Best McGinnis Build In Deadlock

Best McGinnis Build In Deadlock

As a seasoned Deadlock player with countless hours under my belt, I can confidently say that this build for McGinnis is a game-changer. With my extensive background of outsmarting opponents and navigating the treacherous battlefields, I’ve learned the hard way that Spirit Lifesteal items are often more beneficial than those offering higher Spirit bonuses – especially if you’re not focusing on McGinnis’ Ultimate.

McGinnis represents a character attempt modeled after Engineer, showcasing defensive tactics using turrets, healing stations, and walls to disorient opponents. Equipped with a chaingun and homing missiles for offense, she can inflict significant damage. In terms of effectiveness in-game, she is highly regarded as one of the top laners, with skillful play allowing her to push friendly Troopers towards the enemy’s base effortlessly.

As a devoted fan, I can confidently say that McGinnis stands out among the best characters for newcomers in Deadlock, thanks to her streamlined yet impactful toolkit. But to truly master her abilities, it’s crucial to understand which items to purchase, which skills to prioritize, and how to play her effectively by leveraging her strengths while mitigating her weaknesses. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you maximize McGinnis’ potential in the game.

This manual is intended for a preliminary playtest of the work-in-progress version of Deadlock. Keep in mind that elements might alter as the game undergoes further updates.

How To Play McGinnis In Deadlock

Best McGinnis Build In Deadlock
Pros Cons
  • Strong split pushing power
  • High AOE damage with Ultimate
  • Good battlefield control with Spectral Wall
  • Can heal herself and teammates
  • Little-to-no burst damage
  • Starts with 2 Stamina

McGinnis is exceptional at setting up lethal zones using her walls and turrets. Unlike Deadlock characters such as Paradox who excel in chasing down opponents, McGinnis presents a tough challenge when battled in areas she has fortified, especially if she has an advantage. This makes her an effective split pusher, as she can typically handle one or two enemies simultaneously, provided she has turrets for support.

General Tips

  • Place turrets on high ground or in places with clear sightlines
  • Use your wall to split enemy heroes and minions
  • Use your Ultimate liberally to quickly push waves or farm neutral creep camps

Deadlock McGinnis Item Build

Best McGinnis Build In Deadlock
Weapon Vitality Spirit
Early Game
  • Basic Magazine
  • Headshot Booster
  • Extra Stamina
  • Enduring Spirit
  • Sprint Boots
  • Extra Charge
Core Build
  • Fleetfoot
  • Slowing Bullets
  • Intensifying Magazine
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Extra Stamina
  • Enduring Speed
  • Enduring Spirit (sell later)
  • Spirit Lifesteal (sell later)
  • Extra Charge
  • Mystic Vulnerability
  • Improved Cooldown (turrets)
  • Mystic Slow
Late Game
  • Fleetfoot
  • Slowing Bullets
  • Intensifying Magazine
  • Soul Shredder Bullets
  • Inhibitor
  • Superior Stamina
  • Enduring Speed
  • Improved Spirit/Bullet Armor
  • Rapid Recharge
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Mystic Slow
  • Escalating Exposure
Flex Slots
  • Heroic Aura
    • For buffing minions and turrets
  • Active Reload (early)
    • For quick ammo refills
  • Titanic Magazine (late)
    • More bullets, more damage
  • Fortitude
    • Buy if your turrets need more HP
  • Healbane
    • If enemy has too much healing
  • Echo Shard
    • For resetting cooldowns

The foundation of this construction primarily enhances your turret’s firing power indirectly. The slowing effects from Mystic Slow and Slowing Bullets provide more time for your turrets to target enemies, while Soul Shredder Bullets and Mystic Vulnerability amplify the damage they inflict with each shot. Since turrets have minimal Spirit scaling, it’s wiser to focus on building these items rather than those that offer higher Spirit bonuses (except if you’re aiming for McGinnis’ Ultimate). Additionally, slows can improve your chances of disengaging from unwinnable battles.

Spirit Lifesteal causes your turrets to heal you when they damage an enemy.

As a fan, I’d say McGinnis’ primary vulnerability lies in her limited mobility, making her an ideal target for a Deadlock hero like Warden. Beyond lacking any movement skills, she starts with just two Stamina bars, which restricts her from rolling, double jumping, or air-dashing often. This strategy capitalizes on her weakness by incorporating Fleetfoot and Superior Stamina. Fleetfoot provides you with a speed boost when activated, while Superior Stamina offers additional Stamina bars for more maneuverability in combat.

Deadlock McGinnis Skills And Leveling Order

Best McGinnis Build In Deadlock
Skill Name Effect
Mini Turret (1) Place a turret that shoots a nearby target or whoever McGinnis shoots with her weapon. Turrets expire after a short time.

  • Turrets inherit 30% of McGinnis’s Max HP and 60% of her Spirit Resist.
  • Each turret lasts for 30 seconds
Medicinal Specter (2) Deploy a field that heals all allies on it.

  • Duration scales based on your Spirit
Spectral Wall (3) Create a wall to divide the terrain. Upon creation, the wall damages and slows nearby enemies.

  • Press the skill button again to create the wall earlier.
  • The wall cannot be destroyed
Heavy Barrage (4) Unleash a barrage of rockets that home in on a targeted location.

  • Can be used over a very long range.
  • Cannot be aimed within a minimum range.

As a devoted player, I kick off the game with Spectral Wall as my strategy to cramp my adversaries’ space and block their visual access in Deadlock. Since Soul farming plays a pivotal role in victory, I strive to seize control by obstructing my enemy from snatching any Souls during the initial skirmish phase.

Gradually reveal your abilities, and as you accumulate more Skill Points, prioritize their allocation in the following sequence when enhancing them:

  • Get the first and second Spectral Wall upgrades
  • Max out Mini Turret
  • Spend one point into Healing Specter
  • Max out Heavy Barrage
  • Max out Spectral Wall
  • Max out Healing Specter

You have ample room to get creative with enhancing Healing Specter and Heavy Barrage. Should you aim to move lanes quicker, prioritize upgrading Heavy Barrage. On the other hand, if your team is struggling and requires additional durability, consider improving Healing Specter instead.

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2024-09-02 14:33