Best Boxing Combinations In UFC 5

Best Boxing Combinations In UFC 5

Key Takeaways

  • EA’s UFC 5 retains the fundamental gameplay of its predecessors, emphasizing the importance of executing simple but effective boxing combinations.
  • Overly complex combinations are risky, as experienced opponents can read the tells and counterattack. Keeping combos short and effective is the key to victory.
  • Effective boxing combinations in UFC 5 include the one-two combo, lead double jab, double jab and cross combo, lead jab lead hook, cross and lead hook, lead jab and outside hook, lead jab and hook to the body, and lead jab to head straight to the body.

As a seasoned boxer with years of ring time under my belt, I can confidently say that mastering these essential combinations is key to dominating the arena in UFC 4.

In the latest version of UFC 5 by EA, the gameplay has been improved upon its predecessors, yet retains a familiar foundation. Some moves have a higher probability of success than others, as was the case before. Just like in previous versions, the most effective boxing combinations are achieved by keeping things straightforward. Mastering the basics will also help players learn and perform more complex techniques.

Attempting intricate, multi-step moves while boxing within UFC 5 could allow seasoned adversaries to discern your signals and retaliate with a crushing counter-strike. Therefore, it’s wiser to keep your combinations brief yet potent when battling opponents in the Octagon. Here are some of the most efficient boxing sequences in UFC 5 without making the commands overly convoluted.

10 Lead Uppercut Straight Cross Combo

Heavy Damage To The Head

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
L1 + Square then TriangleLB + X then Y

Utilizing both an uppercut and straight cross can be highly efficient when aiming to thwart an opponent’s attempt to close in. Additionally, many skilled players master the art of the “dodge” mechanic, capitalizing on it to land a powerful counter-punch that typically leaves their opponent’s fighter stunned or knocked down.

Attempt to lure your adversary with strategic head shots, jabs, kicks, and powerful punches. Aim to make them dodge, then strike with an uppercut. This move often initiates a counter-offensive that inflicts extra harm. The subsequent straight punch will intensify the impact on their head, potentially leading to a knockout.

9 The One-Two Combo

Break Opponent’s Guard Health

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Square then TriangleX then Y

In UFC 5, the one-two combo stands as a fundamental yet dependable technique that players can employ. It serves as an excellent foundation for subsequent combinations of hooks and uppercuts, capable of depleting an opponent’s defense health. Players are advised to press the buttons rapidly to perform it smoothly in one continuous sequence.

Beyond the initial two-hits, players can extend their sequence up to four consecutive hits for a four-hit combo. However, this can be easily thwarted by head movements and slips. If players are adopting a southpaw stance, the punch order is reversed. Consequently, players need to swiftly press Triangle followed by Square on PlayStation or Y then X on Xbox.

8 Lead Double Jab

Closes The Distance

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Double Tap SquareDouble Tap X

A proven and trusted pair of techniques in boxing is the traditional one-two punch combo. This duo has earned its status as a basic move for good reason – it allows you to close the gap, create opportunities, and weaken an opponent’s defense as the bout progresses into later rounds.

This combination works well for fighters with extended limbs and quick reflexes. It’s ideal for UFC 5 players who prefer to engage from afar and can inflict substantial harm on opponents rushing towards them. In the Southpaw stance, players should repeatedly tap the Triangle key on PlayStation or the Y button on Xbox.

7 Double Jab And Cross Combo

Effective For Exploiting Guard Breaks

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Double Tap Square, then TriangleDouble tap X, then Y

Just as I savor the rhythm of a well-timed one-two, so too does the double jab and cross combo deliver a powerful punch. When my adversary’s defense weakens after a series of hooks, this combination becomes my go-to move to exploit their vulnerable spots. It’s a fantastic strategy for softening their defenses and setting up an impactful right (or left) cross.

When an opponent advances with forceful assaults, the double jab serves as a response. For gamers using the Southpaw stance on PlayStation, they should quickly tap Triangle twice and then press Square. On an Xbox controller, this move is executed by rapidly tapping Y twice followed by pressing X.

