Best Pals To Fight Bellanoir In Palworld

Best Pals To Fight Bellanoir In Palworld

Key Takeaways

  • Chillet is best as a mount for Dragon-Type damage against Bellanoir, pairing well with Rocket Launchers or Laser Rifles.
  • Azurobe provides support fire with Dragon-type skills useful against Bellanoir, best utilized in a base team strategy. (119)
  • Orserk’s range and paralysis skills can help delay Bellanoir’s attacks, making it a valuable base attacker against the Raid Boss.

As a seasoned veteran of the Fire Pals game, I can confidently say that the support duo Lyleen and Lyleen Noct are absolute gems for any party. Their healing abilities and resistance to Raid Boss attacks make them invaluable assets during tough battles like those against Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero.

Players attempting to conquer the formidable duo of Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero in Palworld’s End-Game should be aware that they are facing one of the game’s most challenging adversaries. The Bellanoir is a Dark Type Pal, making it wise for tamers to choose Pals with the Dragon Type as their attacks can effectively counter the formidable strikes of the Bellanoir.

Simultaneously, having these creatures as your allies can significantly aid you by chomping large portions of your health and absorbing some of its attacks. Here’s a compilation of the most effective Pals for battling Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero, complete with strategies, stats, crucial data, and other valuable insights to conquer this formidable adversary and reap its rich rewards.

10 Chillet

A Low Budget Option But Still Powerful

  • Best Role: Mount and Shoot
  • Weakness: Need to move constantly, vulnerable to AoE

Using Chillet as a mount is an excellent investment for players seeking a dependable steed to conquer Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero Raids. Since Chillet’s passive ability transforms players’ attacks into Dragon-Type when mounted, each bullet or missile fired will inflict massive damage on Bellanoir, who belongs to the Dark Type.

Players can combine different Chillets with the help of the Pal Distillation Machine, blending them into a single item while maximizing its passive ability for increased Dragon-type damage. For an effective battle strategy, consider equipping the Blazing Sword or Laser Gun, although the Meteor Cannon and Grenade Launcher can also be useful.

9 Azurobe

Great At Spamming Attacks

  • Best Role: Base Support
  • Weakness: Low Def, Low HP

Azurobe is an excellent choice on a budget when going up against Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero. This pal fires quickly, and with its Dragon attribute and numerous powerful Dragon-type abilities, it offers substantial support during combat. Keeping a few of these in reserve while your main Pal takes Bellanoir’s attacks will provide backup fire as needed.

The best strategy is to have this one and several aiming at Bellanoir while the players inflict damage with heavy weapons at a constant rate. No more than 3 or 4, since the ideal Base Team composition should rely on some heavy hitters and Tanks besides support fire Pals.

8 Orserk

A Living And Breathing Turret

  • Best Role: Base Attacker
  • Weakness: Poor Mobility

This Dragon or Electric Pal is incredibly potent, capable of inflicting significant damage from afar without approaching too closely. Using it for direct confrontations against Bellanoir isn’t advisable due to its relatively slow speed. Instead, a small squadron of Orserks should support from the base with their powerful abilities, such as the signature move Polykeraunos, which delivers a hefty 180 base Electric Damage and can also induce paralysis.

In simpler terms, attacking Bellanoir with Orserk’s skill won’t severely harm it, but repeated uses will leave it temporarily paralyzed, giving us additional time to inflict more damage or swap in a new Pal. It might also be beneficial to train Orserk to learn the Dragon Meteor move as it could prove useful against this Raid Boss.

7 Jormuntide/Jormuntide Ignis

The Highest Attack Score For This Raid

  • Best Role: Direct Attacker/Base Attacker
  • Weakness: Slow Attacker

As a gamer, I’ve got two mighty dragon pals by my side – one of water and one of fire. These guys are the muscle of my team with some seriously high attack stats that make them formidable allies in battle. When faced with Bellanoir’s dark-type creatures, they’re like a breath of fresh air, ready to pounce with their devastating move – Dragon Meteor!

