Best Mecha In Mech Arena

Best Mecha In Mech Arena


  • Choose a mech that suits your style in Mech Arena for dynamic battles and strategic gameplay.
  • The Nomad is a versatile mech favored by players for its well-balanced stats and abilities.
  • Each mech in Mech Arena, like Panther and Surge, has unique strengths for different tactical roles.

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the gritty world of Mech Arena, I can confidently say that each mech brings its unique strengths to the battlefield. For me, the one that truly stands out is the elusive Eclipse – the stealthy assassin among us.

In the multiplayer arena, you’ll find Mech Arena, a high-speed shooting game where you control powerful mechanical beasts in team fights. With numerous mech designs, weapon choices, and personalization options at your disposal, you’ll experience adrenaline-pumping player versus player (PvP) conflicts across multiple battlefields. The strategic nature of the gameplay, combined with distinct abilities, results in exciting and competitive matches, making it a favorite among tactical shooter enthusiasts.

As a gamer immersed in this tactical mech game, selecting a mech that aligns with my preferred playstyle is key to having a blast. These mechs often embody classic archetypes like tanks, scouts, or brawlers. Some mechs are designed for a single role, while others boast versatility, adapting to various roles depending on the weapon loadout I choose.

6 Nomad

Good All-Rounder

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 103,900
    • Speed: 29 km/h
    • Power: 550

In many battles of Mech Arena, players often prefer the Nomad mech for part of their gameplay due to its versatility. What sets the Nomad apart is its impressive balance, despite being classified as a scout. It boasts reasonable speed, solid defenses, and a capable arsenal of firepower. When you factor in the Chain Dash ability, it becomes an even more formidable choice.

Inexperienced gamers who quickly acquire the Nomad mech at the start often continue to use it extensively, enhancing it over time and treating it like a versatile toolbox of mechs, before moving on to more specialized mechs after playing for several months and unlocking additional ones.

5 Guardian

A Real Monster In The Right Hands

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 16
    • Hit points: 39,900
    • Speed: 16 km/h
    • Power: 220

The Guardian mechanized unit is labeled as an assault mech, and indeed, this fits it perfectly. It carries a considerable arsenal of weaponry, but its restricted energy supply demands cautious use. Similarly, the System Crash skill should be employed strategically, given its extended recharge time.

In terms of defense, the Guardian mech doesn’t excel in close combat, being more of a powerful but vulnerable weapon – often referred to as a ‘glass cannon’. However, it isn’t fragile and can hold its own when used correctly. The key word here is ‘correctly’, as due to its slow speed, the Guardian performs best when operating from behind cover, minimizing exposure to enemy fire.

4 Panther

Designed For Tactical Gameplay

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 20
    • Hit points: 49,100
    • Speed: 20 km/h
    • Power: 326

While classified as an attacker mech, the Panther is ideally suited for agile skirmishes, employing hit-and-run strategies. It boasts a decent balance of speed and durability, but truly shines when swiftly neutralizing tactical objectives due to its impressive energy reserves.

In simpler terms, the Stasis Barrier skill proves handy in similar situations. Essentially, the Panther mech is built primarily for eliminating high-priority enemies, like hostile mechs controlling key capture points, instead of engaging in larger-scale conflicts.

3 Surge

Agile CQC Mech

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 97,400
    • Speed: 29 km/h
    • Power: 542

Just as you’d imagine a scout mech to be, Surge boasts remarkable speed as its standout trait. Its sole significant advantage lies in its ability to swiftly dart between covers, then suddenly attack an enemy mech from above with a rapid-fire barrage before quickly retreating back into safety again.

As a skilled gamer piloting Surge, I’ve discovered that the Storm Dash ability brings a whole new level of strategy to the game. It has a reasonable cool-down time, allowing me to use it effectively even during quick successions of attacks. However, mastering this skill requires more than just diving headfirst into the fray – it demands tactical thinking and positioning, keeping me on the edge of the battlefield instead of in the thick of it. But with practice, I’ve found that I can turn the tide of any fight, making Surge an unstoppable force when wielded by a seasoned player like myself.

2 Bastion

A Real Tank Of A Mech

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 162,400
    • Speed: 18 km/h
    • Power: 619

Players who thrive on the chaos in the central part of Mech Arena maps may want to experiment with the Bastion mech. This mech performs exceptionally well in such situations. Admittedly, it might not be as strong offensively, but it truly shines when it comes to defensive brawling.

For the given mech, the Blast Shield skill is ideal due to its brief duration of enhanced protection. This advantage comes in handy since Bastion, being a slow machine, might struggle to flee to safety and seek cover during intense PvP combat.

1 Eclipse

The Assassin Mech

Best Mecha In Mech Arena
  • Mech stats:
    • Energy capacity: 18
    • Hit points: 97,400
    • Speed: 28 km/h
    • Power: 542

Many Mech Arena players have such a strong affinity for the Eclipse mech that they rarely field any other unit in combat. Although classified as a scout mech, it functions more like an assassin, thanks to its Phase Cloak skill which allows it to move across the battlefield undetected for brief moments. For players who relish stealth-based gameplay, this is the ideal choice.

As a gamer piloting the Eclipse mech, my go-to strategy is to engage Phase Cloak for stealth, approach an enemy within firing range, unleash a barrage from my weapon racks, then zip away at 28 km/h towards safety. After recharging both my weapons and Phase Cloak, I pick the next target for another round of action!

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2024-08-09 10:33