Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale

Key Takeaways

  • Fireball provides versatile utility against enemies and buildings, a solid inclusion in beginner decks.
  • Zap offers instant, affordable stun and damage, synergizing well with other spells in a beginner deck.
  • Arrows deliver powerful area damage but require strategic timing due to slower speed and higher cost.

As a seasoned Clash Royale veteran, I wholeheartedly concur with your assessment of these three cards as essential additions to any beginner’s deck. The Giant, Musketeer, and Knight are veritable powerhouses that have stood the test of time in my own battles.

In Clash Royale, there are more than a hundred cards to choose from, making it one of the games with the broadest rosters in its genre. This vast selection increases the game’s enjoyment factor, but it may feel overwhelming for new players. A question often asked by beginners is: What are the best cards to include in a starting deck? To help answer this, let’s discuss nine top beginner cards from both Common and Rare categories that players can unlock quickly in the game.

Clash Royale Beginner Card Tier List

The following table is a quicker way to find the best beginner cards in Clash Royale. It divides the most beginner-friendly cards into four tiers: S+, S, A, and B.

Tier Cards
S+ Musketeer, Knight
S Mini P.E.K.K.A., Giant
A Arrows, Bomber, Archers
B Fireball, Zap

9 Fireball

Best Property: Knockback and Versatility

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 4
  • Rarity: Rare
  • How to Get: Training Camp

In the world of Clash Royale, the Fireball card stands out as a well-known and frequently used option, especially by newcomers. Despite its popularity among beginners, it’s also favored by experienced players for good reason. The Fireball offers dependable usefulness in numerous strategic plays:

  1. It can finish off weakened enemies or destroy low-HP buildings.
  2. It can knock back offensive enemy troops or redirect their attack route.
  3. It can wipe out swarms before they even cross the bridge.

As a dedicated card enthusiast, I can vouch that even though stronger cards may surface as I progress further in the game, Fireball consistently proves its worth as a versatile and dependable choice. Initially thought of as just a beginner’s card, Fireball continues to be an effective inclusion in most decks, irrespective of their specific archetype or play style.

8 Zap

Best Property: Agility and Cost-effectiveness

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • How to Get: Builder’s Workshop

Zap serves as a compact alternative to Arrows, providing a swift, immediate impact that novice players will find indispensable. The simultaneous stun and moderate area-of-effect (AoE) damage it delivers can temporarily halt enemy forces, weaken them, and prepare them for elimination by additional offensive units. Furthermore, Zap is more budget-friendly than similar cards such as Arrows, making it a cost-effective and efficient choice for technology upgrades.

What makes Zap unique is its consistent compatibility with other spell cards such as Fireball and Poison, making it an excellent choice for beginner decks. Furthermore, Zap acts as a dependable reinforcement for low-health, high-damage troops, providing them the necessary protection to deliver a finishing blow.

7 Arrows

Best Property: Area of Effect

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • How to Get: Training Camp

Arrows might be replaceable with better spell cards at higher ranks, but for a beginner in Clash Royale, it’s an essential deck component. This card offers powerful area-of-effect (AoE) damage, capable of wiping out both aerial and ground swarms. To highlight its effectiveness, Arrows can eliminate Minions that are five levels higher—a significant advantage in many situations.

Despite being popular, Arrows have some downsides that keep them from being top choices. They are somewhat sluggish and expensive in terms of resources. Upon deployment, it takes a moment for Arrows to reach their target, so players must guess the enemy’s movement – a skill that might not be intuitive for beginners. Furthermore, compared to alternatives like Zap, Arrows consume more Elixir, which could make them a less financially savvy option for certain decks.

Arrows were nerfed during Season 62’s final balance change.

6 Bomber

Best Property: Destructibility

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 2
  • Rarity: Common
  • How to Get: Bone Pit

Despite the Bomber’s restricted impact zone, he’s often underrated for his lethal drops. However, in the early stages of the game, he proves himself as one of the most potent units. His high damage capacity enables him to swiftly take down enemy solo attackers effortlessly, making him a dependable pick for newcomers.

Bombardier is particularly skilled at single-handedly eliminating groups of ground troops without much hassle, leaving the battlefield devoid of weaker enemies. When combined with cards such as Ice Golem, he metamorphoses into a potent secondary damage dealer, substantially increasing the deck’s overall destructive power.

