Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne


  • Create a powerful Druid build using the Storm Rage set for fast, spammy attacks with high elemental damage and crowd control.
  • Opt for a Treant Spammer build for a high damage output, but be prepared for squishiness and less mobility.
  • Consider a Prowler Druid build for high mobility, hit-and-run tactics, and enemy detection.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I must say that these Druid builds are nothing short of remarkable! Each one offers a unique playstyle that caters to different strategies and preferences.

In the game Dungeonborne, the Druid is a multi-faceted character who has the ability to transform. In Panther Shape, this character becomes a swift and aggressive melee combatant, while in Elven form, they can summon potent elements, offering players a variety of strategies to employ.

Discovering the ideal collection of sets, items, and attributes for a Druid might require some patience, but the rewards are significant as you tailor the character to suit your gaming style. For those eager to enhance their Druid’s abilities, various dependable builds await experimentation. From quick strike strategies to an overwhelming frontal attack utilizing Primal Awakening skill and Treant Summoning, Dungeonborne players will find themselves with numerous options when crafting a Druid build.

5 Storm Rage Druid

Build Requirements: Storm Rage Set + Storm Staff + Pure Int

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Fast, Spammy, Hit And Run
  • Cons: Squishy, Easily Cornered

In the present version of Dungeonborne, this Druid build is generally considered top-notch (though Mithril Interactive might adjust it). It primarily revolves around activating Primal Awakening to transform into a panther, dash, and trigger the Storm Rage passive. After that, players should shoot enemy groups from a distance using a Fire Staff beam, dealing substantial Storm Elemental Damage and applying a 75% Slowing effect for up to 3 targets.

As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I must say that this build for the Druid class is quite intriguing. It boosts the ranged abilities of the character, which I find particularly appealing as it allows me to take down enemies from afar with ease. However, the trade-off is that it reduces Stamina and requires a good amount of Dexterity for mobility – something I’ve had to adapt to in my gameplay.

4 Treant Spammer Druid

Build Requirements: Intelligence + Will Stat Focus

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Versatile, Mitigation, High Damage
  • Cons: Squishy, Less Mobility

To fully leverage the power of a Druid’s Nature Force, allocate no less than 44 points in Intelligence and 45 in Will. This upgrade will activate the passive ability, Natural Swiftness, reducing the Treant’s cooldown to just 30 seconds. Additionally, it will grant an additional charge to the Treant Spell, enabling players to essentially cast it repeatedly, using a spell called Seed Pods.

To ensure Treants last longer in battle, players should aim for a minimum of 27 Stamina points. This triggers the Nature’s Breath passive ability, giving each summoned Treant a 150 HP shield. However, this strategy sacrifices mobility as it deviates from a Dexterity-focused build. Additionally, the build is less durable as it relies on various stats rather than just Stamina. To compensate for reduced defense, players should consider carrying Shielding Flasks to boost their resilience.

3 Prowler Druid

Build Requirements: Tiny Torment Set + Dex Stat Focus

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: High Mobility, DoT, Skirmisher, Enemy Detection, Scout
  • Cons: Squishy, Less Elemental Damage

Individuals who favor agile combat strategies can opt for a Dexterity-focused druid build that maximizes the agility of the panther form, along with the druid’s innate abilities to sense adversaries. To achieve this, they need a pair of rings from the Tiny Torment set and a dagger with the same enhancement. The advantage is that this setup only needs 6 charges, making it an affordable build, and it can potentially be paired with at least 15 charges of Storm Rage.

1. To optimize gameplay as a Druid, focus primarily on enhancing maximum Dexterity to boost speed and critical hit chances when possible, while utilizing enchantments that significantly increase these probabilities. Maintain the Panther Shape form for extended periods of time, which activates Predatory Senses, allowing you to detect enemies within a 30-foot radius and ensuring teammates are always warned about potential traps or ambushes. Utilize Shadow Assault to charge into the heart of enemy groups, thereby triggering Tiny Torment’s DoT true damage effect. Subsequently, dart around swiftly to throw off spellcasters or deal lethal blows with rapid claw strikes.

2 Fairy Summoner Druid

Build Requirements: Fairy Of The Lake Set + Intelligence Stat Focus

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Spammy, Ranged Harasser
  • Cons: Easily Cornered, Lesser Mobility

1. The Lake Fairy Combo has seen a significant reduction in power, yet remains useful for long-range attacks. It may not recover as swiftly as before, but it can effectively enhance the Druid’s other skills by offering robust protection, particularly in ranged-oriented classes. The Lake Fairy Set is pricey, but it’s an investment that players won’t regret due to its game-breaking potential.

As a gamer, I can make the most out of this setup by strategically placing myself at the backlines. I use my Storm Staff or Treants to cut off their escape route and then pummel them with the Fairy’s increased single-target damage. When necessary, I swiftly shift into Panther form to grab the Fairy and reposition myself for another round of casting. This cycle allows me to create a cumulative effect that will leave groups of melee fighters or even range casters in a state of disarray.

1 Crowd Control Druid

Build Requirements: Dex + Stamina Focus + Force Of Trinity Set

Best Druid Builds In Dungeonborne
  • Pros: Great CC, Great For Prolonged Fights
  • Cons: Bad at Ranged, Perma Shape Shifted, High Build Cost

The best thing about the Force of Trinity set is that it not only causes 100 physical damage in an area but applies slow crowd control of 80% for 5 seconds and a debuff effect called Vunerability, which increases damage by 20%. Of course, considering that players will require 30 charges of the set to unlock its full potential, it is considered a high-budget build. Gamers can always reach the charges required by unlocking all three secret heirlooms in the game and the affix for 150 Refined Steel Ingots.

As a devoted fan, I wholeheartedly affirm that it’s all worth it! The Druid, boasting unparalleled mobility among casters in this game, offers an exciting playstyle. You can leap right into the thick of enemies, swiftly slashing three times in quick succession, then activate the effect and follow up with another Shadow Assault to retreat.

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2024-08-14 11:33