldier Trait: Forceful Will

One essential blend for an exceptional soldier is a mix of unyielding determination and boundless vigor, and Eren Yeager possesses these traits in abundance. Since his early years, Eren has demonstrated a fighter’s spirit with more enthusiasm at ten than many adults could muster. He was prepared and eager to take the lives of those who slaughtered the Ackermans and threatened Mikasa, justifying their deaths as deserved and showing no remorse about it.

Eren’s fighting spirit wasn’t just a one-time thing; it was innate within him from the start. He wasn’t influenced, brainwashed, or coerced into fighting for his people. Ever since Eren discovered the existence of titans and their obstruction of his liberty, he had made up his mind to eliminate them altogether.

Eren may not match up to Mikasa’s fighting prowess, given she was the most skilled member of the Survey Corps, but he certainly holds his own in combat. Conversely, where Mikasa often falls short throughout the series, Eren excels, particularly in his assertive charm that galvanizes others to stand firm for the Survey Corps and persist without giving up. By the end of the series, fans will have witnessed firsthand what an unyielding soldier like Eren can accomplish.

4 Shin

The Future’s Greatest Commander

Best Anime Soldiers
  • Greatest Soldier Trait: Aggressive Ambition

A young lad, harboring dreams of becoming a commanding general since he first learned to speak, was destined to excel as a formidable soldier once he had grown strong enough to wage war for his aspirations. In the realm of Kingdom, where ancient Chinese armies clash with strategic finesse and brutal battles, Shin consistently distinguishes himself due to his battle prowess and the commander’s spirit within him, even before he was officially bestowed that title.

In “Kingdom”, the audience experiences the world from the perspective of a boisterous and aggressive character, striving relentlessly to be remembered as history’s greatest combat commander. His journey commences with intense training alongside an equally accomplished companion who shared his ambitious dreams. Tragically, this comrade is killed in a plot to safeguard a king by means of a body double. However, Shin’s quest for greatness now takes center stage as he allies with a young monarch intent on uniting numerous nations. He carries the resolve of both himself and his departed friend, determined to accomplish everything a warrior is capable of.

3 Suzaku Kururugi

Serves As Lelouch’s Foil

Best Anime Soldiers
  • Greatest Soldier Trait: Determination and Loyalty

When one mentions “Code Geass“, it’s usually the brilliant strategist that comes to mind rather than the top soldier. People often think about Lelouch vi Britannia, a character who employs his Geass power and exceptional intellect to reshape the world. However, there is another character, Suzaku, who matches Lelouch in terms of physical prowess, serving as a contrasting figure within the series.

As a devoted fan, I must say that the intriguing backstory of Suzaku, the son who fell from grace and joined the Britannian Empire, is nothing short of captivating. With a past like his, it’s no surprise that he exhibits an impressive array of talents. Time and again throughout the series, we witness Suzaku flawlessly execute daring Knightmare maneuvers and deftly dodge gunfire with lightning-fast reflexes and nimble feet.

Beyond stating that Suzaku is exceptionally loyal, he would faithfully execute the orders of anyone given, even going so far as to do it literally if necessary. Moreover, with a touch of Geass manipulation, Suzaku becomes an indispensable asset for Lelouch towards the conclusion of the series.

2 Griffith

The White Hawk

Best Anime Soldiers
  • Greatest Soldier Trait: Inspiring Charisma

The captivating head of the Band of the Hawks might not seem like someone with exceptional military abilities at first glance. With his long hair, fair complexion, and breathtaking appearance, Griffith appears more like a secluded prince from a fantasy story than a seasoned war general guiding his troops into combat. However, appearances can be deceiving, as he demonstrates mastery in battle strategies and swordsmanship beyond comparison.

In their initial confrontation, Guts – renowned for his extraordinary physical power and combat skills – is surprisingly defeated by Griffith with an air of effortlessness, even going as far as taunting Guts while perched on his master sword. It’s Griffith’s remarkable abilities and captivating charm that propel him from being a mere peasant, to commanding the most elite mercenary group in the land, to earning knighthood, as his aspirations for ruling a kingdom gain credibility with every battle he wins.

1 Levi Ackerman

The Greatest Soldier There Is

Best Anime Soldiers
  • Series: Attack on Titan
  • Greatest Soldier Trait: Boundless Strength, Speed, and Deadliness

Similar to Mikasa, also from their shared clan, Levi Ackerman possesses skills that surpass those of top human soldiers. However, Mikasa’s prowess pales in comparison to Levi’s exceptional mastery over ODM-maneuvering and nape-slashing. Often called humanity’s strongest warrior, Levi has earned this title more than any other. Erwin recognized his potential from the start and was rewarded for his foresight when Levi proved to be a beacon of hope among the inhabitants within the walls during their battles against the titans.

In my gaming world, I’m known as the lone wolf soldier who can take down countless titans without needing backup. Even Reiner and Bertholdt caution Zeke, warning him that I could pose a greater threat than an entire regiment of regular Eldian soldiers. My ferocity is such that I always outmatch Zeke in our encounters, only luck and circumstances keeping me from vanquishing the Beast Titan until the final arc of our story. Simply put, I’m the embodiment of a powerful little warrior you’d want on your team.

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2024-10-15 10:03