Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2

Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2

As a seasoned survivor of the Rotten Realms, I can wholeheartedly vouch for the False Son as one of the most formidable characters to wield against the horde. With my years of battling the insidious forces that lurk in the shadows, I’ve come to appreciate the finesse and raw power that this character embodies.

The character named “The False Son” in the game “Risk of Rain 2” is a distinctive figure who often employs both close-combat and ranged attacks. At first, he might seem perplexing to handle, but as players master his playstyle, they’ll find him incredibly enjoyable to play with – especially since the release of the “Seekers of the Storm” DLC expansion.

In RORTURE 2, you might find it possible to construct False Son much like the Void Fiend from ROR 2, but to truly maximize his potential, focus on enhancing his unique strengths and addressing his weaknesses. Here’s a list of top-tier items for the standard False Son in RORTURE 2, along with some insights into why certain components synergize so effectively within this build.

For those looking to obtain top-tier items for their characters in Risk of Rain 2, it’s recommended to activate the Command Artifact prior to starting a new run. Alternatively, if you don’t have this option available, be sure to discard unnecessary items and keep an eye out for 3D printers and cauldrons during gameplay.

Best Items For False Son In ROR 2

In Risk of Rain 2, every survivor significantly amplifies their power upon acquiring top-tier gear, however, for optimal use of the False Son, these are the items you should aim to collect instead.

Rarity Items
White (Common)
  • Tri-Tip Dagger
  • Delicate Watch
  • Focus Crystal
  • Lens-maker’s Glasses
  • Gasoline
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Crowbar
  • Energy Drink
  • Paul’s Goat Hoof
  • Tougher Times
  • Topaz Brooch
  • Power Elixir
  • Personal Shield Generator (if using Plasma Shrimp)
Green (Uncommon)
  • Hopoo Feather
  • Ignition Tank
  • Infusion
  • Ukelele
  • AtG Missile Mk. 1
  • Chronobauble
  • Death Mark
  • Luminous Shot
Red (Legendary)
  • Symbiotic Scorpion
  • Shattering Justice
  • Sonorous Whispers
  • Laser Scope (if using critical hit items)
  • Hardlight Afterburner
  • Pocket ICBM (if using Plasma Shrimp)
Blue (Lunar)
  • Purity (if not using chance-based items)
  • Brittle Crown
  • Defiant Gouge (if using Sonorous Whispers)
Purple (Void)
  • Polylute
  • Plasma Shrimp
  • Weeping Fungus
Orange (Equipment)
  • Ocular HUD (for damage)
  • Radar Scanner (for chest hunting)
  • Trophy Hunter’s Tricorn (for free boss items)
Yellow (Boss)
  • Planula
  • Titanic Knurl
  • Shatterspleen
  • Molten Perforator
  • Charged Perforator

In simpler terms, the bonus for False Son’s secondary and unique abilities increases with his remaining health. However, these advantages may not be substantial enough to base your strategy solely around them.

ROR 2 False Son Early Game Items

Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2

When you’re just starting out, grab the following items ASAP:

  • Tri-Tip Dagger
  • Luminous Shot
  • Crowbar
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Hopoo Feather
  • Gasoline

In the world of Risk of Rain 2, the Tri-Tip Dagger is typically preferred by characters such as Commando for some exceptionally potent build strategies, but in this instance, it serves primarily to expedite enemy elimination during the early stages. False Son’s primary and secondary abilities have impressive proc rates, enabling him to apply the Tri-Tip Dagger’s bleeds more frequently. This item also synergizes well with Death Mark later on, granting a 50% damage boost whenever an enemy is under the influence of four or more debuffs.

From personal experience playing Death Mark, I’d like to highlight that False Son’s special ability, Lunar Spikes, functions as a debuff. Pairing it with Tri-Tip Dagger, Chronobauble, and Gasoline can make the Death Mark proc effortlessly at the start of the game. As you progress, securing Shattering Justice and Symbiotic Scorpion will enable you to inflict Death Mark with just one Lunar Spike!

Using the Crowbar and Luminous Shot effectively can result in a single-hit kill against enemies. By pressing and holding the Secondary Skill key as you unleash your Primary Skill, you’re able to execute an intense overhead smash that inflicts massive damage. The combination of these two items significantly amplifies this attack’s power.

Just like every character in the game “Risk of Rain 2”, don’t overlook the need for movement-enhancing items such as Hopoo Feathers, Goat Hooves, and Energy Drinks. While False Son’s mobility skill is satisfactory, it might not suffice on its own.

Risk Of Rain 2 False Son Key Damage Items

Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2
  • Delicate Watch
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Luminous Shot
  • Gasoline + Ignition Tank

The Fragile Timepiece is an excellent accessory for characters similar to Railgunner in ROR 2, but False Son can also make good use of it. He boasts enhanced armor when his Lunar Spikes are fully accumulated, and instead of using them all up, he receives additional health restoration. Consequently, you’ll find fewer reasons to fret about losing your watches while playing as False Son due to these built-in survivability perks.

Armor-Piercing Bullets significantly increase the harm you inflict on bosses, making it more effective given that False Son primarily inflicts single-target damage through his Special ability, Father’s Laser. By equipping enough damage-increasing items, you should be able to soften up most bosses before the duration of your laser runs out.

Previously noted, Luminous Shot is excellent for instantly defeating enemies. When you pair this with the classic Gasoline and Ignition Tank combo, a single powerful strike usually initiates a chain reaction that can incinerate all enemies both on-screen and off-screen by causing them to ignite simultaneously.

False Son Luxury Items

Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2
  • Symbiotic Scorpion
  • Shattering Justice
  • Polylute
  • Plasma Shrimp

Here are the essential items for dealing significant damage with False Son, especially in ROR 2. The Symbiotic Scorpion stands out as an excellent red item because it swiftly and permanently reduces enemy armor. False Son’s laser is capable of stacking this debuff so rapidly, often causing enemies to perish before Death Mark can take effect.

You can get two guaranteed Legendary items by opening a Legendary Chest with a Sale Star.

Finding Polylute and Plasma Shrimp can sometimes be tricky, even when you’re using the Artifact of Command. It’s usually more advantageous to get Polylute initially because it doesn’t necessitate maintaining a protective shield as Plasma Shrimp does.

False Son Item Stacking Priorities

Best False Son Items In Risk Of Rain 2

It’s best to include at least one of every type of item mentioned for optimal efficiency. But, if you find yourself accumulating too much of one kind, consider prioritizing some items over others to enhance damage output, agility, and survival chances. The goal here is to boost damage, maneuverability, and durability.

Rarity Items
White (Common)
  • Delicate Watch
  • Armor Piercing Rounds
  • Lens-maker’s Glasses
  • Gasoline
  • Power Elixir
Green (Uncommon)
  • Ignition Tank
  • Ukelele
  • Infusion
  • Hopoo Feather
Red (Legendary)
  • Symbiotic Scorpion
  • Laser Scope
  • Hardlight Afterburner
Purple (Void)
  • Polylute
  • Plasma Shrimp
Yellow (Boss)
  • Molten Perforator
  • Charged Perforator

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2024-09-03 11:44