Best Forms In Realm of Ink, Ranked

Best Forms In Realm of Ink, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Realm of Ink copies and innovates the iconic Hades formula, adding new twists in a Chinese setting.
  • Replayability in the game is enhanced through unlocking different forms with unique abilities.
  • Each form in the game offers a different playstyle, with some forms being more suited for specific builds or playstyles.

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent navigating the intricate worlds of roguelikes, I must say that each form presented here offers a unique and enticing playstyle that caters to different strategies and preferences.

One way to rephrase the given text in a natural and easy-to-read manner could be: “It’s perfectly fine to follow a successful blueprint, but there should always be some originality involved. That’s precisely what Realm of Ink has accomplished by adapting the popular roguelike structure of Hades: combining and enhancing. Drawing inspiration from the mythology-rich game, Realm of Ink introduces intriguing modifications to the formula while preserving its essential elements, all within a captivating Chinese backdrop.

One essential factor that contributes to the enjoyment of roguelike games is their high replay value. To enhance this aspect, many games provide multiple play styles through additional characters or equipment options. In the case of “Realm of Ink“, these variations are represented by “Forms”, which players can unlock as they advance in the game.

9 General Gor

Strength-Focused Form

  • Light Attack: Two-hit melee combo, with the second hit dealing damage in a long straight line in front of the player.
  • Heavy Attack: Throws the sword in front of the player, going through enemies. Players cannot deal damage until they pick the sword back up. Charges during this time deal damage, and the player deals damage in a circle around themselves after picking up the sword.
  • Form Buff: Damage Reduction +5%, but Movement Speed -20%.
  • Unlock Cost: 7 Jade Ink​

Among the final character upgrades available, this one is earned by vanquishing the ultimate adversary just once. Regrettably, General Gor lacks some appeal in terms of features. He stands out due to his powerful attack capabilities, but using him comes with a trade-off.

This form doesn’t offer as much of an advantage (buff) as it does a disadvantage (debuff). Instead of increasing movement speed, it decreases it for improved damage reduction. While that might not seem too detrimental at first glance, in roguelike games, even minor damages accumulate quickly, making this form potentially fatal. However, skilled players can avoid the movement slowdown by cleverly using their dash ability. Unfortunately, this is challenging to do, which makes the form unsuitable for beginners. On the positive side, it has the highest damage output of all forms, making it an extremely potent weapon when wielded by seasoned players.

8 Red

Balanced Melee Form

  • Light Attack: Perform three quick slashes with the sword.
  • Heavy Attack: Deal damage in a circle around the player. Can be charged, or used after a light attack for a quick heavy attack.
  • Form Buff: Max HP +20.
  • Unlock Cost: Free

Players initially encounter the base color as they begin the game. This primary color equips a straightforward red sword capable of performing a regular slashing sequence, supplemented by a powerful heavy strike. To inflict maximum damage with this heavy strike, it must be charged before deployment. Yet, players are allowed to execute the heavy attack during their light attack combination at any given moment.

Swift, strong attacks may not inflict as much damage as their fully charged counterparts. However, these rapid strikes add more variety to the player’s moveset and boost their total Damage Per Second (DPS), since they can be employed following a series of light attacks to minimize the player’s idle time. In summary, Red is an ordinary form without any unique traits, but it serves as a versatile foundation for any build.

7 A’kuan

Flexible Form

  • Light Attack: 3 attack combo that ends with a smash. Last hits grant players one bamboo point, which is consumed by dashing to deal damage to enemies surrounding the player.
  • Heavy Attack: Increase the size of the player’s bamboo staff and hit enemies in a straight line in front of the player. Medium range attack that grants one bamboo point per enemy hit.
  • Form Buff: Additional Damage +10%
  • Unlock Cost: 2 Jade Ink

In a roguelike game, avoiding getting hit is crucial, and the dash feature assists in achieving this objective. Enhancements to the dash are valuable additions, and A’kuan’s skill effectively boosts it. It may not seem significant at first to inflict damage with a dash, but these minor details accumulate over time. Small sources of damage can be gradually enhanced through perks and potions, and incremental improvements will ultimately lead the player to success.

A’kuan’s strong and swift attacks complement her dashing skill effectively. Moreover, her passive that increases her damage output is also advantageous. What’s more, she can be acquired for just 2 Jade Ink shards, making her accessible from the very start of a player’s second gameplay session.

6 Miss Lee

Balanced Ranged Form

  • Light Attack: Throw alternating black and white pieces in a straight line. After 8 hits from light attacks, the next heavy attack is greatly enhanced.
  • Heavy Attack: Fire a wave of energy that deals damage in a small cone in front of the player. The size and damage of the heavy attack is enhanced after eight hits from the light attack.
  • Form Buff: Damage Modifier +15%.
  • Unlock Cost: 5 Jade Ink​​​​​​

Miss Lee’s design incorporates a versatile, Go-inspired structure. Instead of traditional light and heavy attacks, she employs moves mimicking white and black go pieces, respectively. After 8 consecutive light attacks, she enters a powerful state known as Checkmate mode, boosting her heavy attack. Her heavy attack unleashes a wide area-of-effect strike, inflicting damage in a cone centered on the player.

