Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

As a seasoned adventurer with countless hours spent traversing the mystical lands of Teer Fradee, I can wholeheartedly endorse this Formacelet-focused build for any aspiring spellcasters out there. The cornerstone of this strategy lies in the meticulous balance of attributes and the strategic selection of skills that prioritize damage output and crowd control.

In the sequel titled “Greedfall II: The Fading Realm“, players are given a variety of choices right from the beginning, enabling them to tailor their character and gaming approach according to their preferences. With nine pre-set starting configurations available and the option to personalize one of your own if none seem appealing, making a decision at the outset can prove challenging due to the abundance of choices.

In “Greedfall 2: The Fading World,” there are six distinct skill sets available, and each of the pre-set character builds utilize two of them. This guide aims to explain what each skill tree provides, which ones your starting companions can access, and suggest which trees offer the most beneficial early game experience for new players.

The Six Skill Trees

The Six Skill Trees Now Accessible in the Early Access Period can essentially be divided into two main groups: Ability Trees (Paths) and Weapon Masteries. Ability Trees don’t link to any particular weapon group but focus on a versatile gameplay approach, such as Tanking, Attack, or Healing and Aid. Each Ability Tree starts with a Stance Skill that can be activated to receive advantages in the chosen playstyle, at the cost of disadvantages elsewhere. Weapon Masteries are associated with specific weapon categories, like blunt weapons, bows, or bracelets. They provide access to unique skills when using the corresponding weapon, thereby enhancing their effectiveness.

The Six Skill Trees available in the Current Early Access build are:

  • Paths of Destruction (Damage-Focused)
  • Paths of Protection (Tanking-Focused)
  • Paths of Charity (Healing and Buffing-Focused)
  • Teer Fradeean Bracelets (Magic Gauntlets with Healing and Damaging Skills)
  • Weapons of War (Blunt Weapons with Stun effects and AOE Attacks)
  • Bows (Bows with a mix of damaging attacks and debuff skills)

Paths of Destruction

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

The “Road to Ruin” path offers skills that enhance your capability for inflicting harm on adversaries, occasionally coming at the cost of reducing your defensive attributes for greater offensive potential.

Destroyer’s StanceIncrease Damage and Critical Chance, but Lower Physical and Magical Defense. You can only have one Posture skill active at a time.None.
ReinforcementBuffs the Caster with the “Mighty” effect, raising damage dealt. When Improved it also heals the Caster.Destroyer’s Stance
Roar of DeathDeals Damage to All Enemies in a Cone Area. This Damage ignores armour. When Improved it also applies the “Marked” effect to all enemies hit.Destroyer’s Stance
Advantageous PositionAdds a bonus to damage from backstabs or from elevated positions.Reinforcement
Thirst for BloodThe Character gains a Rage Effect whenever they inflict a killing blow on an enemy.Roar of Death

Paths of Protection

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

Through the Paths of Protection, you’ll gain skills that attract enemy attention and boost your defensive capabilities. However, your offensive statistics may occasionally take a backseat for this benefit.

Protector’s StanceIncreases Armour and Life, but reduces damage inflicted. Only one Posture skill can be active at a time.None.
TauntProvokes Enemies in a Circular AOE. When Improved it also grants the Caster a Resilience Effect.Protector’s Stance
Hurtful WordsAfflicts the target with the Weakened Effect.When Improved it also reduces the target’s Action Points to zero.Protector’s Stance

Paths of Charity

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

As a compassionate gamer, I find myself drawn to the Paths of Charity – the healing and buffing route. It equips me with powers that not only mend my own wounds but also boost my allies’ strengths. However, it’s important to note that this path isn’t without its risks; often, I must absorb more damage in exchange for these beneficial abilities.

Good Samaritan’s StanceReduces Cooldown Times for Healing Spells and Spells that grant Positive Effects to Allies, but Increases Damage taken by the Caster. Only one Posture skill can be active at a time.None.
First AidAllows you to Heal Yourself or an Ally in Range. When Improved, it also removes negative effects from the target.Good Samaritan’s Stance
Words of SupportApplies Mighty Effect to the Targeted Ally. When Improved, it also gives the target an Action Point.Good Samaritan’s Stance
Spiritual StaminaIncreases the Duration of Positive Effects.Words of Support

Weapons of War

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

One of the expansive skill trees for combat, known as “Weapons of War,” offers abilities and impacts connected to hefty maces and axes, either single- or two-handed. In the game’s terminology, these weapons are often referred to as “Impact Weapons.” They excel in pushing opponents away, causing them to fall, and disrupting enemy actions.

Mastery of Impact WeaponsGrants Access to Skills associated with One-Handed and Two-Handed Axes, and also One-Handed and Two-Handed Maces. Depending on the equipped weapon, grants: Brutal Impact, Iron Breaker, Destructive Blow, or Shockwave.None.
Violent ChargeViolently Charges an Enemy Target to Inflict Damage an Knock them Backwards. When Improved, it also inflicts Weakened on the Target.Mastery of Impact Weapons
KnockdownCauses the Target to Fall, taking Damage. When Improved, it also causes the caster to gain the Retaliation Effect while using it.Mastery of Impact Weapons
Skilled FighterRecovers Armor Points for each strike landed on a foe with the Weakened Effect.Violent Charge
Steel WallGain Maximum Armor and Magic DeflectionViolent Charge
Last GaspSacrifices a portion of your life points to gain an Action Point.Knockdown
Survivor’s RageIncreases the Damage Dealt when life drops below 75%Knockdown

Teer Fradeean Bracelets

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

In the present Early Access version, Teer Fradeean Bracelets serve as the sole weapon for casting spells. These bracelets provide a blend of offensive and protective spells to assist your party, making them an essential tool in combat.

