Best Base Locations In V Rising

Best Base Locations In V Rising

As a seasoned player of V Rising with hundreds of hours under my belt, I can confidently say that building a castle in the Dunley Farmlands is a must for any player, new or old. The central location and abundance of resources make it an ideal spot to call home. My first castle was built there, and it served me well throughout my journey in this thrilling game.

In the complete version of “V Rising,” players have the freedom to customize their PvE (Player versus Environment) servers extensively, while others prefer the challenge of PvP (Player versus Player). Generous servers for “V Rising” may still restrict the construction of castles to a maximum of five. As a result, players must carefully consider where they establish their vampire lair. Although the standard setting includes two castle hearts for each player, many PvP servers only permit one base per person. Consequently, new players are frequently seeking advice on the ideal base locations within “V Rising.”

In the expansive and captivating realm of Vardoran in “V Rising,” players encounter a significant decision when setting up shop. Selecting the optimal location for your base involves careful consideration of various elements. The size of the area, accessible resources, and proximity to waygates are all crucial factors. Weighing these aspects, there are distinguished spots in every territory that excel for Player versus Player (PvP) and Player versus Environment (PvE) experiences.

In The Ruins of Mortium, fans are unable to establish a base. However, there are numerous base alternatives in the newly incorporated region of Gloomrot. But which base sites in V Rising provide the greatest benefits considering their proximity to essential locations, secure entrances and exits, and overall vampire ambiance?

Farbane Woods

A Neat Starting Area That Sadly Becomes Irrelevant

Best Base Locations In V Rising

  • This area has tons of base locations, but not all are best for PvP or PvE
  • Players may find their first bases becoming obsolete as they progress through the game

In these locations, constructing a castle comes with the disadvantage that other players will soon recognize its value. For those engaged in Player versus Player (PvP), prepare for early defense, while Players versus Environment (PvE) players should prioritize reserving these spots. Master the art of swiftly building and then moving your castle to secure a desirable location before competitors do.

As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I strongly recommend the pink-outlined base location for those seeking a challenging PvP experience. Although it may be a bit further from the original starting point of the game, the heightened defensibility and potential for intense battles make it an exciting choice. For newer players or those preferring a more peaceful gaming style, I would suggest opting for one of the blue or orange base locations instead. These areas are conveniently close to abundant resources, making them ideal for PvE and solo play. Based on my own adventures in this virtual world, I have found that each player’s preferences and goals shape their journey uniquely. Therefore, it is essential to consider individual playing styles when selecting a base location.

Hallowed Mountains

The Best Part Is Its Proximity To The Ruins Of Mortium

Best Base Locations In V Rising
  • This area is small but offers four possible base locations
  • Offers solid resources, but the best part of this base location is its proximity to late-game objectives in The Ruins of Mortium

As a gamer, I often skip over the Hallowed Mountains in my journey due to the scarcity of special resources or intriguing storylines. While setting up camp here provides access to common resources like stone, lumber, hides, and occasionally iron, most players don’t see the value in staying long-term. Instead, we use this area as a shortcut to reach our destinations, such as activating waygates or hunting down V Blood targets. However, if you’re looking for an optimal base location, check out the suggestion given above.

Building here offers unique advantages. The area boasts ample space for constructing castles and installing infrastructure, while traffic is kept to a minimum. Most PvP encounters are unlikely to target castles due to their secluded locations. For those seeking solitude, placing a castle heart on one of the mesas, warding off wolves, and relishing tranquility is an attractive option.

Dunley Farmlands

The Center Of The Map And The Gameplay Loop

Best Base Locations In V Rising
  • Players will want to keep a base here due to its abundant resources and central location on the map
  • Chose from three solid locations that are good for solo or duo PvP and PvE players

As a dedicated fan of V Rising, I’d strongly recommend building your castle in the Dunley Farmlands if you can only choose one location. This region is loaded with top-notch base spots, but some truly shine among the rest.

In the bottom left corner, marked in pink, you’ll find an optimal duo base for PvP players. This base boasts a strong defense and ample size. For late-game players, consider the blue-outlined location. It lies conveniently near The Ruins of Mortium. Lastly, for PvE players seeking a central position, check out the orange-outlined area. It’s close to the Haunted Iron Mine and several Dunley villages and camps.

Silverlight Hills

All Hail The Sacred Silver Mine

Best Base Locations In V Rising
  • Players can choose from several base locations, though one is best for PvE
  • All bases are close enough to the Silver Mine, which is great for late-game

In the game “V Rising,” avoiding unnecessary conflicts in Silverlight Hills is highly beneficial. The main attraction of the leftmost base location in this area, however, is its proximity to a large silver mine. This makes it an excellent choice for players focusing on Player versus Environment (PvE). However, be warned that in Player versus Player (PvP) games, this popular spot becomes highly contested due to the importance of mining silver for endgame objectives. Early staking of a claim here is recommended for strategic PvP players.

An option in the northeastern part of this region exists for constructing a castle, yet it comes with two disadvantages. The initial issue involves the silver miners who frequent this area. They have a history of collaborating to demolish castles erected there. Secondly, and more specifically for dual players, this location is relatively smaller compared to the other base option. This means that players are in close proximity to both the silver mine and Gloomrot, which could potentially put them at a disadvantage.

Cursed Forest

This Place Is A Vibe With One Huge Annoyance

Best Base Locations In V Rising
  • This area has one of the best aesthetic base locations in the game
  • The “Curse of the Forest” debuff is ALWAYS active

In terms of cultivating hard-to-find, valuable resources for farming in a castle, the northeastern part of the Cursed Forest map is an excellent choice. This area offers several advantages: The Ancient Village is in close proximity, making it easier to deal with monsters, and there’s ample space at your castle for agricultural structures and infrastructure. An alternative option would be to settle at the base location marked in pink on the left side of the map, which places you closer to the Spider Cave.

In this region, the wildlife is more dangerous than usual, making it an exciting challenge for seasoned players. However, novice players should obtain a protective cloak beforehand to shield them from the “Forest Curse” debuff’s adverse effects, which limit visibility on the map and screen. The only significant downside of constructing bases in the Cursed Forest is dealing with the Forest Curse and the occasional presence of Gorecrusher, who frequently roams near the northeastern base.


A Mutated Steampunk Nightmare With Vicious Environmental Damage

Best Base Locations In V Rising
  • Contains a few base locations where players can maximize their defense and proximity to resources
  • The brutal environment can be both a boon and a problem

In the map of Gloomrot, there are two main regions with different advantages based on players’ preferred tactics. The top left area is marked by frequent lightning storms, making it simpler to collect batteries and related items. On the other hand, the central and right parts of Gloomrot offer increased chances of discovering Mutant blood, scrap metal, and Mutant grease. Additionally, the base highlighted in green on the far-right side is advantageously situated near the Cursed Forest, granting easier entry to the Spider Cave.

The orange-outlined bottom right base is an ideal spot for PvP duos due to its proximity to resources and strong defensive position. Meanwhile, the blue-outlined central base caters perfectly to solo PvE players with easy access to abundant resources and a secure location. However, it’s essential to note that severe environmental effects like fire, sunlight, and lightning can significantly impact gameplay. Consequently, some players might need to adjust damage numbers on their servers or choose a base location based on their preferred playstyle to minimize these damaging influences.

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2024-07-16 11:24