Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2

As a battle-hardened Space Marine veteran with countless hours logged in the original Space Marine, I must say that the new Eternal War game mode in Space Marine 2 has certainly brought forth a fresh challenge. The six classes available, each with their unique abilities and weapons, offer a variety of playstyles to cater to different gaming preferences.

In Space Marine 2, gamers have six distinct classes to select from within Eternal War, similar yet distinct from the Operations classes. Unfortunately, these classes don’t upgrade in the same manner as their Operations counterparts. Despite the lack of upgrades, each class offers unique gameplay experiences due to its varying abilities and weaponry.

In the player-versus-player (PVP) mode called Endless Battle, collaboration is key. Although it might seem that focusing on enemy elimination is the best approach, certain character classes excel more at completing objectives or bolstering your team. Here’s a rundown of all six characters in the game, sorted by their effectiveness in Endless Battle.

6 Heavy

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2

  • Armor Class – 3
  • Ability – Iron Halo: Creates a Barrier that blocks all incoming ranged damage.

The Heavy does have a powerful two-handed weapon that is able to deal incredible amounts of damage in the right situation. Iron Halo ability can also be very helpful when placed correctly to block incoming damage, though it can suffer should you be flanked.

In close-quarters combat, The Heavy doesn’t come equipped with a specific melee weapon, and in player versus player situations, melee weapons tend to reign supreme. Melee attacks bypass an enemy’s armor to inflict damage directly on their health, so the absence of an appropriate melee tool might diminish this class’s effectiveness. The Heavy Bolter is the initial weapon for this class, but it requires a few moments before it reaches its maximum firing rate, during which an opponent can capitalize on this delay to defeat you.

5 Vanguard

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2
  • Armor Class – 2
  • Ability: Grapnel Hook – Latch onto enemies or the environment to be pulled towards it.

Vanguard’s distinctive skill simplifies one-on-one encounters significantly: when you grapple an opponent, they momentarily become stunned, enabling you to strike the initial melee attack and gain the upper hand in a fight. Moreover, the grapnel proves useful for traversing challenging terrains and accessing secluded spots where you can surprise an unaware enemy and set up an ambush.

This class performs exceptionally well as a stealthy assassin-type character, but it struggles in team battles due to its decline in power. The lower armor means ranged combat becomes riskier, and the grappling hook ties you into an animation, making you susceptible to enemy fire before you can reach and eliminate your target.

4 Sniper

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2
  • Armor Class – 2
  • Ability: Camo Cloak – Turn invisible until your next attack.

This long-range specialist delivers significant harm without getting too close, with precise headshots potentially incapacitating opponents before any real combat ensues. However, having lower armor, it’s crucial to engage from a safer vantage point. The advantage here is that other weapons tend to be less effective at long range, which should offset this vulnerability.

In combat, the Camo Cloak significantly boosts this class’s melee efficiency because it maintains invisibility upon being struck by an adversary. As far as steering clear of an Auspex Scan is concerned, you’ll remain hidden and can sneakily approach an enemy with your melee weapon for a surprise attack before they even notice your presence.

3 Tactical

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2
  • Armor Class – 3
  • Ability: Auspex Scan – Reveal and mark enemies. Marked enemies take additional damage.

The Tactical class offers a versatile skillset, capable of handling both close-quarters combat and long-range engagements effectively. It may not excel in one specific area, but it maintains its ground during group battles and complements various team configurations well.

The Auspex Scan function allows you to spot opponents even when they’re hidden behind walls, or if they’re stealthed. Moreover, it increases the damage that marked enemies take. This feature is particularly useful during team battles and a tactically placed scan can significantly boost your team’s advantage.

2 Assault

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2
  • Armor Class – 3
  • Ability: Jump Pack – Increased dodges and dashes, along with the ability to briefly fly.

In the never-ending battle of Space Marine 2, close-quarter fights hold significant weight. Any harm inflicted by a melee weapon directly depletes an adversary’s health, bypassing their armor. This means that every class becomes equally vulnerable to attack, while simultaneously offering you a variety of top-tier mobility and melee weapons to wield.

The Jumpack’s soaring capabilities make it vulnerable to ground fire, but a skillful jump and descent could surprise an unsuspecting foe, inflicting significant damage on them. On the other hand, although the Thunderhammer swings slowly, it can unleash a massive amount of destruction upon clustered enemies huddled in a control point.

1 Bulwark

Best Class For Eternal War In Space Marine 2
  • Armor Class – 3
  • Ability: Chapter Banner – Place a chapter banner that regenerates the armor of nearby allies.

The Bulwark serves as a robust defensive unit, equipped with a protective shield capable of taking almost all ranged attacks. In battle, this shield stands out as one of the strongest defenses a player might have, enduring intense fire from powerful weapons like the Heavy Bolter.

This class excels as the primary support, thanks to its unique feature that allows for the restoration of the whole team’s protective shields when strategically positioned. Notably, this class specializes in close-combat weapons, boasting some of the finest melee options within the game setting.

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2024-09-09 05:03