Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy


  • Y’shtola Rhul from Final Fantasy 14 stands out with her cool demeanor and iconic design, making her a fan favorite cat girl.
  • Quina from Final Fantasy 9, a non-human character, may lack development but has a unique chef-themed design and blue magic skills.
  • Umaro from Final Fantasy 6 is an angry yeti with devastating physical attacks, making him almost unstoppable in certain areas.

As a longtime fan of the Final Fantasy series, I have had the pleasure of encountering some truly remarkable characters throughout my gaming journey. Among them, there are a few non-human beings that have left an indelible mark on me with their unique designs, touching backstories, and captivating personalities.

Since the initial release of the first ‘Final Fantasy’ game in 1987, this franchise has gained recognition for its richly varied cast of characters. A significant number of these characters are human, but some exceptional ‘Final Fantasy’ games feature non-humans as their leading roles.

As a dedicated Final Fantasy fan, I’ve come to appreciate the diverse cast of characters this game series offers. From the humanoid yet captivating Zidane from Final Fantasy 9, to the animalistic and brave Nanaki in Final Fantasy 7, each character leaves an indelible mark on us fans. Regardless of their appearance, these exceptional beings have a common thread that binds us – our deep-rooted love for them. In no particular order, here are some of my favorite non-human characters from the series, chosen based on their popularity within the community, their well-crafted personalities, their enduring iconic status, and their impressive battle skills.

10 Y’shtola Rhul – Final Fantasy 14

Every Fan’s Favorite Cat Girl

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In the world of Final Fantasy 14, the game is celebrated for its impressive character designs. Despite being a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), it lacks traditional main characters. Instead, it offers an extensive roster of intricately crafted companions and adversaries that players encounter. Among these noteworthy figures is Y’shtola, a Seeker of the Sun from the Miqo’te race, who specializes in Conjuration magic.

In the course of its development, Final Fantasy 14 has undergone numerous transformations. However, one constant presence since the game’s initial release is the beloved feline character, Y’shtola. Debuting during the Aurelia assault on the vessel, she offered aid to the adventurer. Over time, her distinctive design and charming personality, marked by her composed demeanor and sharp wit, have cemented her status as a fan favorite and representative symbol of the game. Y’shtola’s enduring appeal transcends new additions like herself; she can be found in collaborative titles such as Dissidia Final Fantasy NT and Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call. Despite the introduction of fresh characters through expansions, Y’shtola’s captivating allure ensures her a cherished place among fans. If she were playable, her ranking within the community would undoubtedly be much higher.

9 Quina – Final Fantasy 9

A Walking, Talking Stomach

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In “Final Fantasy 9,” non-human characters play a significant role. Among these, Quina stands out as the most unconventional. Quina is a member of the Qu species, known for their fixation on food. Unlike other characters, Quina’s development is relatively minimal in the game. This lack of depth has resulted in varying opinions among fans of “Final Fantasy 9.”

Quina, a self-centered character from the “Final Fantasy” series, appears indifferent to the cataclysmic danger looming over the world that the party is trying to thwart. Instead, she tags along with Zidane, driven by the anticipation that their journey might uncover intriguing new food sources. On the upside, Quina boasts an appealing chef motif in her design and the ability to learn blue magic spells through consuming adversaries is useful. However, her polarizing personality and limited growth place her towards the bottom of the roster.

8 Umaro – Final Fantasy 6

He’s An Angry Yeti

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

One reason why Final Fantasy 6 is cherished by many is its extensive roster of memorable characters, all distinguished by their individual personalities, special skills, and backgrounds. Among these characters, some are essential to the story’s progression while others remain hidden gems, waiting to be discovered. Unlike most secret characters in Final Fantasy games, Umaro is not one of those enigmatic figures. He’s a large and angry Yeti who can be encountered deep within the Narshe Mines, but only if Mog is part of your party during the World of Ruin scenario.

Umaro has limited verbal abilities, relying instead on grunts and groans for expression. Despite this, he offers engaging gameplay elements. Being a berserker character, players cannot directly control him; instead, they can only unleash his physical assaults. This drawback is offset by Umaro’s impressive physical attributes and powerful attacks that can wreak havoc in specific areas like the Cultists’ Tower and Dragon’s Neck Coliseum. However, due to his one-dimensional personality and high risk/reward gameplay style, he ranks relatively low in character assessment.

7 Mog – Final Fantasy 6

The Bossy Moogle

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In the realm of “Final Fantasy,” Moogles have long held a significant role for many years. However, it was with “Final Fantasy 6” that players were granted the ability to command one as a character. These adorable mascots can be obtained in two ways: by saving him from the Lone Wolf in the Balance World or by encountering him in the Narshe Mines during the Ruin World. What sets this particular Moogle apart is his unique ability to converse with other characters, a skill he acquired from the powerful Ramuh.

Mog is a unique moogle with an irresistible charm. He exhibits intelligence beyond the typical moogle and has a witty, bossy side. In combat, Mog serves as both a Dancer and Geomancer, employing one of four distinct attacks based on the terrain with his Dance ability. While he can be formidable in certain situations, using Dance leaves him in a frenzy, making it difficult to manage him effectively. Despite the emergence of numerous other moogles named Mog since “Final Fantasy 6,” the original remains unrivaled in our hearts.

6 Kimahari – Final Fantasy 10

Yuna’s Stoic Guardian

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

Among the characters in Final Fantasy 10, Kimahari stands out for his captivating design. Hailing from the Ronso warrior tribe, Kimahari bears a striking resemblance to a lion in blue hue, a dragon, and a human. His stature is smaller than usual for Ronso, but a broken horn doesn’t diminish his imposing presence. Although his past is filled with sadness, he experienced one of the game’s more joyful conclusions.