This tool works great for managing crowds, even suitable for beginners. However, it may require several uses before players can activate it, but given its long-range capabilities, high damage output, and compatibility with other attacks, it’s a valuable purchase in the end.

5 Dr. Suen

Ink Pet Focused Form

  • Light Attack: Alternate between launching two and three flame projectiles in front of the player. Hits increase the damage enemies take from Ink Pets by 15% for 3 seconds.
  • Heavy Attack: Charge an AoE attack that deals damage in a large circle (Medium Range). Hits of the heavy attack reduce the cooldown of Ink Pet skills, both passive and active.
  • Form Buff: In Pet Modifier +10%, Ink Pet Special Skill Cooldown Cap – 5%.
  • Unlock Cost: 5 Jade Ink​

In the game, the adorable pet companion named Momo transforms into a reliable combat ally when needed. When skillfully upgraded, Momo can inflict significant damage during battles. There are instances where the player’s own attack power might be weak, but Momo’s Inkpet-inflicted damage could prove sufficient to see them through.

The Dr. Suen form is specifically designed to suit this particular type of structure. While it may not excel in all areas, its attacks work particularly effectively with a strong Ink Pet, making it ideal for this specialized setup.

4 Monk Jin

Long Range Form

  • Light Attack: Fire an orb that explodes into nine needles that fire in all directions after a few seconds, or after hitting an enemy.
  • Heavy Attack: Fire a beam of golden light that deals very high damage. Can be charged to increase the range and damage.
  • Form Buff: Increase all damage dealt by 20%, but reduces maximum HP by 20%.
  • Unlock Cost: 7 Jade Ink

Monk Jin represents the ultimate character that a player can acquire within the game, accessible once they have successfully conquered the final boss following a game session. This character embodies a monk highly esteemed by the gods in the game’s lore. One of the standout aspects of Monk Jin is its exceptional range, making it one of the top-tier characters for numerous reasons.

Having the ability to inflict damage from a distance without interruptions is fantastic, and the added option to charge in for a powerful burst of damage makes it even more satisfying. The health reduction penalty isn’t too harsh of a disadvantage either. It can be challenging to acquire, but once obtained, runs become significantly smoother for the player.

3 Violetta

Agility Focused Form

  • Light Attack: Perform quick attacks with dual-wielded daggers.
  • Heavy Attack: Launch two spinning blades that return to the place they were thrown from. If caught, they grant a buff to the light attack.
  • Form Buff: Movement Speed +20%, Dash Cooldown -0.05 seconds.
  • Unlock Cost: Free​​

A form provided by the Foxwoman offers various versions for experimentation; Violetta’s nature is swift lethal power. Players might underestimate its additional damage compared to other forms, but the heavy attack can be repeatedly used without any cool-down period, and it boosts the player’s light attack when timed correctly, granting a buff.

Using this blend, along with a shorter dash recharge time and increased speed, transforms the player into a whirlwind of spinning blades and powerful combo attacks. Compared to many other forms, Violetta’s ability to deal damage is significantly greater, even before factoring in perks and potions.

2 Six

Luck Focused Form

  • Light Attack: Continuously launch gold coins at enemies in a straight line.
  • Heavy Attack: Throw a gold dice in a straight line which explodes after a short delay. The chariot itself and the explosion both deal damage.
  • Form Buff: Critical Rate +5%, Effect Trigger Chance X1.2.
  • Unlock Cost: 5 Jade Ink​

In games that rely on unpredictability, characters who skillfully leverage luck have an obvious edge compared to those who don’t. It’s quite advantageous when you can obtain potent trinkets without spending hours refining multiple items for upgrades. The saying that encapsulates this idea is, “Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

Because Six’s light and powerful strikes often connect several times, they are effective at landing critical hits. Additionally, Six naturally boosts the likelihood of activating its effects, which, when combined, provides an exciting synergy that leverages statistical probability to transport the player beyond our world.

1 Grace

Skill Focused Form

  • Light Attack: Create slightly curved ink lines with a large brush in front of the player that deal damage to enemies. Consecutive hits stack to give a 15% buff to ink skills.
  • Heavy Attack: Consume an Ink Orb to launch a large inky blob that bounces around the arena, going through enemies and dealing damage. Ink Orbs can be regenerated by using Ink Skills, and the player can have two charges at a time.
  • Form Buff: Ink Skill Cooldown Cap -15%.
  • Unlock Cost: 5 Jade Ink​

There’s no doubt that movement speed is the best possible thing to have in a roguelike, right after damage. Players have two goals: deal damage, and don’t get hit. When combined, these two factors create the ultimate formula for never losing a game: dish out attacks while moving fast.

Grace’s assault primarily slows down the player’s mobility significantly, offering a more manageable way to evade attacks. Furthermore, these light assaults enhance the potency of ink abilities by an additional 15%, making them exceptionally powerful upon leaving their cool-down phase. Collectively, this results in a damage-to-movement balance that stands out as the most favorable within the game.

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2024-10-26 06:14