Best Heroes For Farming Souls In Deadlock

Best Heroes For Farming Souls In Deadlock

As a seasoned player of Deadlock, let me tell you that the heroes I’ve mentioned here are undoubtedly top-tier when it comes to farming Souls from NPCs. Each one has unique abilities that make them shine in this aspect, and I’ve had my fair share of battles with these characters to know their strengths.

Just like most Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games, farming in Deadlock holds significant importance. This is because it allows players to advance more quickly, purchase superior items, and grow stronger as the game progresses. Farming is an essential aspect of every hero’s and player’s responsibilities, regardless of their main role.

In the game Deadlock, certain characters are equipped with tools that facilitate farming resources quickly and efficiently. For players aiming to control camps and accumulate Souls by defeating minions and NPCs, it’s essential to choose a hero whose abilities aid in dealing higher damage without putting the player at significant risk from enemies.

8 Grey Talon

Powerful Attacks But Low Movement Speed

Despite Grey Talon appearing to be an unlikely farmer due to his sluggish pace and arrow shooting skills, he poses a significant threat to Camp NPCs. With the second-highest bullet damage after Lady Geist, his shots are highly damaging to NPCs. However, one might wonder why not opt for Lady Geist over Grey Talon if that’s the case?

Indeed, Bullet Damage isn’t the only factor to consider! Grey Talon boasts a slightly faster rate of fire compared to Lady Geist. Additionally, Grey Talon possesses abilities that aid him in targeting Camp NPCs effectively. Particularly noteworthy is his Rain of Arrows (2) ability, which enhances his accuracy and allows him to hit multiple NPCs simultaneously.

7 Kelvin

Best Option For Farming With A Teammate

Individual farming may not make Kelvin the top choice, but with a partner, he becomes quite beneficial. The key lies in his Arctic Beam ability, which slows down enemies’ movement and firing speed. This proves particularly useful against NPC Camps, as when enemies are under the influence of Arctic Beam, they shoot far fewer bullets at the player.

Beyond this, Kelvin additionally carries a Frost Grenade (1), less potent than Paradox’s Pulse Grenade, yet still a viable option for taking down certain NPC enemies, particularly mobile candles within the enemy team.

6 Paradox

Pulse Grenade Is Great For Farming

The enigma of Paradox is often overlooked, yet she possesses a set of intricate skills that prove incredibly useful when employed correctly. In the realm of farming, she boasts a Pulse Grenade (1), which significantly aids the player in managing numerous NPCs consistently.

In simpler terms, Paradox wields a reliable weapon with rapid firing speed. What makes her stand out is her ability to erect a Time Barrier (2), which temporarily halts enemy and NPC projectiles. This allows players to attack camp NPCs from behind the barrier while evading attacks from the menacing, one-eyed demons.

5 Vindicta

Best Option For Early-Game Farming

In the opening stages, Vindicta possesses just 2 units of Stamina, making her less appealing to some gamers, but she is undeniably proficient at harvesting Souls. Equipped with a potent weapon that delivers substantial damage per bullet, Vindicta can help players amass a nice stash of Souls earlier in the game.

In the game Deadlock, Vindicta benefits from her Stake (1) and Crow Familiar (3) abilities not only against common enemies but also against Camp NPCs, inflicting extra damage. However, her health bar is shorter than that of most heroes, making it prudent to begin with weaker demon NPCs first.

4 Yamato

Damage Camp NPCs And Take No Damage

As a gamer, I’ve come to appreciate Yamato’s unique gameplay style, even though her fire rate isn’t lightning fast. What sets her apart from other heroes is her dual basic attack types. Her primary attack may not be as flashy, but her secondary attack, the one that hurls explosive bombs, is gold against Camp NPCs. The downside to this attack is its relatively slow bullet velocity, but that works to my advantage. I can toss an explosive and dive for cover before it reaches the target, making sure I’m out of harm’s way when it goes off.

Given that Yamato will only be fired upon after being hit, she has a high probability of barely taking any damage from non-player characters. This secondary firing mechanism is also advantageous against minions since it can strike multiple of them with a single shot. Furthermore, Yamato’s Power Slash (1) and Crimson Slash (3) abilities can be used to inflict extra damage on non-player characters.

3 Seven

Lightning Ball Makes Farming Easy

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but sing praises for the electrifying hero in Deadlock, who goes by many names but is most famously known to me as my go-to guy. This fellow boasts an impressive arsenal that includes a formidable weapon and a suite of abilities that leave both players and NPCs in awe. Among these powers, Seven’s Power Surge (3) stands out as a crowd favorite due to its effectiveness against minions and Camp NPCs.

Additionally, Seven’s Lightning Ball has the ability to disable multiple minions or NPCs simultaneously, inflicting substantial continuous damage. His high-speed assault rifle allows him to deplete the health bars of minions swiftly, even without using his special abilities.

2 Viscous

With Goo Ball, Nothing Can Stop Soul Farming

In the game world of Goo, the hero has been considered too powerful by the gaming community since the open testing phase of Deadlock. However, defeating them in a match is quite another tale. For now, let’s just say that Viscous is equally lethal to minions, NPCs, and other players.

One reason for Viscous’ considerable strength lies in their ability to self-heal during combat by retreating into a gelatinous jelly. Additionally, this trait proves useful when it comes to harvesting Souls from camps.

Despite this, Viscous’ standout feature is their Goo Ball (4) capability, which allows them to swiftly charge towards any foe and inflict substantial harm upon impact. This skill proves incredibly potent against stationary NPCs, as players can simply guide the Goo Ball towards these enemies and strike multiple times with minimal retaliation damage.

1 McGinniss

Distract NPCs With Turret

In the game Deadlock, McGinnis stands out as one of the top Soul farmers not just because she wields an exceptional weapon against minions and NPCs, but primarily due to her strategic advantage – her Mini Turret (1). This device allows McGinnis to draw the attention of Camp NPCs towards it, compelling them to direct their firepower at the turret. Meanwhile, she is able to attack demons unscathed, making her an invaluable asset for combat.

McGinnis stands out for her unique ability to heal herself during combat with Non-Player Characters (NPCs), by summoning Medicinal Spectre. It appears that the game designers have given special attention to McGinnis, making all of her abilities effective against minions and NPCs, which suggests that she is well-suited for farming Souls in the game.

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2024-09-16 10:34