Kimahari is Yuna’s most loyal guardian and has protected her since she was a child. In battle, he’s a blue mage, meaning he can learn enemy attacks, which can come in handy. He also starts in the middle of the sphere grid, meaning he’s a blank slate that the player can mold as they wish. He can be useful early on, but later on in the game, he becomes outclassed as characters like Wakka gain access to game-breaking special attacks. For his awesome design, stoic nature, and loyalty, Kimahari gets a middle ranking, even if most players barely use him.

5 Freya – Final Fantasy 9

Burmecia’s Dragon Knight

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In the world of “Final Fantasy 9,” there exists a unique non-human character named Freya. Belonging to the Burmecian tribe, she is an intriguing blend of rat and kangaroo features, which may seem unusual at first. However, put those thoughts aside as Freya stands out as one of the most formidable women in “Final Fantasy” lore. At the young age of sixteen, she had already mastered the art of a Dragon Knight within her community. Yet, only a year later, driven by love’s loss, she chose to leave her city and embark on a relentless quest.

I’m a devoted fan of this brilliantly crafted heroine in Final Fantasy 9. Her unwavering honor, unbreakable loyalty, and indomitable strength set her apart from many other characters in the game. She’s one of the rare few who can stand toe-to-toe with Zidane. In the heat of battle, Freya wields potent Dragon Knight abilities and uses her agile jump to dodge enemy attacks, ready to retaliate with her sharp lance. Regrettably, amidst the multitude of exceptional characters in Final Fantasy 9, Freya’s storyline often gets overshadowed – a shameful omission made even more disappointing by the fact that her narrative fades out near the game’s conclusion. Despite her mid-ranking position, she truly deserves recognition for her unique qualities and captivating backstory.

4 Fran – Final Fantasy 12

A Warrior Rabbit With A Bow

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In the realm of Final Fantasy 12, the initial character may be perceived as rather dull, but this game boasts an engaging pair in Balthier and Fran. Hailing from Eruyt village, Fran is a Viera who faithfully serves as the sky-pirate Balthier’s trusted sidekick. Her designation is “Master of Weapons,” which is fitting given the Viera’s reputation for exceptional craftsmanship, elegance, and intelligence.

The Viera are a unique, all-female race resembling giant rabbits with strong connections to nature. They have many traits similar to wood elves, yet they harbor a distrust towards humans, for valid reasons. Among the diverse cast of characters in Final Fantasy, Freya towers above them all in stature and has left an indelible mark on the series as an iconic figure. Despite the game’s tendency to feature flat personalities, Freya’s vibrant presence sets her apart from the rest.

3 Nanaki – Final Fantasy 7

Cosmo Canyon’s Defender

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In the game “Final Fantasy 7,” Nanaki, also known as Red XIII, stands out among the franchise’s beloved characters for his distinctive traits. Although the game does not explicitly state his race, he appears to be a fascinating fusion of lion and wolf attributes with human-like intelligence and longevity.

Nanaki is a character with an intriguing design that hints at Native American influences, and his backstory is one of the most moving in the game. Growing up, Nanaki harbored resentment towards his father, Seto, whom he believed had deserted Cosmo Canyon during a time of crisis. However, the truth was revealed that Seto had bravely fought against the Gi tribe, ultimately giving his life to protect the canyon. This heart-wrenching moment in the game is one of its most memorable. In terms of gameplay, Nanaki is a versatile character with an impressive dexterity score, making him a valuable addition to any party. Among all the quadruped characters in “Final Fantasy,” Nanaki stands out as the top pick.

2 Zidane – Final Fantasy 9

An Angel Of Death

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

I was initially taken aback by the seeming normality of Final Fantasy 9’s protagonist, Zidane. His appearance is deceptively human-like, but a closer inspection reveals his unique trait – a monkey tail. Contrary to appearances, Zidane isn’t just any human; he hails from the departed planet Terra and belongs to an extraordinary race known as genomes.

In the course of playing “Final Fantasy 9,” you uncover a shocking truth: Zidane, the game’s protagonist, was engineered by the antagonist Garland to serve as his “Angel of Death.” Moreover, Zidane is an upgraded version of Kuja, another major villain. This startling disclosure leaves Zidane reeling but he doesn’t let it hinder him for long. His true identity even sheds light on why Zidane possesses such formidable abilities despite being a thief. In his trance state, Zidane can wield some of the most potent attacks in the game and is a force to be reckoned with, all while retaining his affable demeanor. This complex character makes Zidane one of “Final Fantasy’s” standout non-human figures.

1 Vivi – Final Fantasy 9

The Black Mage With A Heart

Best Non-Human Characters In Final Fantasy

In “Final Fantasy 9,” the beloved character that serves as a mascot is arguably Vivi – a tiny black mage with an unexpectedly kind heart. Despite being part of the mist-formed, soulless race of mages known as Eidolons, Vivi defied expectations and became a fan favorite among the game’s rich cast.

Vivi embodies pure innocence. He’s gullible and unsophisticated, wandering Alexandria aimlessly at the game’s start. Later, Zidane and Steiner guide him on their heroic quest, and he becomes an integral part of their team. Despite his enigmatic appearance hidden beneath a hat, Vivi’s design is instantly recognizable and remarkable. In combat, he demonstrates immense magical power, making him an essential addition to players’ parties throughout the game. From his captivating character development to his endearing visuals and compelling backstory, Vivi stands out as Final Fantasy‘s most beloved and influential non-human character.

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2024-07-26 02:34