6 Lead Jab Lead Hook

Inflicts High Damage

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Square then L1 + SquareX then LB + X

Instead of coming in with a lead jab to meet your opponent, try this: First, throw a lead jab, then follow up with a left hook. This strategy is effective because it often catches opponents who are also using a lead jab. If timed perfectly, it can even lure them into moving towards your left side as they try to dodge the jab, creating an opening for you.

This move has the potential to inflict significant harm to an opponent’s head, potentially knocking them down or even rendering them unconscious with a well-timed lean or lunge. For Southpaw fighters using a PlayStation controller, press Triangle first, followed by L1 and then Triangle again. If you’re on Xbox, press Y first, then LB and Y consecutively.

5 Cross And Lead Hook

Effective Counterattack

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Triangle then L1 + SquareY then LB + Square

In a conventional stance, throwing a direct punch with your right hand (or left in a southpaw position) and swiftly following it up with a lead hook makes for a potent and quick combo. The cross punch is more impactful than the jab and an efficient method to counteract opponents who are approaching with jabs or straight punches.

If executed at the right moment, the cross move will be classified as a counterattack, inflicting greater harm. Subsequently, when players follow it up with a left (or right) hook, there’s a chance to knock an opponent unconscious or send them crashing to the ground. For Southpaw fighters, press Square followed by L1 and Triangle on PlayStation, or X and LB along with Y on Xbox.

4 Lead Jab And Outside Hook

Damaging Combination

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Square then L1 + TriangleX then LB + Y

A good strategy for delivering a swift and powerful combo is starting with a lead jab, then following up with either a right or left hook from afar. This move can cause significant damage whether you’re standing still or moving backward. However, some fighters might lower their guard after the initial jab to counterattack or dodge by moving their head.

After the initial attack, aiming the follow-up blow using the triangle (PlayStation) or Y (Xbox) for southpaws, followed by L1 and square/LB and X respectively, is a great strategy to land a powerful strike against your opponent.

3 Lead Jab And Hook To The Body

Keeps Opponents Guessing

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Square then L1 + L2 + TriangleX then LB + LT + Y

In the ring, aim for both the torso and the head while boxing. This strategy keeps your opponents on their toes, as hitting the body weakens their endurance. By mixing up high and low attacks, you’ll become harder to anticipate and leave your adversary exposed due to excessive defense of either the body or the head.

For PlayStation users, left-handed boxers should press Triangle and then L1 along with L2 and Square simultaneously. For Xbox players, it’s Y, followed by LB + LT and X. Body punches can set up powerful counterattacks such as an uppercut or a knee strike.

2 Lead Jab To Head Straight To The Body

Effective For Chipping Away At The Body

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Square then L2 + TriangleX then LT + Y

As a gamer, I like to mix up my attacks to keep my opponents on their toes. A quick jab to the head, followed by a straight punch to the body, is one of my go-to combos. It may not knock ’em out right away, but it’s great for wearing down an opponent’s defense, especially since most players focus more on shielding their face.

Left-handed boxers should employ the Triangle move, followed by pressing L2 and Square on PlayStation, or Y and LT + X on Xbox. However, it’s crucial to avoid being predictable when focusing solely on attacking the body since it can be countered effectively with an uppercut or a knee strike.

1 Double Jab And Overhand

Can Lead To A Knockout

PlayStation CommandXbox Commands
Double Tap Square, then Hold L1 + TriangleDouble Tap X, then Hold LB + Y

In boxing, a double jab is an effective move, but after throwing it, players should follow with a powerful, sweeping overhead punch known as a haymaker. This punch was particularly potent in UFC 4 at its release. To make the game more balanced, EA made it possible to dodge and counter this blow, but when executed correctly, the haymaker can result in a knockout.

With a double jab, you can disrupt your opponent’s defense. If you then throw a powerful punch (haymaker), it could either smash through their defense or catch them off guard since they might not easily spot the setup after a jab, as the signals in the animation become less conspicuous.

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2024-09-12 20:54