Bracelet MasteryGrants Access to Skills Associated with the Use of Bracelets and Unlocks the Skills Breath of Life and Toxic Bloom.None.
Healing WaveHeals the life points of all targets in an area. When Improved, it heals 1.5x the usual amount when a target’s life is under 25%.Bracelet Mastery
Bramble ShacklesBrambles Grow in the Target Area, preventing movement and dealing damage. When Improved, these Brambles will also poison targets in the area.Bracelet Mastery
Blessings of the EarthIncreases Maximum Life PointsHealing Wave
Totem of LifeCreate a Totem that Continually Heals targets in the area.Healing Wave
Devastating ThrowConsume a Vial to Throw it at a target, inflicting a negative effect.Bramble Shackles
Obsidian SpiritIncreases Resistance to Corrosion, Poison, Bleed, Burn, and Curse Effects.Bramble Shackles


Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

In the ongoing Early Access journey, I find myself wielding the unique Ranged Weapon – the Bow. This bad boy isn’t just about dealing damage; it boasts a versatile skill tree that lets me dish out harm while also inflicting debuffs on my enemies, making them easier to handle in combat.

Power ShotFires a Powerful Shot that deals huge amounts of Physical Damage on Impact.None
Double ArrowFires two arrows at the target in quick succession, applying Marked on the first shot. If Improved, this skill deals critical damage when hitting the target from behind.Power Shot
Coated ArrowAlternates between applying a Poison or Flaming Coating to the Arrow before firing. Inflicts damage and applies an effect based on the current coating. When Improved, this attack deals additional damage when the target is both burning and poisoned.Power Shot
Ambushing ArcherIncreases Extra Damage caused by height bonuses when the shooter is wielding a bow.Double Arrow
Subtle ArcherIncreases the Critical Hit Rate of Archery Skills used in combat.Double Arrow
Friendly ThrowConsume a Vial to Throw it at a Friendly Target and apply a Positive Effect.Coated Arrow
Hunter’s StrengthIncreases Poison and Burn Resistance when wielding a Bow.Coated Arrow

Best Early-Game Build

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

To create an effective team setup considering our starting characters, let’s design a build that supports both Nilan and Sheda, keeping in mind their roles as the game progresses. Our initial party members are Nilan, who is an Archer specializing in the Paths of Charity skill tree, and can heal even with a bow, and Sheda, who fights with weapons of war and follows the Paths of Protection, focusing on defending Nilan and our protagonist by attracting enemy attention and taking their blows.

Keeping this in mind, let’s discuss some tactics we might apply. For the scope of our Early-Game Build guide, we’ll suggest a Character from Paths of Destruction, equipped with Teer Fradeean Bracelets as their weapon. This setup will grant your party a potent damage-dealing, spellcasting member. If you prefer, you can opt for a class that fits this role perfectly – choose the Spell Caster.


Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

In this build, Will is the key trait, closely followed by Focus and Perception. If you prefer additional protection in case an adversary manages to reach you despite Sheda’s presence, consider sacrificing a bit of Focus or Perception for some extra Endurance (Although our suggested build assumes that you’ll maintain Sheda as a barrier between you and the enemy whenever feasible.)

Agility 1

In this character setup, your choice weapon will be Bracelets, as they are influenced by the Will stat that determines their damage output. Your Perception stat raises your Critical Rate, while Focus serves a dual purpose: it’s used by light and medium armor, and also decreases the cooldowns of skills. Moreover, Focus increases your maximum action points, which is crucial for consistently casting damaging spells and offering emergency healing. Endurance enhances your Maximum Health, but you’ll typically be positioned behind tankier teammates. Lastly, Strength improves Critical Damage, so it might be beneficial to allocate a small portion of your build into it.


Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

We’ll select “Destroyer’s Stance” from the Paths of Destruction Skill Tree, boosting our damage output. After that, we’ll grab both Bracelet Mastery and Bramble Shackles from the Teer Fradeean Bracelets Skill Tree. These skills will grant us access to potent offensive abilities and a means to deter enemies from approaching us.

Ensure that Sheda activates Taunt when she advances to level 2, so it can assist you and Nilan during battles by drawing enemy attacks.

Combat Strategy

Best Early-game Build in Greedfall 2: The Dying World

In battle, it’s wise to immobilize enemies with Bramble Shackles to keep them at bay, allowing Sheda to attract their attention and Nilan to deal extra damage and heal when needed. Once the enemies are cornered, use Toxic Bloom to continually harm them and leverage Breath of Life to support Nilan and Sheda’s health as required. Upon leveling up, consider picking up Reinforcement from the Paths of War skill tree to boost your damage with a Mighty Buff or opt for Devastating Throw to hurl vials and inflict more detrimental statuses on the enemies.

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2024-09-28 08:04