Whether it’s base attackers or Partner Pal, these units inflict significant harm before Bellanoir manages to defeat them. Moreover, they have a high health pool and can withstand a great deal of damage before needing replacement. It would be wise to keep a few as reserves, while also maintaining two or three attacking from the Base.

6 Jetragon

Good Mobility, Pal Skill, And Damage

  • Best Role: Mount and Shoot
  • Weakness: Low Def

This mount is the swiftest in the game, boasting remarkable speed and agility. Its Mount Skill enables it to fire a volley of missiles at enemies, making it an effective method for inflicting Dragon type damage on Bellanoir. What’s more, players can easily shoot with or without complications.

Consider as well that Jetragon could also offer support from base, though without access to its Mount Skill it won’t be as effective as part of the active Raid team. Jetragon should also have and as active skills.

5 Quivern Botan

A Reliable Tank To Support From Base

  • Best Role: Base Tank
  • Weakness: Poor Mobility

Quivern Botan is a variant of the Grass-type family, featuring higher defense and HP than its standard counterpart. When fully optimized for defense, Quivern Botan serves as a distraction, drawing Bellanoir’s attention to this massive Plant ally that frequently engages in melee combat while other allies launch attacks from a distance.

This Pokemon’s ability to utilize Comet Beam, a potent Dragon-type move, and one of the beneficial Grass-type techniques that repels enemy allies, makes it an exceptional kiter. In essence, it keeps Bellanoir occupied while your Support Fire Pals inflict most of the damage.

4 Lyleen/Lyleen Noct

The Best Supports For The Party

  • Best Role: Direct Support
  • Weakness: Low Damage, Low Defense

and its Dark Type version are the best support Pals in the game. With access to the and partner skills, they can effectively heal the players and save them in a pinch.

Lyleem Noct significantly excels in combating Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero due to its Dark attribute, which doubles its resistance against attacks from the Raid Boss. However, this character has relatively low Defense and Damage, requiring players to actively engage in damaging Bellanoir while Lyleen takes care of its tasks.

3 Relaxaurus

Another Tankish Attacker, With A Great Pal Skill

  • Best Role: Base Attacker/Off Tank
  • Weakness: Low HP

These Pal variants, particularly their electric counterparts, could prove valuable additions to your core squad. They exhibit impressive offensive and defensive capabilities. Moreover, they possess potent Dragon-type attacks, and can learn the move Dragon Meteor via TM (Technical Machine).

Consider having at least 4 of these guys in base while also carrying one with the Mount among the part members. Its is also a great way to cause severe damage to the Raid Boss, and does Dragon Type damage.

2 Astegon

An Absolute Beast, The Best Option For Damage And Defense

  • Best Role: Base Attacker/Tank
  • Weakness: None

Among the strongest characters in the game, this Pal stands out particularly well, excelling as both an Attacker/Tank during Bellanoir and Bellanoir Libero Raids. This is primarily due to its Dark Dragon type, which grants it a x4 resistance to all Raid Boss attacks.

Releasing at least four of these creatures in your stronghold will ensure not only robust defense but also consistent offensive attacks via Dragon-type abilities that Bellanoir will find hard to withstand for long. For those who wish to push the boundaries and have the resources to breed them, filling your stronghold with Astegons can lead to a full-scale attack on Bellanoir.

1 Knocklem

The Best Party Tank, Powerful Attacker As Well

  • Best Role: Tank/Partner
  • Weakness: None

Among the recent updates in Palworld Sakurajima, Knocklem is one of the new arrivals, standing out with the highest defense and health points among all characters in the game. This Earth-type creature makes an excellent tank for players, especially during challenging battles, as it’s one of the best options they can have by their side. Knocklem’s unique ability, Steel Guardian Mode, triggers automatically when Knocklem engages in combat, further enhancing its attack and defense capabilities.

Positioning the item at your base serves as an effective distraction for Bellanoir, allowing players to inflict damage unhindered, particularly when armed with potent weapons such as the Gatling Gun or Rocket Launcher. Knocklem, albeit not swift, boasts exceptional skills: Sand Twister and Ground Cutter are formidable abilities that can dish out substantial damage and recharge relatively quickly.

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2024-09-28 09:54