Best Base Locations In Green Hell

Best Base Locations In Green Hell

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting good armor is essential for survival in Green Hell.
  • Building a shelter in strategic locations is crucial for player safety.
  • Clear water, ample space, and natural resources are key for a successful base.

As a seasoned survivalist with countless hours spent navigating the treacherous landscapes of this game, let me tell you that these locations are nothing short of pure gold for any player looking to establish a stronghold and thrive in this harsh world.

Navigating through the treacherous ‘Green Hell’ is no walk in the park. The jungle harbors dangers at every turn – from swift-moving jaguars capable of devouring players in an instant, to hostile tribes who instantly attack on first sight. This game isn’t for the timid or weak-hearted. To endure, you’ll need essentials such as water, food, tools, weapons, and a secure shelter to call your own.

Constructing a shelter in the harsh environment of Green Hell is crucial for survival. The game offers several spots where players can establish a base, yet some locations stand out as superior choices. Ideal sites should offer a mix of resources, ample building space, and minimal enemy encounters. While there are numerous options to choose from, the following locations are some of the top picks in the game:

7 The Tutorial Camp

A Calm Area With Plenty Of Flat Land

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 28 West, 33 South

In the story-based setting, you’ll encounter the camp as a key location. However, if you opt for survival mode, the camp will be absent. Yet, the expansive, open terrain and clean water source remain. Notably, the flowing river near this spot serves as a natural freshwater supply, making it safe to drink from directly. The region is quite spacious, offering ample flat ground for construction purposes.

This initial settlement is an ideal spot for setting up a comfortable early-game abode. It has the potential to be enlarged and transformed into a fully-equipped home boasting all the jungle’s luxuries. Given its role as the starting point of the story, it generally lacks aggressive creatures, providing the player with a tranquil environment to dwell in peacefully.

6 A Hillside Clearing

A Good Vantage Point

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 46 West, 19 South

Initially, this region might appear unremarkable. But as you explore further, particularly towards the peak of the tall hill near a pathway, you’ll discover an appealing open space ideal for constructing a humble base. Although space is somewhat limited in this spot, its advantageous visibility over the surrounding terrain makes it an excellent choice for setting up your residence.

By strategically arranging things, you can create a rather complex settlement in this region. Typically, there’s a variety of wildlife wandering about here, which simplifies the task of gathering food.

5 Hilltop Flatlands

Close To Water And Out Of The Way

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 51 West, 25 South

On the western part of the map, you’ll find an inviting open space atop a hill. This spot provides the player with panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Additionally, just slightly to its northeast lies a substantial water body. This feature serves dual purposes: hydration and food gathering. It’s frequently visited by jungle creatures, making it an excellent spot for hunting. Interestingly, there are coconut trees here too, which can be useful for collecting water.

Regarding the construction space, much like the last record, it’s not extraordinarily spacious. Yet, its levelness makes it relatively simple for construction purposes. Although it might not be the largest site option, it offers sufficient room to accommodate all necessary items for a player to sustain jungle living.

4 An Abandoned Fishing Station

A Pre-Built Structure On The Water’s Edge

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 51 West, 19 South

Northward from the last location, you’ll find an abandoned fish dock. This pre-existing structure offers useful items for the player to claim. There are a couple of beds, including a hammock, a spot to light a campfire, and a functioning water purifier that players can utilize.

This spot is ideal for individuals who prefer inhabiting a pre-existing structure rather than constructing one themselves. The fact that the fishing station sits on the riverbank ensures an effortless supply of water and provisions. Furthermore, the existing shack offers protection against potential assailants approaching from the south. Lastly, being near the river grants the player a swift escape route if necessary.

3 A Small Abandoned Village

A Great Secondary Base Location

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 52 West, 17 South

Nestled near an eerie, deserted fishing hamlet, I’ve stumbled upon a quaint, forgotten settlement that could serve as my secondary refuge. Although it may not boast many attractions, its strategic location halfway up a hill offers a panoramic view of any potential threats approaching from below. A campfire and bamboo smoker are also conveniently available within the village for my use.

In this location, there’s a plentiful supply of bamboo, ideal for various DIY projects. Plus, being only a short distance from the deserted fishing dock, the player is fortunate to have a continuous water source at hand, eliminating any water-related concerns.

2 A Well-Defended Area

Nearby Cliffs Offer Some Protection

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 38 West, 21 South

This spot nestles at the foot of some steep cliffs, with these cliffs encompassing almost all sides. Consequently, combatants will primarily have to be cautious about threats approaching from a single direction. A modest water supply lies centrally within this area, though it lacks on-site food sources. However, numerous creatures roam the surrounding territories.

This locale boasts breathtaking beauty and is ideal for construction. Being encircled by towering cliffs, builders will find it requires minimal effort to transform this site into an inhabitable location.

1 A Cave Overlooking The Water

An Almost Perfect Place to Call Home

Best Base Locations In Green Hell
  • Location: 48 West, 16 South

This locale appears almost idyllic, but there’s a catch: it harbors dangerous creatures. Despite its stunning appearance, venomous scorpions and spiders abound in this cave, making it their breeding ground. These pesky critters can be lethal, and managing pest control here can get quite tiresome. However, if one is prepared to deal with the unwelcome inhabitants, this place offers an awe-inspiring view.

Above the cave, there’s a towering cliff that not only serves as a defensive barrier but also provides an opportunity for expansion of the base. Near the entrance of the cave lies a small water source, suitable for boiling and consumption. The surrounding area of the cave is relatively unobstructed, making it easier for the player to extend their construction deeper into the jungle.

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2024-09-25 02:53