Nevertheless, Bomber’s disadvantage, the factor that keeps him from a higher rank, lies in his vulnerability. He’s relatively easy to thwart since high-damage single attacks aimed at him are generally effective, posing little risk. Consequently, it’s important to use him tactically to get the most out of his effectiveness.

5 Archers

Best Property: Versatile Synergies

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • How to Get: Training Camp

As a new gamer, I’ve found that archers are an essential addition to my beginner decks. They provide crucial aerial backup and pack a punch against ground units. For fresh players like me, archers are a must-have because they counter one of the early game’s toughest challenges: the Balloon. By strategically placing archers, I can shield my troops from the Balloon’s devastating air-to-ground attack, which can tip the balance in a match.

For players adopting an aggressive approach, it can be tactically smart to combine Archer units with heavy armor units (tanks). Tanks take the brunt of the initial impact, thereby enabling Archers to zero in on critical targets while reducing their own exposure to harm.

4 Mini P.E.K.K.A.

Best Property: Defense-Offense Balance

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 4
  • Rarity: Rare
  • How to Get: Training Camp

In the role of a budget tank, the Mini P.E.K.K.A. stands out as an exceptionally versatile card within Clash Royale. It shines in two main areas: countering tanks and acting independently as a destroyer. The Mini P.E.K.K.A.’s agility, resilience, and high damage output make it particularly effective against heavy troops such as the Giant. When teamed up with cards that deliver widespread damage, the Mini P.E.K.K.A. can transform into a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Instead, it’s important to note that Mini P.E.K.K.A.’s main weakness lies in its susceptibility to swarms. Without any area-effect abilities, it faces challenges when confronting groups of adversaries like Skeleton Armies or Royal Recruits, making it quite simple to neutralize with such cards.

3 Giant

Best Property: Targeted DMG

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 5
  • Rarity: Rare
  • How to Get: Training Camp

No beginner Clash Royale deck is complete without the Giant. This tanky unit serves as a reliable win condition when used offensively, but it also has defensive utility. What makes the Giant a solid card is his targeted damage: he specifically attacks buildings. With this ability, the Giant becomes a primary tower damage dealer. Additionally, players can deploy the Giant near their own towers to distract enemy units and draw them away from the Crown Tower.

Here are two effective strategies for using the Giant:

  • Using Giant as a Shield: The Giant can protect low-HP, high-damage units, providing them with the extra time they need to eliminate targets.
  • Reinforcing Giant’s Destructibility: When combined with cards like Balloon, the Giant can deal significantly more damage and become a more formidable force.

2 Musketeer

Best Property: Long-range DMG

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 4
  • Rarity: Rare
  • How to Get: Training Camp

In many beginner decks, the Musketeer is frequently underestimated, but she’s actually one of the top cards in Clash Royale. She works exceptionally well with many ground-focused offensive strategies and delivers consistent firepower at a safe distance. The Musketeer is an essential asset for shielding your ground troops from air attacks since she can target enemies from as far as six tiles away.

The Musketeer’s unique strength lies in her capacity to gradually reduce an opponent’s health points without participating directly in combat. Experienced players usually position her at a distance from the busy bridge, enabling her to offer indirect yet powerful cannonball-like support to the units actively battling the enemy.

1 Knight

Best Property: Cost-Effective Tank Stats

Best Cards For Beginners In Clash Royale
  • Elixir Cost: 3
  • Rarity: Common
  • How to Get: Training Camp

In Clash Royale, the Knight stands out as an exceptional card for beginners, offering great versatility. You can deploy it either as a frontline attacker or a defensive unit at the back. This card is a dependable choice due to its utility. As a low-cost tank, it provides cover for ranged units, allowing them to dish out more damage. In one-on-one battles, the Knight showcases its strength by taking down tough opponents like the Prince and Giant Skeleton.

Although the Knight generally performs well, there are certain situations where his usefulness might be restricted. His prowess as a lone assailant allows him to gradually reduce an opponent’s Crown Tower health, but he becomes vulnerable when faced with multiple attackers. Large groups can overpower and defeat the Knight fairly rapidly, although he is still capable of instantly defeating Goblins at his level.

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2024-09-02 08:34